Gao Haijian has been guarding Bailong and didn't go to the dance. He is not interested in the activities of the dance bar. He wants to be clean by himself.

Bailong's whole body was bloodstained and scarred. He was cleaned up by Gao Haijian all night and curled up in the corner of the prison.

It was late at night, Gao Haijian came outside the prison and looked. Bailong suddenly moved, slowly raised his head, grinned, showed his blood red teeth, and said darkly, "how about we make a deal?"

Gao Haijian leaned against the iron fence and sneered, "do you think I will pay attention to you?"

"Hey, hey," Byron climbed forward and said confidently, "are you Lin Xiao's brother? I can see that you have a good relationship. According to my guess, you are also the Twelve Gods of war, aren't you?"

"Oh?" Gao Hai's eyes were cold. Unexpectedly, the boy knew a lot. Naturally, he wouldn't say that he had nothing to do with the twelve war gods, but he still wanted to hear what he wanted to say.

"Do you know why I offer a reward to Ling Yu?" Byron is a little asthmatic, but his spirit is very excited.

Anyway, Gao Haijian decided to tease him, so he smiled and said, "you colluded with General Wang to get the list of the twelve war gods from Ling Yu. I knew it for a long time."

"Do you know who wants the list of the Twelve Gods of war?" Byron sneered, and a pair of blood stained eyes showed deep.

"Snake old ghost?" Gao Haijian's eyes flashed.

The snake old ghost sent people to the south of Zhennan. Several operations were found out and exposed, and sent snake envoys to the golden triangle to negotiate with Bailong. Who else will be there except the old guy?

"Hey, hey --" Bai Long sneered, "I knew you would think so. You think the poisonous snake king sent someone to contact me, it must be the ghost he beat behind my back? I bah! That old thing is a fart! I cooperate with him entirely to expand my power, but someone else wants to deal with Fu Lingyu and the twelve war gods."

Gao Haijian's face gradually became serious. He and Lin Xiao didn't expect that Bailong still hid such a secret. He couldn't help shouting: "who?"

"If you let me go, I'll tell you. I promise to surprise you!" Byron said with a smile.

"Wishful thinking, what qualifications do you have to bargain with me?" Gao Haijian sneered, took out a silver white boxer and put it on slowly, "if you tell me, I can make you more comfortable, otherwise you know the consequences."

"Don't scare me!" Bailong leaned indifferently against the side of the prison wall and said faintly, "I grew up in the Golden Triangle since childhood. What array have I never seen? What dark and bloody do you not understand? If you let me go, I promise to keep my mouth shut. I will never tell you the secret that Lin Xiao is the head of the twelve war gods, and will also tell you who the real behind the scenes is. We will benefit both when we cooperate and lose both!"


Gao Haijian grabbed a thick tablecloth from the side, opened the prison door and walked in slowly.

Byron looked up at him without fear.

"Don't cry without seeing the coffin!" Gao Haijian quickly walked to Bai Long, wrapped the tablecloth around his head, pulled him aside like a dead dog, and punched him on the head.


With a tablecloth to resist, the punch did not cause direct damage, but the huge impact made Bailong's throat sweet, and blood gushed out of his mouth like money.

Bang bang鈥斺€?br>
Gao Haijian didn't exert all his strength, otherwise with his strength of silver warrior level, if he continued to fight like this, he would be killed with two fists.

In just a few seconds, Byron was beaten into a pig's head. His cheeks were swollen on both sides, but there were no scars on the surface. His crowded eyes turned into mung beans.

Throwing the bloody rag aside, Gao Haijian pulled Byron's hair and said with a grim smile, "can you say it now?"

Byron desperately opened his eyes. His bulging cheeks seemed to be filled with food and said vaguely, "you can't get anything if you kill me."

"Boy, talk back!" Gao Haijian threw him to the wall and hit him in the chest.


The blow was earth shattering.


The left half of Bailong's chest was smashed, revealing ferocious bone stubble.

It seems that Gao Haijian, who is gentle and gentle, is cruel and ruthless. He doesn't blink his killing eyes. He slowly walks over and stares at the dying Bailong. He says faintly: "in fact, it doesn't matter whether I know it or not, but you have only one life. Have you figured it out?"

"Hehe, do you dare to kill me? If you kill me, Interpol will not let you go. Cough, cough -" Bailong still has the strength to speak. His physical quality is very strong.

"I dare not kill you?" Gao Haijian stretched out his big hand, grabbed Bai Long's throat, stuck him in the air like a chicken, and said, "I'll give you three seconds to think about it!"

"Three, two, one -" Byron counted the time himself, looked silly and smiled, "come and kill me?"

Gao Hai's eyes are cold. When his fingers force, he will break his neck and kill him. He won't care about the so-called Interpol at all.

"Hai Jian, stop!"

At the critical moment, Lin Xiao's voice sounded behind him.


Throwing Bailong aside, Gao Haijian looked back in doubt, "boss, why are you here?"

Lin Xiao walked in slowly with a gloomy face. He first looked at Gao Haijian and said in a deep voice, "he can't die yet."

"Boss, one thing is very important." Gao Haijian leaned over and attached it to Lin Xiao's ear and whispered, "he said there was someone else to deal with the twelve war gods. It seems that it has nothing to do with the poisonous snake old ghost. I think things are very strange and want to get some information out of his mouth."

"I know!" Lin Xiao sneered, "it's really none of the snake ghost's business. Dai Jing asked him to do it."

"Dai, Dai Jing?" Gao Haijian looked blankly.

Hearing Dai Jing's words, Bailong looked sluggish, his pupils shrank into the tip of a needle and stared at Lin Xiao for a moment.

"Byron, do you want to live?" Lin Xiao walked to Bailong like an emperor and shouted condescending.

"How do you know Dai Jing?" Byron's voice trembled and asked strangely.

Lin Xiao smiled.

"It seems that Dai Jing hasn't told you a lot of things, has she?"

Xiang Wu confided his truth in his sleep and let Lin Xiao know something about Dai Jing.

The reason why Xiang Wu always wants to arrest Bailong is also related to Dai Jing.

Dai Jing belongs to the dark network and is one of the liaison officers.

Although the liaison officer has no real power, she has high dark network authority. She will receive and release entrusted tasks in Zhennan area.

Xiang Wu was hypnotized by her after she inadvertently found that Dai Jing belongs to the top level of the dark net and has a secret of contact with Byron, but Xiang Wu's willpower is very strong and still maintains a trace of intelligence, which makes her subconsciously date and feel that Byron has a problem. As long as you catch him, you can get Dai Jing's secret from him.

Dai Jing died, and the hypnotic mark left in Xiang Wu's mind became more and more blurred, so she struggled desperately in her sleep to tell Lin Xiao the truth.

It was also because Xiang Wu trusted Lin Xiao more and more and regarded him as the only dependence. The subconscious wanted to break away from the shackles of hypnosis and tell him the truth.

Bailong contacted Dai Jing privately and reached some agreements to deal with the Twelve Gods of war together.

It can be inferred that the dark net organization is the behind the scenes brain against the twelve war gods.

Lin Xiao kept Bailong alive.

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