Yuan Jianwu stirred in the crowd, and everyone cheered, and the atmosphere of the scene was immediately set off.

"Yes, do you want to change the topic or what?"

"See what he does!"

Lin Xiao instantly locked yuan Jianwu's position. He didn't do it right away, but a sneer floated from the corners of his mouth. Pointing to Dong Lizhen, who closed her eyes and had no breath, he said to her parents, "I can wake her up right away and look at her if I don't believe it."

Everyone thought he was talking nonsense to divert public anger, but Lin Xiao immediately took out a needle and quickly plunged into Dong Lizhen's hole.


Dong Lizhen's body was so excited at that time that everyone thought she had cheated the body. She hurried back and stared at her suspiciously.

"Ah!" Dong Lizhen's mother didn't know whether she was surprised or too frightened, so she fainted directly.

Dong Lizhen's father hurriedly helped the woman aside, but his eyes were always staring at her daughter.

Dong Lizhen, who seemed to have survived, grabbed her chest with both hands and gasped violently. A few seconds later, she straightened up and stared at the crowd.

"Oh, my God!"

It's scary!

Everyone really thought it was a fried corpse, and the scene ran half way in the twinkling of an eye.

The remaining half is far away.

A minute later, Dong Lizhen's pupils gradually focused, and she spat out something as filthy as white foam.

"Cough, cough -"

A moment later, Dong Lizhen, who returned to normal, wailed and walked around the gate of death, which made her emotional collapse to the extreme and completely unable to restrain her emotions.

The woman and her husband finally woke up and knew that their daughter was really alive, so they rushed over together and cried with their daughter.

The onlookers were completely stupid. After a long time, people really didn't die. Fortunately, they were found in time. If this was delayed, the living people would be consumed alive.

Lin Xiao looked around the audience with a sneer. His eyes fell on a certain position and said faintly, "come out, the person who poisoned is you?"

Yuan Jianwu, who was hiding in the crowd, was stunned. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he must think he had seen a ghost.

"How, how could she not have died? She was poisoned!"

Lin Xiao was like a roundworm in his stomach. He knew what he thought. He said in a deep voice, "are you thinking why you didn't die after being poisoned? As I said just now, you're unlucky. You use lead to carry the poison. You can only say that you're a layman who uses poison. If what I expected is not bad, you're yuan Jianwu."

Yuan Jianwu's "Yuan Jianwu" completely made yuan Jianwu's spirit collapse, his whole body cold, and he turned around to escape.

The waves suddenly moved.

He couldn't beat Lin Xiao, but compared with ordinary people, he was the top expert. His body speed was even more extraordinary. He directly ran through the crowded crowd and stopped in front of Yuan Jianwu.


"Go back!" Zhou Bo kicked yuan Jianwu out more than ten meters away and rolled to Lin Xiao like garbage.

Lin Xiao stepped forward and stepped on his chest. "It's cruel enough. In order to deal with me and frame an innocent girl, are you still human?"

"You fart! Don't frame me. Which eye of yours saw me poisoned?" Yuan Jianwu refused to admit his death.

"Oh?" Lin Xiao deliberately pretended to be surprised. "I just said you framed, but I didn't say you poisoned. Did you admit it?"

Yuan Jianwu was devastated.

The person who can win by fighting with Lin Xiao is estimated to have not been born.

Dong Lizhen's parents knew the truth from her daughter's mouth and came over embarrassed to apologize to Lin Xiao.

The weak Dong Lizhen kept staring at Yuan Jianwu, and her smiling face gradually stagnated.

"Why are you?" Dong Lizhen opened her mouth in surprise, pointed to Yuan Jianwu and shouted, "you said that the pill worked better with the soup, so I believed you. I didn't expect you to poison me?"

"Not me!" Yuan Jianwu covered his face and curled up desperately. "You recognize the wrong person!"

"You turn into ash, I know you, you bastard!" Dong Lizhen rushed over, grabbed and bit, and was extremely angry. If Lin Xiao hadn't done it again, she would have died. The mood ups and downs of the rest of her life turned into anger and poured on Yuan Jianwu.

Bang bang!


Yuan Jianwu was beaten black and blue.

Lin Xiao explained to the crowd that Yuan Jianwu used to be the medical director of the group. Dissatisfied with Lin Xiao's position, he deliberately tried to frame him. Such people are reckless and crazy, and should be severely punished.

Yuan Jianwu had a miserable ending. Before the police came, he was beaten by the angry crowd, leaving only one breath.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, in order to make Nanlong group more famous, Lin Xiao took the initiative to announce that the medical department of the group will be open to the outside world. He can get free treatment by providing corresponding herbs.

Lin Xiao's operation immediately attracted widespread attention, which was broadcast on major live broadcasting platforms and video websites. For a moment, it aroused a thousand waves, and immediately let Nanlong group win the first place in the hot search list.

From this moment on, the name of Doctor Lin Xiao spread in the south of the town.

Originally, Lin Xiao just wanted to do something beneficial to the group, but unexpectedly, his unintentional move offended a large number of people.

Especially Chinese Medicine Association and Medical Association.

The Chinese Medicine Association is an old Chinese Medicine Association headed by Fu Taiyin.

There are not many old traditional Chinese medicine in Zhennan, and the market is so large. Everyone has fixed customers. Usually, well water does not interfere with river water, which is irrelevant to each other.

As soon as Lin Xiao came out to see a doctor for free, he immediately let their prestige plummet and their business plummeted under the slogan of traditional Chinese medicine.

The medical association is more complex. The association mainly focuses on Western medicine, supplemented by traditional Chinese medicine. Its members are distributed in large and small private hospitals and clinics. They help each other at a unified price and make a lot of money.

Since Liu Kaishan became president, Zhong Yan and Mr. Zhong Lao have retreated to the second line, but Liu Kaishan's lack of prestige has led to the disintegration of the whole Association and a radical group led by Zhang Jiannan.

Zhang Jiannan called on everyone to raise the drug price and treatment fee. He believed that there should be high price treatment for curing the disease and saving people. As soon as this decision was called out, he ran into Lin Xiao's slogan of free. Of course, his face was ugly.

However, Lin Xiao didn't care what the two associations would do. These days, he stayed in the group and made a series of preparations and arrangements for free medical care.

Because of the limited time, Lin Xiao decided to receive at most three patients every day. If necessary, he would put on record in advance, prepare herbs, and then register for medical treatment.

Not to mention, once Lin Xiao's strategy came out, it really promoted Nanlong group. Many bosses came here with admiration and were embarrassed to leave immediately after they were cured. Once they came and went, their cooperation with the group became.

In just half a month, Nanlong group has taken a big step forward and entered the top 15 enterprises in Zhennan city. It is getting closer and closer to its former glory. I believe it will not take long to regain its former glory and completely surpass the past.

After dinner, Lin Xiao has been having a headache about the leak of the secret letter. Unfortunately, there has been no news since the clue was interrupted. It seems as if the world has evaporated. She hasn't appeared to make trouble for half a month.

Lin Xiao didn't bother to care about her for so long.

The Interpol headquarters at Xiangwu still hasn't made a plan for Jinshan corner. Suddenly, the time seems to be a lot dull, which makes Lin Xiao a little weak and has no passion.

Fortunately, Nangong brocade is around. The days are always full of hope.

Chairman's office of Nanlong group.

As soon as Nangong Jin finished his work, he stretched and was thinking about what to eat at noon. Lin Xiao staggered in.

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