Lin Xiao suddenly increased his speed and startled the fox mother.

Fox Niang already had a high evaluation of Lin Xiao. Otherwise, she would not even send nuclear submarines to support her. She also used nangongjin as a means of coercion.

Lin Xiao just now and Lin Xiao now seem to be completely different, fierce and violent.


Almost in the blink of an eye, Lin Xiao rushed to the front, almost close to the fox mother's face. She was startled, quickly bent down, folded and jumped back. Her body was as soft as a snake.


Although Lin Xiao didn't pull off the fox mother's mask, he squeezed it hard on her waist.

"Tut Tut, although it's not as good as Xiang dance, it feels very good. It's really enjoyable." Lin Xiao deliberately looks greedy and lecherous. His expression is too obscene.

"Asshole! The dog can't change..." the fox mother stopped halfway and quickly stepped back to the railing.

Lin Xiao's eyes brightened: "you scold me? It seems that you know me?"

"I've heard a lot about what you've done. It's as despicable as rumors, rogue boy!" Fox mother's voice was a little shy and twisted unnaturally.

"Really?" Lin Xiao's eyes turned. "From your tone, you didn't hear about me from rumors, but had a very close relationship with me. Let me guess who you are..."

Lin Xiao used to meet 80 women as well as 100 women, and there were countless people who were "close" to him. Moreover, they were all beautiful women and had a good figure. It was really difficult for him to think of anything at once.

"Hum! Since you don't want to trade tickets, I'll force you to hand them in in other ways." Fox Niang suddenly turned over and jumped off the cliff while Lin Xiao was distracted.


The fox mother was very fast. After jumping off the sea platform, she came to the edge of the cliff. With a slight pedal of her feet, she jumped out in the air, just like a cloud floating in the air. It seemed that she had no weight.

At the same time, the fox mother decisively took out a pocket pistol and aimed at Lin Xiao in mid air.


Lin Xiao was about to pursue. Seeing the muzzle of the other party raised, he quickly lowered his head and rolled on the spot.


When the gunshot rang out, the fox mother's body fell rapidly. Halfway through the fall, a small paraglider stretched out from her waist, took her and quickly bent an arc and rushed to the sea.

Lin Xiao jumped off the platform, rushed to the edge of the cliff, took out a knife from his trouser leg, stared at the track of fox Niang's sliding, withdrew his right foot slightly backward, grabbed the knife with one hand, raised his shoulder, and threw it out in a moment.


The sharp knife was faster than the bullet. It drew a cold light in the air, as if it had eyes. It was estimated that the fox mother glided past and intercepted in the middle.

The fox mother seemed to feel that the cold hair on the body surface was upright. She felt that she was stared at by some beast. She subconsciously tightened her body and turned nervously to the side.

However, it is still a step slow.

The sharp knife broke through the air and penetrated the surface of the right rib of the fox mother.


The windbreaker was torn to pieces with a trace of blood.

The fox mother groaned, clamped her arms around her waist quickly, and fiercely bowed her head and rushed to the sea.


After diving into the sea, several life boats sailed out of the submarine.

Bang bang!

The gunfire sounded from the sea, forcing Lin Xiao back out of sight.


Langyan's gun also rang and killed a lifeboat pilot accurately.


Unexpectedly, a head came out of the sea, so he hid next to a reef and fired a shot at Langyan. The shot was dangerous and dangerous. He wiped his scalp and shot it.

"This boy..." Lang Yan hid and took a sneak look at the sea. He could only vaguely see a black spot hiding behind the reef, and fox mother had boarded the lifeboat with the help of rescue workers.

"Call me!"

Lang Yan snorted coldly.

Three snipers shot one after another, but their shooting skills were very limited. After the bullets floated over such a long distance, they all hit the sea.

The enemy sniper fired a few more shots, dived underwater and began to evacuate. He didn't intend to fight.

There was a nuclear submarine in town, and Lin Xiao's men did not dare to approach easily. They could only watch Hu Niang and others enter the submarine.

"Boss, let them go like this?" Gao Haijian also jumped off the platform and came to the edge of the cliff.

Lin Xiao stared at the slowly sinking nuclear submarine and said faintly, "fox mother doesn't hesitate to show her figure and also wants to get a ticket. It seems that she has a big picture. As long as I have a ticket in my hand, I'm not afraid she won't come. Today, I hurt her. With her temperament, it's impossible to stop. The good play is still ahead."

"I think the women are quite good. They dare to hate and love. They have a little personality." Gao Haijian holds his chest with both hands, and the radian of the corner of his mouth is higher and higher.

Lin Xiao glanced at him and sneered, "that's a rose with thorns. Can you stand it?"

"I like thorns best!" Gao Haijian smiled.

"Let's go! Go back!" Lin Xiao turned his eyes in his heart, turned around and came under the railing. He stepped lightly on his feet and flew up. With one arm, he gently floated over to the viewing platform.

Gao Haijian ran up a few steps, quickly jumped up the cliff and turned in.

Lao Zhang ran up from the building with the blacksmiths. When he learned that the fox mother had left, his expression was stunned.

Having prepared such a luxurious lineup, I thought I could capture the fox mother, but I didn't expect it to fail like ending without illness.

"How on earth did fox mother come in?" Lao Zhang looked puzzled.

He stood in front of the door with the little blacksmith. He couldn't even let a fly go, but he didn't see any suspicious figure.

Lin Xiao smiled: "she came long ago. Maybe she lurked here yesterday. From this point of view, the women are patient enough."

"Shit! When I came to decorate yesterday, there were a lot of tourists. I didn't notice any suspicious people at all, so she took advantage of it." Lao Zhang's old face can't hang. Yesterday he came to find out in person, but he made such a mistake.

"OK! Today is not without harvest. At least I hurt her and found out some details of her." Lin Xiao looked back at the sea. The submarine was like a deep-sea giant shark. It had disappeared.

Fox mother kept saying that the submarine was robbed, but can a robbed submarine easily sneak into the land? Without the acquiescence of relevant departments, this kind of thing could not have happened.

After the party came out of Wanghai Pavilion, Lin Xiao received a call from Wang Xianyi.

"Mr. Lin, just now, all the electronic instruments of my police boat suddenly failed. I didn't find anything abnormal on the sea. Are you all right there?"

"It's all right," Lin Xiao had expected, "let her run away."

"The man ran away?" Wang Xianyi was slightly stunned.

"Go back!" Lin Xiao hung up the line and ordered the brothers to go back immediately.

After returning, Lin Xiao met Nangong Jin. The latter was just frightened and didn't hurt much.

Lin Xiao let go of what he was doing, but unexpectedly went directly to the dancer.

Xiang Wu was promoted to become a candidate for deputy secretary general because of the Bailong case. If there is no accident, he will soon become the Deputy Secretary General of Interpol headquarters.

And these days Xiangwu has a rest at home.

Lin Xiao's sudden visit surprised her.

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