Mingzhou university is always so quiet in the morning.

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, most students are seizing the opportunity to sleep in.

But there are exceptions.

"Ah, look, handsome man."

"No matter how handsome you are, you are also a garbage collector. What's the use?"

"You say Lin fan. Hi, I knew him three years ago when I entered school. The famous little prince, the first poor man in Mingzhou University, lives on financial aid every year."

As usual, Lin Fan shuttled through the garbage cans in the campus early in the morning. Everyone who saw him would always point out.

There are contemptuous, compassionate, disgusting and deliberately troubling people.

But Lin fan is used to it. Even if he talks about it in his ears, he still looks the same. He calmly reaches out the long clip and puts the mineral water bottle out of the trash can into the basket.

Over the past three years, he has been relying on scraps to support his academic expenses. Everyone has met him before. If other people were worried about gain and loss for a long time, they would not have been able to stick to it, let alone find a girlfriend.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan couldn't help smiling.

After nearly half a year of hard pursuit, he Tingting, a classmate, finally agreed to him two weeks ago and became his girlfriend.

This is also the reason why he started earlier and earlier recently - he just bought a mobile phone for he Tingting with the 3000 yuan he had saved from waste collection, which is the kind of Meitu mobile phone with beautiful appearance and very Kawaii design. Now his pocket is empty. In order to live, he has to grab more goods before the garbage truck comes.

Alas, it's a pity that the price of waste products has fallen too much recently. It's hard to make money.

Lin Fan was a little worried. When he entered school, he chose a major in geology, but he didn't know how to make money from his studies. He didn't have the conditions to sell coolies... I'm sorry for his handsome face.

Let's go to the talent market today.

He thought and wandered around, looking from the dormitory downstairs to the next door of the art department, more or less picking up half a pocket.

Mingzhou University covers a vast area. After a while, it's almost the same as running a maze marathon. Lin Fan feels that his legs are soft. He looks around and finds an empty chair to sit down.

A little rest, he intended to continue to pick up garbage, but as soon as he raised his foot, his eyes inadvertently glanced at the things next to him.

It was a bottle of sprite that had been drunk for a little half. The lid was not tightened. It was leaning askew against the armrest. It seemed that it had been left behind.

Lin Fan hesitated.

A bottle of ownerless sprite can quench thirst after drinking, and the bottle can be sold for 30 cents.

Do you want to drink?

Of course, it costs nothing.

Lin Fan didn't get tangled, so he picked it up.

Screw the cap, blow the bottle, all at once.

Duang, the couple went most of the way.

Mingzhou in June, even if the morning is still hot, Sprite just can solve.

After all, it's a three yuan drink, worth ten plastic bottles. He doesn't have the spare money.

"What are you doing! That's my water

All of a sudden, there was a slightly surprised cry, which interrupted Lin Fan's drink.

He was stunned, sucking the bottle, turned his head, and saw a stunned girl in a yellow pleated skirt.

The atmosphere was a little silent for a moment, and their eyes were opposite. They were speechless.

"I'm sorry. I thought nobody wanted it."

After a short time, Lin Fan regained his mind, awkwardly stopped watering, twisted the bottle cap and handed it to him: "what, I'll give it back to you..."

there was less than one mouthful of drink left in the bottle.


Pleated skirt sister angrily glared at Lin fan, slightly disgusted turned and left.

Lin Fan shrugged, but when he didn't see it, he opened the lid and drank it. He happily put the bottle into his pocket.

"Lin fan!"

Just after this action, a girl trotted over on the left.

Lin Fan looked up and couldn't help smiling: "it's Liu Qian. Why are you here?"

Liu Qian is Lin Fan's classmate. She has a common family and dress. She is wearing a popular skirt. She doesn't wear any powder on her face. She doesn't look outstanding.

She is also he Tingting's best friend, Lin fan can catch up with he Tingting, without her all kinds of secret help, for which Lin fan is very grateful, so he is more polite.

"I, I have something to tell you."

Liu Qian's face is red and her breath is a little short. She obviously trots all the way.

In Lin Fan's puzzled eyes, she hesitated for a moment, then said: "well, he Tingting asked me to return this to you, she said... She ended with you."

Liu Qian handed over a mobile phone... The one Lin Fan gave to he Tingting.

Lin Fan's smile froze on his face.break up?

He looked at Liu Qian, his face bitter: "did she say the reason?"

Liu Qian showed a trace of impatience: "she asked me to tell you... That you are not a person of the world, you, you pick up a year of rags, are not as much as Zhao Qiang's monthly living expenses."

Lin Fan was speechless for a moment. After a while, he gave a wry smile: "it's for money."

Lin Fan looked at himself and worried that he Tingting would not stick to it. After all, his behavior of picking up rags would certainly have some gossip for her.

But it's understandable that he broke up because he was with a playboy...

to be honest, Lin Fan was really disappointed with he Tingting after hearing the news.

Zhao Qiang is very famous in Mingzhou University. He is known as the second-generation richest man in the Department of fine arts. His family is estimated to have hundreds of millions of assets. On weekdays, he is surrounded by all kinds of famous brands, and he has a GTR car. He often changes his girlfriend every three to five.

This kind of person is obviously not suitable to fall in love and be a boyfriend. He Tingting follows him and thinks that it's also for money.

Lin Fan originally thought that he Tingting could promise to be with her, which is enough to prove that she is not a money worshiping woman, so she prepared a surprise for her... But now it seems that this woman can really act.

Well, it's better to know earlier than later. Such a woman is not worth nostalgia.

He thought that he was in a better mood, so he raised his head and said thank you to Liu Qian. Then he picked up his mobile phone and turned around.

"Lin fan, don't be too sad. I lost sight of her before. He Tingting doesn't deserve your nostalgia..."

Liu Qian is a kind girl. Now she feels a little guilty, so she comforts Lin fan.

"It's none of your business. Go back."

Lin fantou did not return. He waved and walked farther and farther.

He quickly walked to a bench where there was no one else.

Bending down and sitting down, Lin Fan looks at the mobile phone in his hand, and all kinds of things flashed through his mind.

All of a sudden, he felt a little bored - it's really unrealistic to fall in love without money.

It's about time.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan fumbles in his pocket for a while, takes out a phone card that has not been opened, and puts it into the mobile phone that he Tingting returned to him.

Boot screen flashed by, and then, one after another SMS jumped out.

"As confirmed by the family Committee, Lin fan, a member of the family, has reached the age of 21 and is eligible for inheritance. The property was officially handed over today. "

"Please go to Citibank branch in your residence to handle the asset takeover business within one month after receiving the notice. If it is out of date, it will be regarded as giving up automatically."

"Since you are the lineage of your family and have the right to reelect, you can apply for family help unconditionally from today. Please note that this opportunity is not transferable to other heirs."

Familiar with the command tone, familiar with the old-fashioned style, at this moment, Lin Fan suddenly some nostalgia, that left the family for six years, do not know how many people remember themselves.

This is the surprise he planned to give to he Tingting at the birthday party.

A surprise enough to make ordinary people ecstatic.

Unfortunately, he Tingting will never have this chance.

In fact, Lin fan is not poor. He is just passing the trial of his family.

According to Zuxun, all members of the Lin family must leave the family's shelter at the age of 15 and live independently for six years without any money. Within the time limit, there are no limits to the method. As long as they live, they can get one percent of the family property.

It doesn't look like much, but the terrible weight of the property makes its real value sensational.

Lin's consortium, a name familiar to all the Forbes winners, is one of the representative industries of Lin Fan's family. It is hidden in the world that ordinary people can't touch. It manipulates the economic lifeline of the world and plays with the big and small countries. It's easy to set off a worldwide economic turmoil.

In terms of wealth, the value of Lin's consortium can buy about one third of the earth.

Now, one percent of it belongs to Lin fan.

According to the family rules, he is free to allocate this huge wealth to himself. Naturally, he can invest in it. No one will object to his choice of living and dying. In fact, there are many such heirs in every generation.

Therefore, in order to improve the internal competitiveness of the family and ensure the continuity of the family, the ancestral precept stipulates that every lineal successor has the right to reelect, that is, to compete for the right of the next generation of the family.

The criterion is to see who can use the inherited money to create greater value.

Lin Fan considered this when he left home, but now he lacks interest.

There are also two lineal heirs of his generation. These two are real bullies. One has set up a large mercenary organization in the Middle East, and without being the main force, he can compete with the small group army of McCracken. The other is a well-known speculator. It's said that the family's professional operators are all overcast, and their hands are all the original stocks of leading industries.Lin fan has no intention of competing at all. His parents died early, and there are few acquaintances in his family. He has been a salted fish honestly, and he will be stable and rich all his life. If he goes to compete with the owner of his family, although it is safe at home, it will be fatal for others to use bullets in the Middle East.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan suddenly stood up and poured all the plastic bottles he had picked up in the morning into the garbage can.

Then he walked out of school.

The nearest branch of Citibank is located in the CBD of the next city. He plans to go now and inherit his own wealth.

Huge wealth.

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