"Father, let me introduce you!"

After the next person finished shouting, Li Muhan saw his father walking out quickly from inside the door with a group of people.

And behind Li Muhan stood Chu Zheng.

She desperately wanted to introduce Chu Zheng to her father, because if her father could make good friends with Chu Zheng again, then the day when their Li family rose would not be far away.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Li Muhan wanted to speak, he was directly interrupted by his father Li Zongnian.

Li Zongnian took Li Muhan's hand and directly ignored Chu Zheng behind him.

Then said: "Mu Han, you came just right, look quickly, who is coming!"

Li Zongnian looked very excited and walked all the way to the car.

Although he was ignored, Chu Zheng did not pay attention to it, after all, he came this time, mainly to act low-key and be a low-key person.

Therefore, it does not matter at all whether it is valued or ignored.

"Li Gongzi, you are now a member of the Dragon Group, I really didn't expect that my Li family could even invite you, the blessing of the Li family, the blessing of the Li family!"

Li Zongnian is in his forties, with a national character face and a burly figure, but at this time, in front of this Li Gongzi, he is groveling.

And the group of people who followed behind Li Zongnian all looked at each other after hearing this.

"Dragon group member? Sky! This Li Gongzi looks to be only in his twenties, and he is actually a member of the Dragon Group! "

The group suddenly exploded.

And Chu Zheng looked at the group of people behind Li Zongnian, all of them were some martial artists, and all of them were not too weak.

But obviously compared with this Li Gongzi in the car, it is much worse.

"Those who enter the dragon group are all powerful?"

Chu Zheng stood outside everyone's side, although he looked a little lonely, but this was exactly what Chu Zheng wanted, and now Chu Zheng was carrying his hands and asked Li Xiaoman on the side.

In Li Xiaoman's heart, there was still a gap between Chu Zheng and he had the heart to say something angry, but looking at Chu Zheng, Li Xiaoman was a little unable to speak.

At the moment, he just nodded dryly and said: "Eh, inside the dragon group, it is the most powerful organization in Huaxia, and those who can enter it must be different from ordinary martial artists, and this Li Xunfei Li Gongzi, who can enter the dragon group at such a young age, must be many times more than his peers!" Although

Li Xiaoman was in a complicated mood, he was still a little unforgiving in his mouth, and he stabbed Chu Zheng after hanging the corner.

The sentence just now, another layer of Li Xiaoman's meaning is that you Chu Zheng is powerful, but someone is more powerful than you! Hum!

Chu Zheng nodded slightly and smiled.

Immediately, he also looked up at Li Xunfei in the car, and saw Li Xunfei sitting in the back seat, with his hands on his knees, but his eyes were always closed.

It was as if he was asleep.

Of course, the crowd certainly wouldn't think he was asleep.

However, just in the face of Li Zongnian's sycophancy, this Li Xunfei turned a deaf ear.

But from the car, a servant-like old man came down.

The old man's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a coldness, as if being stared at by his eyes could make people lose their minds.

Such a strong aura.

Rao is these warriors behind Li Zongnian, and they all gasped and secretly said in their hearts.

"The head of the Li family is polite, the head of the Li family and the son of Xunfei, there are still some relatives, the sincerity of the head of the Li family is invited, how can the son not come."

The old man's face was expressionless, but his mouth was lightly said.

"Yes, yes, what Uncle Chen said is..."

Li Zongnian nodded hurriedly.

Then Li Zongnian asked cautiously, "Uncle Chen, why don't Gongzi get off the car?"

Uncle Chen said: "Gongzi has a habit, but whenever you get to a certain place, the first foot when you get off the car, you must step on a person as a footstep, the head of the Li family, you won't even know this habit of Gongzi, right?"

Although Uncle Chen's tone was somewhat polite, there was a deep sense of blame in his words.

And Li Muhan is also a little disgusted by this distant relative.

There is such a big shelf.

However, Li Muhan did not dare to leave Chu Zheng aside like this. Because Li Muhan's heart is clear, in comparison, Chu Zheng is the real noble man of the Li family!

He pulled his father's arm and said softly, "Father, this is..." Li

Muhan pointed to Chu Zheng behind him.

I would like to introduce it.

But where can Li Zongnian hear it, now, his whole person is still thinking about what Uncle Chen said just now, if this offends Li Xunfei's son, it is really worth the loss.

In the current panic, it is impossible to find someone.

Just as Li Muhan pointed at Chu Zheng, Li Zongnian said to Chu Zheng: "You... Come and lie at the feet of Li Gongzi! "


Li Muhan's eyes widened, and as soon as his father's words spoke, Li Muhan's brain suddenly went blank.

And Li Xiaoman's mouth was slightly open.

Father doesn't seem to know how perverted this Chu Zheng in front of him is.

Although Li Xiaoman hated Chu Zheng, hated Chu Zheng for playing with himself, and saw his body, Li Xiaoman was sure of Chu Zheng's strength.

Although I don't know who is stronger or weaker than Li Xunfei, Chu Zheng can completely destroy the entire Li family with his own strength.


Li Xiaoman also felt that his nerves were a little bigger.

"Why don't you move?"

However, Li Zongnian did not see that the mouths of the two daughters were already wide open in shock, but looked at Chu Zheng, who had always carried his hands, and shouted angrily.

In the tone, there was a hint of impatience.

Stretched out his hand and pointed at Chu Zheng.

At this time, although Li Xunfei had his eyes closed, one of his legs had already stepped out of the car, and although he did not land on the ground, he had already levitated in the air.

"It's not good, Xunfei Gongzi will step down his legs, if there is no one to pad within ten seconds, I am afraid that it will make Xunfei Gongzi kill intent, and it will be difficult to end at that time!"

Uncle Li suddenly said in shock.

Immediately, he glared at Li Zongnian with some anger.

Blame him for how he arranged things.

Li Zongnian was even more ashamed in his mind, if it weren't for the urgency of time, he really hated to smash the corpse of Chu Zheng in front of him now.

In a hurry, he hurriedly reached out and grabbed the person, and hurriedly let him lie at Li Xunfei's feet.

Only then did Li Xunfei get out of the car with his eyes closed.

"What a strong aura!"

Some martial artists who were originally still flattering, at this time, seeing Li Xunfei with his eyes closed and empty-eyed, Mo said flattery, and he didn't even dare to take a big breath.

They all stood on both sides, making way for Li Xunfei.

Although Li Xunfei closed his eyes, it was as if he was walking with his eyes open, and there was no impact at all.

However, when he was about to climb the steps, Li Xunfei's steps suddenly stopped slightly.

Then with his eyes closed, his head did not twist, but he raised his hand slightly and stood on the side, and Chu Zheng, who did not say a word, said: "You... There are still seven days to live!

He walked towards the courtyard faintly, and that sentence seemed to have sentenced Chu Zheng to death.

And the reason is even more ridiculous, that is, because Chu Zheng did not use it as a stepping stone, he could only live for another seven days.

Arrogant, really arrogant!

"Alas, it's a pity for this young life!"

Everyone carefully followed Li Xunfei towards the courtyard, and when they walked to Chu Zheng's side, they all cast sympathetic or pitying eyes at Chu Zheng.

Xun Fei wants people to die three times, and never leave people to five more.

This is the powerful momentum display of Young Master Xunfei!

This young man dared to offend Young Master Li Xunfei, alas, he would definitely die!

And Uncle Chen also walked over slowly.

His eyes are very vicious, and it seems that when he stares at him, it can make people lose their minds immediately.

Uncle Chen glanced at Chu Zheng with a cold gaze.

Even if his eyes narrowed slightly, he also entered the Li family.

Li Zongnian glanced at Chu Zheng even more viciously, if it weren't for Li Gongzi's order just now to let Chu Zheng live for seven days, I'm afraid that now he Li Zongnian would have already made a move, turning the person in front of him into a corpse.


With a cold snort, Li Zongnian turned his head in disdain and strode after Li Xunfei's figure.

And Li Muhan was still stunned in place, because she obviously couldn't accept the scene just now.

Father actually said that kind of thing to Chu Zheng.

This caught Li Muhan off guard.

"Chu... Mr

. Chu..." Li Muhan's face turned pale, and he looked at Chu Zheng with some worry and said softly.

"Nothing, or according to the original agreement, my identity, don't say it, even if it's your father!"

Although Chu Zheng was also a little confused just now, you know, just now, Chu Zheng has been standing in the corner, and he didn't even say anything, so he was sentenced to death.

Jean's Chu Zheng couldn't help but shake his head slightly and smile bitterly.

I still have seven days to live, interesting, it seems that it is the first time that someone has determined my life and death like this....

Thinking a little funny, Chu Zheng also walked into this Li family.

"Xiao Man, Mr. Chu, did he just say that it was okay!" Obviously, Li Muhan was still a little jealous.


Li Xiaoman nodded, and also entered the house with his sister with Chu Zheng...

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