Wu Zihao is also a well-known second-generation rich man in Mingzhou University. He was contradicted by Lin Fan one after another and was furious.

"Shit, what are you crazy about! You want to die, right

Wu Zihao swept the dishes on the table to the ground.

A pair of very uncomfortable, want to start to play Linfan.

In Wu Zihao's eyes, Lin fan is a nouveau riche who doesn't know where to jump out. He sees more of these people and thinks that if he has some money, he doesn't know the heaven is high and the earth is rich.

Wu Zihao doesn't take Lin Fan seriously at all. As long as he cleans up this kind of rubbish obediently, if he dares to resist, he will die.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, and there was a dangerous smell in his eyes: "Wu Zihao, do you want to do it? If you dare to touch me, I promise you will die miserably! "

Wu Zihao's provocative behavior has angered Lin fan.

Lin fan, who was exiled to Mingzhou by his family, may not dare to offend Wu Zihao.

But now that Lin fan has returned to the family and inherited part of the family's assets, how can he be afraid of a mere Wu Zihao?

Not everyone can afford the immediate successors of the Lin family. Wu Zihao can't afford such consequences.

"You said I would die miserably? Just you? Ha ha! Do you really think how great you are as a nouveau riche? I'm going to kill you today! "

Wu Zihao raised his hand to fight.

Wang Dadou quickly stepped forward and stopped him. He said to Wu Zihao with a flattering smile, "Wu Shao, this boy took the wrong medicine today. He is not sober. What he said is nonsense. You have a lot of nonsense. Don't worry about him. I apologize for him."

"Get out of here! What are you? Stop me and fight with you

Wu Zihao didn't even look at Wang Datou. He pushed him to the ground.

"Wu Zihao, stop it!"

At this time, a crisp Jiao shouts.

Outside the crowd, a girl stormed in.

Lin fan saw that he was Qiao Chen, the president of Mingzhou University.

Qiao Chen has a white face, soft facial features and a bit of heroism. His long ponytail is tied behind his head, and his figure is slender and well proportioned. He is wearing women's shirts and jeans, which makes people feel very capable at first impression.

She is the student president of Mingzhou University and one of the top ten university students.

It's very respectable to be fair in school.

"Wu Zihao, what are you doing here! This is the school canteen, not your own home. If you dare to mess around, I will report to the school and punish you! "

Qiao Chen comes forward at this time and criticizes Wu Zihao, obviously helping Lin fan.

This makes Lin Fan a little surprised. He has no contact with Qiao Chen, and even Lin fan doesn't think Qiao Chen knows him, but he gives himself the lead at this time.

"President Qiao, it's a little too obvious that you're pulling a side stand. This boy is a rag picker at school. What can I do for you?" Wu Zihao was dissatisfied.

He was not afraid that Qiao Chen would inform the school to punish him, but saw that Qiao Chen was beautiful and didn't want to embarrass the beauty.

Qiao Chen said seriously: "because of Lin Fan's poor family conditions, as the president of the school, I should help him and not let him be bullied by you."

"Oh, you're wrong. The rag picker has become an upstart. He's very arrogant. I'll teach him a lesson today!"

With that, Wu Zihao's ready fists went directly to Lin fan.

"Oh, be careful!" Xu Muran and Qiao Chen exclaimed in unison.

Two beauties look at Lin Fan with worried face. They see that he will be beaten, but there is no time to stop him.

In this electric Firestone room, under the attention of the students in the canteen, Lin Fan tilted his head and easily dodged Wu Zihao's fist.

Then he put his hand on the table, grabbed a bowl full of vegetable soup and threw it on Wu Zihao's head.


"Lying trough...!"

With a cry of surprise, Wu Zihao became a drowned chicken with his head full of soup.

This scene stunned everyone.

"After that, the rag picker really dares to do it!"

"He even splashed Wu Zihao with vegetable soup. I really don't want to live. Wu Zihao's family is one of the most powerful in Mingzhou."

In the eyes of the public, Lin fan is a rag picker, and Wu Zihao is the son of a rich family. Their identities are quite different.

According to the truth, Lin fan, a rag picker, has to be bullied by Wu Zihao and can't fight back. But I didn't expect that Lin fan would not tolerate Wu Zihao's bullying, but would dare to fight back, making Wu Zihao so embarrassed!

Even Wu Zihao is also a look of disbelief, Lin fan this kind of garbage actually dare to take vegetable soup to pour himself!

Lin Fan said in a cold voice: "Wu Zihao, aren't you very capable? I'm standing here today to see what you can do to me!"

His whole body is covered with sticky vegetable soup, and Wu Zihao's uncomfortable face is distorted. He has been a cleanliness addict since he was a child. As long as he has a little dirty things on his body, he will feel uncomfortable.Not to mention now the whole body is others eat the rest of the soup, this feeling than let him die also uncomfortable!

"Damn it! Damn it! You're paralyzed. Give it to me and kill the boy! Kill him

He didn't come alone. He was followed by a bunch of dogs.

"Kill him! Don't let him go out alive today Wu Zihao kept wiping the soup on his face, jumping and shouting hysterically.

Behind them, a group of doglegs saw that their master was so embarrassed. They were angry and surprised, and they surrounded Lin fan.

Lin Fan didn't show any weakness. He grabbed a porcelain plate on the table and knocked it hard.

Bang Dang!

The plate is directly broken into half, and the broken pieces are splashing around. Lin Fan's arm is cut a long hole by one of the pieces, and the blood is flowing.

But Lin Fan didn't care at all. He grabbed a sharp piece and pointed to a few doglegs. His blood was still dripping on the pieces.

"Come on! Whoever goes to our special place to kill will come if he is not afraid of death! "


A few of the dog legs swallowed a mouthful of saliva, with hesitation and fear on their faces.

Obviously, he was scared by Lin Fan's ferocity.

Wu Zihao's doggies are just bullying people.

Meet weak can be strong bully, but meet Linfan this not according to the rules of the ruthless hand, that all counsels.

After all, they are all students, not the kind of brave and fierce people in the society.

"Wu Shao, let's go back and clean up your vegetable soup first."

"Yes, yes, this boy is at school anyway, and he can't run away. We'll deal with him later!"

Wu Zihao's heart is filled with hatred. When was he so embarrassed when he was in Mingzhou university?

But looking at Lin fan, he stares at him with murderous eyes.

There are also sharp pieces tightly held in his hands, especially the blood dripping on them. Lin Fan didn't even blink his eyes. Wu Zihao felt a little trembled.

A few doglegs did not dare to get close to Lin Fan any more, so they all stepped back to stand beside Wu Zihao.

They think that Lin fan is a rag picker. The so-called barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. Lin fan is a rotten life. It's not worth fighting with him.

"Lin fan, you dare to hurt me today. You're dead! I tell you, today's business is not over, you wait for me! "

Wu Zihao yelled fiercely and put down the cruel words. He walked out of the canteen with a few doglegs.

"Well, I'll wait for you!" Lin Fan sneers at Wu Zihao.

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