Caiyun went to the cabinet, took out a small box and came over.

"This box contains the inner pill of the monster." Caiyun said directly, "the inner pill of the adult Flying Leopard!"

"What?" Lin Xiao was surprised. This kind of thing is a very precious tonic. It has a great effect on martial artists.

The little Flying Leopard seemed to smell the smell of inner alchemy. He popped his head out of Lin Xiao's arms, sobbed in his mouth, and a fierce light came from his eyes. Then he shrieked and retracted.

Lin Xiao patted his little head and then took the box. "What does this inner pill mean?"

"This inner pill is closely related to this entrustment!" Caiyun said in a deep voice, "with the help of this inner pill, we can lead to an adult Flying Leopard. We need to put a small tracker on it."

"What?" Lin Xiao was surprised. "Adult Flying Leopard? Is it funny? There are domain master level monsters here?"

"Don't be nervous," Caiyun said with a smile, "this adult Flying Leopard has been seriously injured, and its strength may have just reached the master. It wanders in the Black Star Valley all year round. It's difficult to meet its whereabouts!"

"I see, but what kind of tracker do you want to put on it?" Lin Xiao had some doubts.

"Flying Leopard is a rare monster. We want to study its habits, which will lay a foundation for catching really powerful flying leopards outside the territory in the future. This is also the task assigned by the top."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened. "Is your auction house still interlocked?"

"That's nature," Caiyun smiled. "Our exchange does not exist only in Titan, but also in other galaxies. It is very powerful."

"Hehe, no wonder the reward is so generous. I'm afraid there aren't many masters at the dominant level on Titan. It's not easy to track the Flying Leopard. Do you want me to be a supreme martial artist to die?" Lin Xiao asked, half joking and half seriously.

Caiyun giggled, "Mr. Lin laughed. We fox people will never be wrong. I believe you will be competent for this entrustment. And..."

Caiyun directly took out a card, "the reward can be paid in advance. Even if it is not completed in the end, half can be left as compensation."

"So good?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. "The pie falling from the sky is not necessarily a good thing."

"Of course, opportunities and crises coexist. How to choose still needs Mr. Lin's own judgment."

Lin Xiao nodded, "I have to think about it. After all, facing a monster at the dominant level is tantamount to seeking death."

"Lin Xiao, you don't really want to go, do you?" The ghost spirit yelled, "do you know where the Black Star Valley is? It is not only the exile of felons, but also the place where monsters run rampant. It's extremely dangerous. You don't want to die?"

Lin Xiao patted the card, "I don't have money now. Why don't I go with such a good chance to make money?"

"Then you have to enjoy your life?"

"When I learn to hide from the phantom, I can protect myself. Don't worry!"

"But what about me? You ran away and left me to feed the leopard?" The ghost spirit cried angrily.

Lin Xiao burst out laughing. "Hey! It seems that we are just cooperating. When I deliver the things, even if the task is completed, we will naturally go our separate ways with you. Do you still want to follow me to Black Star Valley?"

"Ah? You... You want to dump me?" The ghost spirit jumped and jumped, "OK, you ungrateful guy."

"It seems..." Lin Xiao looked strange. "I'm kind to you, isn't it?"

"You..." the ghost spirit was speechless. He wanted to refute, but he couldn't find a reason to refute.

Caiyun's eyes brightened. "Mr. Lin, did you agree?"

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "it's not my style not to make money. Wait for my good news."

"OK!" Caiyun said, "Mr. Lin is really happy. If I can successfully complete this entrustment, maybe I can apply to the top for more rewards, pills or weapons, and even magical powers."

"That feeling is good," Lin Xiao's eyes brightened. "There must be many good things in your bidding company."

"When is Mr. Lin going to leave?"

Caiyun took out a small instrument from the next cabinet and handed it to Lin Xiao.

"This is an information gathering instrument, which can collect the work and rest habits of Flying Leopard in an all-round way and feed back to the surrounding environment. Just try to paste it on Flying Leopard."

Lin Xiao put away the instrument and stretched himself greatly. "First help me find a place. I'll practice phantom escape behind closed doors. After mastering this magic power, I'll start!"

"Good!" Caiyun smiled, "in fact, I'm not in a hurry. Even if it's delayed for a few months, it's no problem. Mr. Lin is closed. I'll arrange other things!"

"How many months?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. "Does it take so long to learn supernatural powers?"

"Hasn't Mr. Lin practiced magic?" Caiyun was very surprised. She felt that a genius like Lin Xiao should have a lot of magical powers. How could she look like a little white.

"There is one..." Lin Xiao said with a dry smile.

Caiyun said with a smile, "it takes at least a few years for normal people to practice magic. I estimate it will take a few months with your talent!"

"How many months?" The ghost lost his voice and exclaimed, "how can I do that? After a few months, the cauliflower is cold."

"Little girl, do you have something urgent?" Caiyun was slightly stunned.

"Hum! Don't worry!" The ghost spirit took Lin Xiao outside. "Brother, are you really going to die? Are you going to be closed for a few months? We have to send maps and find the arbiter."

Lin Xiao smiled, "what's the hurry? I don't need a few months, just one day."

"One, one day?" The ghost spirit was stunned, "what do you mean?"

Caiyun was also stunned. She thought Lin Xiao must be seizing his words.

Men, of course, will show their excellence in front of women to prove their ability.

"One day!?" Caiyun smiled. "Mr. Lin is joking? I haven't heard of anyone who can learn magic in one day."

Lin Xiao doesn't know how others learn magic. He only knows how to practice magic. He just needs to go through the vitality running line in his mind, and the golden manual will engrave the magic mark.

Then when using the magic power, the mind can be used as soon as it comes to mind, without any block and gap.

The reason why he said one day was that he wanted to be as familiar with phantom escape as possible.

"Yes, just help me prepare a quiet place. I'll go to work first tomorrow. After that, I'll leave for Black Star Valley!"

Caiyun couldn't say anything. "Well, I'll prepare first. Mr. Lin will wait here for a moment!"


When Caiyun left, the ghost spirit pursed his lips, looked at Lin Xiao with a sad face, elongated his voice and said, "brother, you really want to go to heixing Valley to find a Flying Leopard? It's too hasty. Do you know what you will face?"

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