Lin Fan looks at the location of the red dot, which is the location of Zhao Qiang's mobile phone.

"Lao Lu, send someone to this place at once." Lin Fan said to Lu Xiangshan, who was waiting on one side.

"It's the young master."

Lu Xiangshan immediately took out his mobile phone and sent someone to check it.

After a long time, Lu Xiangshan's phone rings. After picking it up, Lu Xiangshan shakes his head to the canvas.

"Young master, there was no one there, only Zhao Qiang's mobile phone was found."

Lin fan has long predicted that it will be this result. Since Zhao Qiang is afraid of his revenge, he runs away and disappears, so he will not let Lin Fan find him so easily.

He said to Lao Gai, "start to invade the road monitoring. From 8 o'clock this morning, the address is here."

Lin Fan said Zhao Qiang's address to Lao Gai. Lao Gai nodded and began to operate in front of the computer.

Old cover side operation side said: "intrusion road monitoring system takes time, the firewall is still very tight, but it's not a big deal, it's worth noting that I can't leave traces of intrusion, or through this computer's ID number to trace the trouble."

"It's right to be careful. You'll see to it." Lin Fan said.

"Good." Lao Gai was very grateful for Lin Fan's trust, so he worked harder.

After less than 20 minutes, Lao Gai breathed out: "OK, now I can check the road monitoring of the whole Mingzhou."

Then he adjusted the time and place of the inspection, and the screen switched, which became the video playback of several road surveillance cameras near Zhao Qiang's home.

Lin Fan hit attention, staring at the screen, and so fast forward to Zhao Qiang out of the door into a car, Lin Fan said: "that's it, slow down play to see where this guy has gone!"

Lin Fan could have traced the car on which Zhao Qiang sat according to the license plate number, but Lu Xiangshan found that it was a licensed car, and the clue was interrupted.

Now there is Lao Gai, and Zhao Qiang can't escape from the surveillance camera. When Zhao Qiang's car is out of the surveillance range of one camera, Lao Gai switches to another camera immediately according to his route.

In this way, we tracked down until 4 p.m., and finally determined the general scope of Zhao Qiang's hiding place.

Lao Gai called out the map of Mingzhou city on the computer, zoomed in and circled a circle.

"Lin fan, according to the monitoring, Zhao Qiang is in this range. I mobilized other monitors on the edge of this range, and I didn't find any sign of him coming out. It's a pity that there is no monitoring in this area, otherwise the scope will be further narrowed. "

Lin Fan looked at the scope determined by Lao Gai and said with a smile: "it's already very good. Well done!"

Lu Xiangshan did not expect that Lin Fan sent a car to Mingzhou university to pick up the ugly students, actually have such a strong ability, it is an eye opener for him.

"Young master, Zhao Qiang is hiding in the Aolin garden in the eastern suburbs." Lu Xiangshan said.

"Aolin garden?" Lin fan is not familiar with this place.

"The Aolin garden in the eastern suburb is built in this mountainous area. It is full of manors and villas. People who live here are rich and powerful." Lu Xiangshan said simply.

Lin Fan thought and said, "well Is Zhao Qiang's house owned here, or is he hiding in someone else's house to be protected? "

"Well I don't know... " Lu Xiangshan said in fear.

Lin Fan gave him the task, he has made many mistakes, and this time more serious, let the assassin of the young master escape under the nose.

Lu Xiangshan is very nervous when facing Lin fan. He is afraid that Lin fan will say that he is not good at his work.

In fact, Lin Fan didn't expect Lu Xiangshan to be very powerful. Although Lu Xiangshan has been in Mingzhou for many years, he has some influence, but his influence is in the surface.

And Lu Xiangshan is more suitable to be a steward. He can't cope with this kind of secret trick.

"If you concentrate your hands and broadcast in this area, you must find out Zhao Qiang's trace." Lin Fan said with indifference.

"It's the young master." Lu Xiangshan saw that Lin Fan didn't mean to blame too much. He was relieved and went to arrange the manpower.

At this time, Lin Fan's mobile phone rang, looked at the caller ID, it was Mei Jie's call.

"Lin Shao, I have determined the scope of Zhao Qiang's hiding." Sister Mei said.

"Is it in Aolin garden?" Lin fan asked.

He didn't expect the eye of the dark night to find so fast, almost at the same time that Lin Fan determined the scope, Mei elder sister also sent the news here.

"Lin Shao, you already know?" Sister Mei was shocked.

Originally, I wanted to ask for credit in front of Lin fan, but I didn't expect that Lin Fan got the news one step earlier than her.

This makes sister Mei feel both lost and frightened. What is lost is that her ability to find news has been greatly reduced in front of Lin fan. What is frightened is that since Lin Fan got the news earlier than her, it shows that Lin fan has used another force to work for him.

And this other power is stronger than the eye of the dark night. Mei Jie wanted to show her ability in front of Lin Fan in order to get Lin Fan's approval and climb up the giant tree of the Lin family.It's a pity that she didn't know that Lin fan, the power that frightened her, was just Lao Gai.

Lin Fan shook his head and said: "it's not enough to make sure that people are in Aolin garden. The scope is still a little larger. You have to find out which villa Zhao Qiang is hiding in Aolin garden."

Sister Mei immediately said, "don't worry, Lin Shao. I promise to find it for you as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Mei Jie called her subordinates with a sense of crisis in her heart: "no matter what method, you must find out the exact location of Zhao Qiang's hiding for me, immediately, immediately!"

Sister Mei thinks that Lin fan is giving her another chance. If she still finds Zhao Qiang later than others, then Lin fan will be very disappointed with the ability of the eye of the dark night, and there is no need to think about the plan of taking refuge in the Lin family.

After hearing Mei Jie's promise, Lin Fan was stunned at first. It's strange that she is so anxious and surprised.

See sitting in front of the computer old cover, the heart will want to understand, Mei elder sister this is old cover to scared.

Night Eye boasts that it is the king of underground intelligence in Mingzhou, but it is a step slower than others in finding Zhao Qiang, which is unbearable for Mei Jie.

And Linfan for old cover is admire unceasingly, with a person against the eyes of the whole night, Linfan for old cover is a love heart, so capable talent can't let go!

"Lin fan, when will you take me to dinner?" The old man looked at Lin Fan and asked.

"Ha ha! Go now, tired after a busy afternoon, you can eat and play at Xingyue Hotel today Lin Fan laughs.

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