"Jiu Yang, you dare to destroy my young genius of the Eight Extremities, today, you will die!" The

eight people surrounded Chu Zheng.

All of them showed fierce glare.

"As soon as you guess, you will know that you are all from the Eight Pole Gate..." Chu

Zheng stared at everyone and shook his head slightly.

Indeed, it was Guo Sheng who threatened to abolish himself, he abolished others, it was right, he should die if he was abolished by others?

Brothers, kill him quickly, take the heads of others, and give the master a mission!"

Towards Chu Zheng attacked.

I want to see how many pounds and taels you are!" Chu

Zheng smiled slightly, and immediately stepped on both feet, jumping directly into the air.

Turned upside down in the air, punched down, and everyone who had already gathered together directly slammed down.

"Boom!" Among

the people, it was like a bomb exploding, hit by a fist, and some people's flesh was torn apart alive.

White smoke billowed and the ground cracked.

And these eight people were directly bombarded by Chu Zheng into a pile of broken corpses.

All strength, as long as the face still exists, the eyes are wide open without exception.

The main thing is that before they die, they are unbelievable.

I came to kill this ant, but I didn't expect it to be a group of ants, running towards the feet of an elephant.

Humbleness, this is a small humility.

"It's really pitiful to learn people to come out and kill people just for these skills..." Looking

at this group of corpses, Chu Zheng shook his head slightly.

Just as Chu Zheng was about to leave, suddenly among the group of corpses, a mobile phone that was shocked out and fell into the grass rang.

"Hey!" Chu

Zheng couldn't help but smile slightly when he saw the note that came from the mobile phone, and directly clicked to connect.

"Hey, within five minutes, if you don't bring that Jiuyang's head to the Jinling Hotel, you eight, don't come back to see me!" On

the other side of the phone, it was everyone's master, Guo Sheng's grandfather Guo Mengyu.

On the other side of the phone, he was very impatient.

At the same time, it is also a gloomy face.

With a murderous look on one's face.

It has always been his Baji Guo family who tortured and killed others, how could he suffer this great humiliation, this time, not only to kill that Jiuyang, but after finding out Jiuyang's life, even his family would not let go.

Destroy me alone and kill you Nine Clan!"

Guo Mengyu's face was full of murderous aura, and his eyes were blood-red.

Even more smashed his own mobile phone.

He hated it now, so he rushed over now and tore Jiuyang to pieces...

But said that Jinling Hotel, at this time, can be described as overcrowded.

Because the people who come to participate in the martial arts conference, but anyone who has a little prestige, will live in this Jinling Grand Hotel.

Especially the top floor of the hotel, all of them are the most famous.

In the lobby on the first floor, on the wine table, everyone was discussing in a low voice.

"Who is this Jiuyang, have you found out?" "

No, it's too mysterious, there is no clue..."

"And this person's martial arts path... Ahem, this person seems to have never shown any martial arts, whether it is hitting Master Qin or Baji Guo Sheng, he just used a heel and a punch.

If there is a martial arts path, it is easy to infer ah!" "

I can guarantee that this person will definitely win the top of the eight!"

"I also dare..."

The wine tables were full of people, but obviously what they were discussing tonight was not Zuo Xingyun, who had passed all the way, but the mysterious black-robed man Jiu Yang who only participated in a fight.

You know, Baji Guo Sheng can be described as a young grandmaster.

And directly with the power of one person, he even resisted more than a dozen masters. And it's easy to win.

However, in that Jiu Yang's hands, he couldn't even parry a single punch.

You can imagine how terrifying that mysterious Jiuyang is.

But as everyone was discussing, the sound did stop abruptly.

Not just one person, but the entire lobby, the voices of everyone discussing suddenly stopped.

Because in the lobby, a group of people came.

It is the Yuwen Alliance Lord them, as well as today's grand style, Yuwen Alliance Lord's nephew Zuo Xingyun.

Zuo Xingyun smiled, slowly walked to one of the martial artists who had won the championship just now,

and said with a grim smile: "Repeat what you just said..." Zuo

Xingyun sneered, but the martial artist swallowed a mouthful of spit with great jealousy, and said lightly: "I... I can guarantee that Jiuyang... Jiuyang is the first of the eight finalists... Poof!" As

soon as he finished speaking, he was directly poked in the neck by Zuo Xingyun's finger, followed closely, and spat out blood.

Directly poured down.


The people in the lobby all stood up in amazement and looked at Zuo Xingyun with trepidation.

"Tomorrow, this dark horse in your eyes will also die like this... Hahaha..."

Zuo Xingyun laughed viciously.

Xuan Lian carried his hand on his back, followed his uncle Yuwen Chan, who ignored everything, and Yu Wenhao, who blindfolded his eyes with a red cloth strip and did not want to see the ants, up the steps.

"This brother, you..." saw

the domineering Zuo Xingyun after leaving.

Everyone walked towards the person who was seriously injured by Zuo Xingyun.

The seriously injured have more air in and less out of air.

Apparently on the verge of swallowing.

Just because he said a word, that Zuo Xingyun hurt the killer.

Looking at the warrior who had died, everyone was a little jealous in their hearts, and no one dared to say anything more, and Zuo Xingyun's sneer seemed to still echo in their ears.

"Sister, I was wrong..."

but said that in a room on the top floor, Mo Lingyuer lowered her head aggrievedly and apologized sincerely.

In front of her, there was Mo Lingrou, who had a cold face.

"You still know it's wrong!" Mo Lingrou wanted to get angry and reprimand Mo Lingyuer, she sneaked out like this, but it made Mo Lingrou worried.

If something happens, let Mo Lingrou explain to her dead parents.

But as soon as he saw his sister like this, Mo Lingrou intended to reprimand, but he couldn't reprimand, so he said, "Since you have already participated in the martial arts conference this time, then like this, if you can't get the first place, my sister will punish you for three years and not be allowed to go out of the valley!"

"Well, don't worry, the current opponent is just a Zuo Xingyun, and my sister is confident to defeat him!" Mo Lingyu playfully stuck out his tongue.

"You, you, really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, in your eyes, the real opponent should not be Zuo Xingyun, but the young man named Jiuyang who appeared today..."

Mo Lingrou stood up.

To tell you the truth, at the beginning, Mo Lingrou did not put that Jiuyang in his eyes, originally thinking that he was just a grandstander.

However, after Chu Zheng made a move, although there was only one punch and one kick.

But as soon as the so-called expert made a move, he knew that there was a wood!

Mo Lingrou felt the extraordinary of that Jiuyang.

The most important thing was that Mo Lingrou saw that that Jiuyang did not use his full strength.

Just like that, it can beat the Eight Pole Guo Sheng, so, to say horror, that Jiuyang is the most terrifying.

"Ah, sister, you said him?" Mo

Lingyuer also had some impressions of Jiuyang.

It's just that subjective factors make Mo Lingyuer more willing to regard Zuo Xingyun, who has a greater reputation, as her opponent.

Instead, in a hurry, he ignored the black-robed man Jiu Yang.

Mo Lingyu nodded: "He is indeed very strong, but if he is compared to Zuo Xingyun, who is more powerful?" "

This sister still doesn't dare to comment on herself, in short, tomorrow you must remember not to underestimate the enemy, especially that Jiuyang..."

"Brother Xu Aoxian, thank you for inviting a famous doctor from Jinling to treat Sheng'er!"

And this middle-aged man was Xu Ao, the head of the Xu family among the four ancient martial families in Jinling.

"Brother Guo doesn't have to be polite, today Brother Guo called Xu over, it's not just as simple as treating the virtuous nephew..."

Xu Ao said with a faint smile.

Guo Mengyu coughed and said, "Brother Xu Aoxian is really a transparent person, although Brother Xu Aoxian, a few days ago, announced that the Golden Basin washed his hands and withdrew from the Martial Arts Alliance, as well as the entire quarrel between the rivers and lakes, but Brother Guo is in this Jinling territory, there are really no people who can be trusted, yes, Guo does have something to ask for!"

"Today's Jinling Conference, you didn't participate, I don't know who your Guo Shengxian nephew was seriously injured, Brother Xu Aoxian, after all, you are deeply rooted in Jinling and well-informed, so, Guo wants to ask Brother Xu Aoxian, help me investigate, and severely damage the foundation of my Sheng'er, I Guo, I want to kill it all over the door, so as to eliminate the hatred in my heart!"


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