What Luo Yifan said, Chu Zheng already understood.

The reason why this Nine Dragon Cave could not find a way to enter was not the mechanism inside, but the formation that covered the Nine Dragon Cave.

If ordinary people rush in and touch the formation, they will definitely be doomed.

In this way, Chu Zheng was really a little interested.

Chu Zheng was motivated by several considerations.

First, this Nine Dragon Cave is a ruin, and listening to Luo Yifan's mouth, there is no doubt that there is a large formation in the Nine Dragon Cave. Since it was a large formation left by the previous immortal cultivators.

Perhaps, there are materials you need!

Second, Chu Zheng also really wanted to see what level the magic array made by the cultivators on the earth before this time had reached. This provided a certain reference for Chu Zheng to find out the disappeared civilization.

If this formation is just ordinary and the degree of production is quite complicated, this shows that the former cultivators on the earth have regressed from the cultivation civilization of their own world.

It can eliminate part of Chu Zheng's sense of crisis.

And if this formation is extremely complex, and the power is extraordinary, it seems that it must be left by a cultivation master, how high, at least much more powerful than the current Chu Zheng.

Take the simple Yuan Capture Array that Chu Zheng is making now, it is a large array with ordinary procedures, but its power is not simple.

But anyone with a clear eye can see at a glance the cultivation level of the person who created the formation.

Therefore, after learning this, even if Luo Yifan did not invite him to go, he had to rush there to see it himself.

What kind of level has this former cultivation civilization reached?

In this way, Chu Zheng had a number in his heart.

"Okay, I promise you, let's go immediately!"

Chu Zheng nodded directly in agreement.

Let Luo Yifan be a little surprised.

Why did this bastard promise so happily this time and didn't open any conditions?

Although he was a little surprised, Luo Yifan believed that Chu Zheng would not also go for that dragon vein, and in the end, he even turned against himself and took this dragon vein.

If this is the case, it is that she is blind.

However, no matter how you look at it, Chu Zheng is not that kind of person.

Moreover, Chu Zheng acts and hardly uses tricks on others.

At this point, Luo Yifan was relieved.

This is not to say that Chu Zheng has no scheming, on the contrary, it is precisely because Chu Zheng's scheming is too terrible, so terrifying that others play tricks on him, and he is too lazy to recognize it.

Anyone who doubts that Chu Zheng has no scheming is stupid among fools.

Luo Yifan, who had thoroughly comprehended Chu Zheng, naturally would not think about Chu Zheng so stupidly, so and so, so and so.

Because according to Chu Zheng's style, he would directly indicate that this dragon vein would be his.

Whoever robs kills.

And now that Chu Zheng has promised himself, this layer of concerns, Luo Yifan naturally dispelled.

"Well, then please Mr. Chu go home with Yifan to prepare, let's go immediately!"

Jiangzhou is located, in the next door city north of Yanjing.

Yunfeng Mountain is even more remote.

According to Chu Zheng's understanding, it seems that since ancient times, this Yunfeng Mountain has been a sealed place.

No one is allowed in.

It is only now that some areas are open to the outside world.

If nothing else, Chu Zheng only needed a day or two to return.

However, he did not delay the convening of the opening ceremony, so he did not let Uncle Zeng postpone it, said hello to him, and went directly to the Luo family.

"Big dog!"

Chu Zheng arrived at the Luo family, and seeing that the Luo family was almost about to catch up with a small town manor, he couldn't help sighing.

On Earth, the rich Chu Zheng has not seen, but he has not seen such a large manor.

It's not that Chu Zheng hasn't seen a big residence, in the last life, Chu Zheng sat on the entire three realms, and the whole world was his.

It's just that Chu Zheng, who has already adapted to the worldview on the earth, can't help but feel a little emotion when he sees that there is still a family so domineering and has established such a big mansion.

"You're the big dog!"

Luo Yifan listened to Chu Zheng's words, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, and said coquettishly.

What kind of person is this guy, this sentence, is praising his house big?

Anyway, how Luo Yifan heard this, how did he feel unpleasant.

Immediately, he led Chu Zheng into the house.

But what Chu Zheng didn't expect was that after entering the living room, Chu Zheng knew that Luo Yifan not only invited himself, but also invited many masters.

Think about it, that Nine Dragon Grotto is naturally extraordinary, and it is understandable to bring more manpower.

It is estimated that Luo Yifan did not explain in advance, because he was afraid that he would not be willing to join these people.

In fact, Luo Yifan thought wrong about this.

Although Chu Zheng's strength is superb, from beginning to end, Chu Zheng will never put others in his eyes because of his own strength.

Chu Zheng in the previous life can be described as crazy enough and strong enough.

But at that time, the Jiuyang Emperor had never been unseen.

So, both in the past and now.

Chu Zheng will not have this habit.

Just because, even in the previous life, Chu Zheng cultivated from ordinary people to immortals.

Therefore, for warriors, Chu Zheng has always respected them, and there is no contempt for the difference in strength.

"These fellow martial artists, were all invited by Miss Luo to assist you?"

Chu Zheng smiled slightly and asked.

And Luo Yifan did not expect that such a proud guy as Chu Zheng saw that he called so many people, but instead of contempt.

Instead, it looks pleasant.

Let Luo Yifan really impress Chu Zheng.

Think about it, Chu Zheng's madness is all right for those who are also arrogant.

Luo Yifan, Luo Yifan, you don't know anything about this man in front of you!

Luo Yifan looked at Chu Zheng, and his heart added a bit of appreciation.

However, although Chu Zheng has no barriers, some people don't think so....

Luo Yifan is about to give his family guests over the years a good introduction to Mr. Chu, who has recently gained fame.

Just spoke.

However, some guests directly slapped the table and stood up and shouted:

"Miss Luo, what do you mean by this, don't you mean to invite an important person to wait here and wait hard, but now, it has brought such a kind of goods!"

This is a big man with a beard and slightly smaller eyes.

This angry drink, the loudness of the sound, made the water in the water cup tremble a little.

His eyes were glued to Chu Zheng, and his eyes were full of contempt.

"Good!" At this time, another middle-aged man in a Tang costume stood up with his hands on his back.

Looking at Chu Zheng in his eyes, he was even more contemptuous.

"If you go with such ants, I am afraid that I will not be able to follow my life!"

The middle-aged man in Tang costume hugged his fist, and his chest was even more angry.


Although Miss Luo has a noble status, why should she insult everyone so much.

Luo Yifan originally wanted to introduce that this was Mr. Chu of the Jiuyang Palace, but he didn't expect that before he spoke, he would provoke everyone like this.

And Chu Zheng, who was originally in a slightly better mood, was also pulled down in an instant.

"Not bad, Miss Luo, you may look down on us people too much!"

At this time, there were twenty or thirty people in the hall, and they all stood up directly.

looked at Chu Zheng coldly.

"Don't mind, I'll explain it to them right away!"

Looking at the masters he has surrounded over the years, they all looked down on Chu Zheng, and made insults, which made Luo Yifan tighten slightly.

Of course, Luo Yifan was not nervous whether Chu Zheng would be unhappy, but nervous about the masters that his Luo family had spent a lot of money cultivating over the years.

If Chu Zheng was angry and killed them all, it would be too much to lose.

Unexpectedly, Chu Zheng was in his pockets with both hands, and said lightly: "Don't worry, I won't calculate with them!" "

Although Chu Zheng has abolished many people, Chu Zheng is not a cold-blooded person, as long as he does not have killing intent on himself, Chu Zheng will not make a move.

However, Chu Zheng's words made everyone's faces change greatly.

Especially the bearded man.

He slapped the table directly, and when he boarded, he smashed the table and jumped out directly from the crowd.

"You are really looking for death, you dare to say such crazy words, originally I Yun Dongqing just wanted to abolish you and let you know that this place is not something that can be come by an individual, but... Now, my mind has changed, I want you to die a tragic death on the spot! The

contempt in Yun Dongqing's eyes had completely turned into killing intent by this time.

Yun Dongqing, among the guests of the Luo family, is one of the strongest existences, and his personality is extremely murderous, and he has killed countless people.

However, only a handful of those who have really ended up crippled.

Because Yun Dongqing has a nickname, called Yun Yidao.

When the knife is unsheathed, it is necessary to see blood.

"I look at Miss Luo's face, I don't think about you, how can I force each other so hard!"

Chu Zheng was also a little unhappy.

This person opened his mouth to end his life, and Chu Zheng already had killing intent in his heart.

But for Luo Yifan's sake, he was ready to forcibly swallow this breath.

"Master Yun, this is..."

Luo Yifan hurriedly explained.

Unexpectedly, before the words were finished, Yun Dongqing drank directly: "Miss Luo doesn't need to persuade again, I, Yun Dongqing, swear not to be with ants, and I can't see such ants shouting with me!"

"Look at the knife!"

As soon as the words fell, Yun Dongqing's hand raised, and a broadsword actually turned out from his hand.

And this scene made the people around him even more shocked:

"Master Yun's temper is too hot-tempered, why do you shine a knife on an ant, and if the knife is unsheathed, you will see blood!"

Everyone shook their heads slightly.

Chu Zheng was also helpless in his heart, although he was angry in his heart, but in Luo Yifan, Chu Zheng didn't want his blood to splash.

"Okay, I'll go through with you, until the point is reached!"

Chu Zheng endured again and again.


However, Chu Zheng intended to give in, and Yun Holly forced him bitterly.

The eyes were fierce, and he directly slashed down.

Straight to Chu Zheng's head.

This sword will definitely cut Chu Zheng's body in half.


Chu Zheng dodged sideways.

The steel knife directly smashes the floor tiles.

"Where is there such hatred, such a heavy hand!"

Chu Zheng saw that this Yun Holly was fierce and fierce, and his steps were fatal.

I was also shocked in my heart, I just came to this Luo family, let it be humiliated, and I wanted to hack myself to death.

Chu Zheng has seen ruthlessness and unreasonableness, but he has never seen such arrogance.

"You can even hide from me, but today, you will still die!"

After speaking, without leaving any room, he once again slashed towards Chu Zheng fiercely.

Luo Yifan, on the other hand, directly avoided the past, she didn't want to see her guests, blood splattered on the spot...

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