Sister Mei doesn't want to offend Zheng Yilong, but she doesn't dare to offend Lin fan. The fight between them is a war between giants.

In front of them, the eye of the night is just like a mouse, which will only be trampled into meat mud in the fight between two giants.

Now Zheng Yilong comes to inquire about Lin Fan's news. Mei Jie is puzzled in her heart and doesn't know how to say it.

If he refuses directly, he will offend Zheng Yilong to death. Maybe Zheng Yilong will give up revenge on Lin Fan in a fit of anger and put out the dark eye first.

Mei Jie weighed it in her heart and said, "Zheng Shao, I don't know much about Lin Fan's life experience, but as far as the information is concerned, you are not his opponent."

"Fart! Can my Zheng family be afraid of Lin fan? Tell me what you know! " Zheng Yilong said.

"Zheng Shao, I have to be neutral in this matter. What you don't know is that Lin Fan came to me before. If I wanted to get your information, I still didn't give it to him based on the principle of neutrality." Sister Mei said.

Zheng Yilong hums coldly: "if you say you don't give it, then how does Lin Fan know the information in Longteng heavy industry and how to modify the database?"

He doesn't believe Mei Jie's words. In Zheng Yilong's eyes, these underground intelligence dealers are the best at both sides.

She doesn't tell herself the hidden life experience behind Lin fan. It must be Lin fan who gave her a high price to hide it, which explains why her subordinates found that all the information about Lin Fan's life experience is false, and it must be sister Mei's ghost.

However, Zheng Yilong also has the confidence to let Mei Jie speak. It's just to see who gives more money. If Lin fan uses 10 million to seal Mei Jie's mouth, then I will give 20 million to let her speak again.

"Hum, I know your rules. It's a very simple rule to collect money. How much sealing fee did Lin Fan give you? I'll double that for you!" Zheng Yilong said angrily.

I thought, Ma's group of goods that can't be on the table dare to play these tricks on me. When Lin fan is killed, I'll deal with you later!

Mei's eyebrows are wrinkled. Zheng Yilong obviously misunderstands her. She is just afraid of Lin Fan's life experience, so she doesn't dare to tell Zheng Yilong. However, Zheng Yilong insists that she has collected Lin Fan's sealing fee. This kind of thing can't be explained. It will only be more and more dark.

"Zheng Shao, you really misunderstood me. It's not about money. Besides, I confiscate Lin Fan's money at all. I just don't think we can get involved in this matter, so I'm neutral. I hope you can understand me." Mei elder sister says painstakingly.

Seeing Mei's ignorance, Zheng Yilong said with a smile: "good, good, good one, keep neutral. Since that's the case, I have nothing to say. Goodbye!"

Finish saying angrily hang up the phone.

Hard way: "hemp! Dare to join forces with Lin fan to deal with me. Believe it or not, I'll blind you! "

Zheng Yilong hears Mei Jie's prevarication on the phone, and has determined that she definitely has an affair with Lin fan. Before, night eye helped Lin Fan find Zhao Qiang's hiding place, which is a very obvious evidence.

Now, in addition to Lin fan, Zheng Yilong has another enemy in his heart.

Mei Jie's side, after hearing Zheng Yilong's last words, knows that she can't avoid the fight between Lin Fan and Zheng Yilong. She has offended Zheng Yilong to death just now, and there is no room to ease it.

After thinking about it, she called Lin Fan: "Lin Shao."

"What's the matter?"

"Just now, Zheng Yilong called me to ask me to check your details, even though I have rejected him." Mei elder sister says carefully, she is not sure what attitude Lin fan is to her now.

Lin Fan laughs: "why don't you tell him?"

"Lin Shao, you are joking. I have no friendship with Zheng Yilong. Between you and him, of course, I choose to help you instead of him." Flattery elder sister respectfully way.

"Well, I see." Linfan very cold finish this sentence, then take the initiative to hang up the phone.

He didn't completely believe Mei Jie's statement just now. After all, he was an intelligence dealer who took money to do business. It would be ridiculous to talk about friendship with others. Lin Fan was not so naive.

However, although she didn't completely believe it, Lin fan still believed it seven or eight points. After all, Mei Jie knew her life experience. One was the world's top family, and the other just controlled half of the province's resources. It was clear at a glance which one was better.

Mei Jie is a smart person. She knows which side to put her attention on.

After talking with Lin Fan on the phone, although Lin Fan's last tone is very cold, sister Mei knows that Lin fan will not be hostile to the eye of the dark night at least. This is enough. We have to eat one bite at a time and do things bit by bit.

It's not so easy to take refuge in the Lin family. It's necessary to let Lin Fan see the eye of the night. Besides his ability, he is also loyal to him.

Considering for a moment, Mei Jie said to her subordinates standing beside her: "take back all our personnel outside, stop receiving business, and all the open and secret lines are lurking. It's not peaceful recently. We should be ready to bear the enemy's attack.""Boss, we will lose a lot of profits in this way," he said

Mei elder sister very displeased reprimand a way: "money is important still life is important?"? What's more, we can become more powerful when the spotlight is over! "

His men hesitated and said, "well, when are we going to hide?"

"Wait for my order." Mei elder sister light way.


In the villa of Aolin garden.

Zheng Yilong madly smashed all the furnishings in the villa, including electrical appliances, expensive porcelain, famous oil paintings and so on.

Zheng Yilong is the successor of the Zheng family. He has not been respected since he grew up. As a result, Lin fan is nothing more than that. He even doesn't pay attention to his little dark eye.

This makes Zheng Yilong feel that his self-esteem has been hit, and he is frantically venting his anger in the villa, so the furnishings in the villa are destroyed.

"Zheng Shao, what's the matter with you? Oh, this is blue and white porcelain. How could it be broken? What a pity... " Zhao Qiang went into the villa and asked suspiciously.

Looking at the mess of the land, Zhao Qiang pretends to care. In fact, he is very proud. Zheng Yilong must be depressed again, which is another step to his success.

The stronger the hatred for Lin Fan in Zheng Yilong's heart, the worse the fate of Lin fan will be.

"Lin fan, if I can't kill you, you're not surnamed Zheng!" Zheng Yilong roared.

Zhao Qiang turned his eyes and said, "Zheng Shao, I have an idea. Do you think it's ok?"

"Fart, let it go!"

Zhao Qiang's face was smiling, but his eyes were as insidious as a poisonous snake: "just revenge on Lin fan, you must be Zheng Shaofan. It's better to..."

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