"What's going on?" Lin Xiao asked Ye Mu and hurried to the central hospital.

Ye's mother cried very sad and burst into tears on the phone. "Today, xiaorou said she would cook me a meal, fried several dishes and boiled a pot of soup. It's all my fault. She had to grab the soup with her. The hot soup spilled all at once and burned her."

"Burn, burn?" Lin Xiao's heart tightened. "How's it hurt? Where's it burned?"

"The back and waist are all scalded. Can you stand the 100 degree soup? She is in the hospital for first aid. I won't tell you. The doctor is looking for me..."

Lin Xiao hurried to the hospital. Ye's mother waited anxiously outside the emergency room, wiping a few tears from time to time and sobbing in a low voice.

"How's it going?" Lin Xiao walked over quickly and held Ye Mu who almost fell.

"Xiaorou fainted in pain at that time and is giving first aid inside. I hope God bless you." Ye Mu put her hands together and prayed to God.

Just then, the door of the emergency room opened with a squeak. A nurse came out and asked, "who is the patient's family?"

"I, I am!" Ye Mu hurried over.

"The patient needs to urinate. You take care of it."

"OK, ok..." Mrs. ye went in with tears.

Lin Xiao glanced at Ye Rou in a hurry and saw that her whole body was red. Only her chest and back were wrapped tightly. Her small face was white like paper. Her expression was very tired. She must have suffered a lot of pain.


"What are you looking at?" The little nurse stared at Lin Xiao and closed the door with a bang.

After about half an hour, the emergency room door opened again.

Ye Mu and several doctors and nurses came out with a stretcher.

Ye Rou woke up. Her lips were dry and purple. She weakly opened her eyes. When she saw Lin Xiao, she reluctantly smiled at him: "Lin Xiao, you're coming."

"Why are you so careless?" Lin Xiao went over and grabbed her wrist, felt her pulse and breath, and found that her liver fire was strong and her blood was insufficient.

"I just want to cook a meal for my mother. I didn't expect it to be like this." Ye Rou said with a low voice and a bitter smile.

"All right, stop talking and have a rest first."

Following the stretcher car to the ward, Lin Xiao took Ye Rou to the bed. The doctor ordered a few things to pay attention to and then left. There were three people left in the ward.

"It's all my fault. If I don't rob you, that pot of soup won't spill out. It's all my mother's fault." Ye Mu is still crying with remorse.

"Mom, stop crying! How can I blame you? I'm fine. The doctor said to help me with skin grafting and I'll be fine soon."

Lin Xiao stared at Ye Rou's waist and abdomen. He didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he said in a deep voice, "I'll do the skin grafting. After mixing several herbs, it can stimulate your skin to regenerate without damaging the skin tissue in other places. When I get back from Dr. Mar, I'll help you treat it and take out the radiation in your body."

"Mr. Lin, really? Can you cure xiaorou completely?" Ye Mu was so excited that she grabbed Lin Xiao's hand and asked.

"Yes, aunt, don't worry." Lin Xiao advised softly.

"Great, great!"

Ye's mother lies on the side of the bed and touches Ye Rou's face with pity. She is very sad.

Lin Xiao's eyes swept around Ye Rou's waist and abdomen, but his surprise and doubt grew stronger and stronger.

Fox Niang had just been injured by Lin Xiao, and ye Rou was suddenly injured. Even the position of the injury was the same.

But the fox mother has a very high skill and strong physical quality. She is completely different from ye Rou's weakness. Will they be the same person?

Since it was determined that ye Rou had no mark on her back last time, Lin Xiao gave up his doubts about her, but today he raised his doubts again.

"At that time, Zhao Qian and Sun Li told me that there was a red mark on the back of the fox mother..." Lin Xiao thought quietly.

"Zhao Qian and Sun Li are Xiaohong's men. We can see that he loves Xiaohong deeply, and Xiaohong is Ye Rou's best friend. They are the same person."

"If ye Rou is a fox mother, then she asked Zhao Qian and Sun Li to deliberately provide a false information to confuse my search direction. Is it possible?"

"It seems that we still need to find a breakthrough from Zhao Qian, Sun Li!"

Lin Xiao's thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning. All kinds of thoughts made his eyes full of complexity when he looked at Ye rou.

Everything is too coincidental.

Ye Rou looks like an ordinary girl, but her life experience and everything that happened to her seem like the biggest mystery that can't be solved.

Why did someone stop Lin Xiao from exploring Ye Rou's life experience and kill a bin?

Why did the fox mother just get hurt and ye Rou get scalded?

Ye Rou is the Secretary of the president of Nanlong group, and now she is the assistant of the chairman. Her power is not great.

In order to force Duanmu to come out, Hu Niang has done a lot of things to Nanlong group.

Nanlong group has encountered so many crises, and the company's secrets have been leaked so easily. Has it nothing to do with Ye Rou?

Is Ye Rou the fox mother, or is Ye Rou her helper——

Lin Xiao's thinking is a little messy. Many things are like flowers in the moon in the mirror, which makes his super brain chaotic.

In meditation, Lin Xiao's cell phone rang.

Langyan calls.

"Ye Rou, you can rest at ease." Lin Xiao walked over to comfort her, then shook her cell phone, "I have something to go first!"

"You're busy. By the way, please take a leave with president Jin for me. I'm afraid I can't work recently. I'll let my assistant Xiao Li handle the company's affairs."

"Don't worry."

Lin Xiao walked out of the ward and connected Langyan's phone.

"Boss, didn't you ask me to send someone to keep an eye on Tang Shihu's and a bin's home? Today, a brother heard that a bin's home was turned upside down, and Tang Shihu was also taken away. His whereabouts are unknown."

"Huh?" Lin Xiao frowned, "when did it happen?"

"It should be night! Tang Shihu's family called the police. At first they thought it was kidnapping, but now no one has informed his family to ask for ransom, so I think there is a problem."

A bin's home was turned over and Tang Shihu was arrested. The two things seemed to have no connection, but Lin Xiao immediately determined that it must be related to a bin's death.

"Did the police find out the information about the woman killer who was killed?" Lin Xiao asked again.

"I let someone break into the police server. There is information about the female killer. I'll send you the information!"

Lin Xiao received a text message on his mobile phone.

He clicked and looked. The information of the female killer was very common. There was no place worthy of attention. There were no parents, relatives and work records. It was like a blank piece of paper.

Such killers are the most professional killers and the purest tools of those behind the scenes.

"Boss, have you finished reading? I just received another message..."

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