"No, don't, you can't..." Feeling

the tremor from the soul coming from his body, Yuwen Hao was shocked, because he felt that his soul seemed to be being violently impacted, even though his will was strong or weak, but under this impact, he found that he couldn't resist it.

That shockwave continued, trying to exclude all his soul.

"Hahaha, little grandson, don't do fearless resistance anymore, old man, I have been waiting for this moment, I have been waiting for decades, and finally someone has come down!

Yu Wenhao, on the other hand, feels that his consciousness is gradually weakening and weakening... Eventually....

"Boom!" Yu

Wenhao suddenly opened his eyes.

It's just that at this time, Yu Wenhao's eyes are very different from before.

This is a coldness, unprecedented coldness.

And at this time, Yu Wenhao still had a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hahaha..." Yu

Wenhao began to laugh, but this laughter was like an old man. Moreover, Yu Wenhao's body that had been cut off by meridians had a large number of wounds.

At this time, it is also healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The body slowly levitated, and finally floated in mid-air.


Cluck..." Yu Wenhao's whole body, like fried beans, made a crackling sound.

"It's almost eighty years, I've been waiting for this moment, it's been almost eighty years, and now the old man has finally practiced the last realm of the Three Yin Dafa, changing blood and being reborn... Hahaha!" Yu

Wenhao's old laughter continued to come from the valley.

"Boom!" At

the bottom of the abyss, there was a pool of water, which seemed to be shocked by the terrifying energy of this laughter, and directly exploded, and the waves of the pool directly rose more than ten meters high....

"From today onwards, I, Yuwen Xiao, want to re-emerge from the rivers and lakes, I don't know, the original Central Plains Five Peerless, after eighty years, I don't know how many are left..." Yuwen Xiao

smiled coldly, and immediately walked out of this abyss, directly stepping on the stone wall of the abyss, and flew straight up the cliff...

On the cliff, Yuwen Chan, who came to look for Yuwen Hao, was completely shocked by this burst of laughter.

Yuwen Chan's eyes showed disbelief.

Suddenly, he suddenly felt a gust of wind behind him, and there was a feeling of being firmly locked.

Yuwen Zen hurriedly turned around.

The pupils shrank sharply.

Behind him, stood ...

Is it Haoer?

No, it's not.

Yuwen Chan shook his head sharply, although the person in front of him was wearing clothes Hao'er's, and his face was also very similar to Hao'er, but at this time, this person's face showed a dark green color, and he also grew a lot of beards.

An extremely terrifying look.

"You... Who are you?"

Yuwen Xiao, who had been trapped for decades and had already twisted his heart for a long time, looked at Yuwen Chan, and extended his long tongue.

"I haven't drunk blood for a long time, and I've almost forgotten the taste of blood."


Giggle..." Yuwen Xiao looked at Yuwen Xiao with bright eyes, and suddenly let out a giggle like an old bird.

"Who are you, what happened to Hao'er?ah!" Before

Yuwen Chan's words were finished, suddenly his whole body trembled, and a large amount of blood actually appeared directly along the pores of Yuwen Chan's body, and finally all of them converged into Yuwen Xiao's mouth with his tongue sticking out.

And Yuwen Chan, impressively turned into a dry corpse....

"Ah, don't come over~"

Yuwen family's entourage ran up and just saw this scene.

Suddenly frightened.


Yuwen Xiao stared at the few people who came, still making a laugh like an old bird

... The Three Yin Dafa practiced by Yuwen Xiao is an extremely perverted and vicious evil art, and Yuwen Xiao, together with Mo Wentian and the other three, is collectively known as the Five Absolute of the Central Plains.

The strength is extremely strong.

And Yuwen Xiao, in order to seize the first.

Eighty years ago, he painstakingly practiced evil arts such as the Three Yin Dafa, and the last thing in the Three Yin Dafa was to change blood and be reborn.

After being reborn, he will no longer be human, but will become a half-human, half-demon state, not to mention human nature.


But he said that the Medicine King Valley was here.

The Medicine King Valley, like the Tianxi Valley, is located in an extremely hidden valley.

The Valley of the Medicine King, which has existed for hundreds of years, is famous for refining elixirs and drawing talismans.

This is a holy place.

Ordinary martial arts people, even if they wanted to ask Dan, did not dare to come at will.

Only big figures in the martial arts world can come here.

At this time, in the main hall of the Medicine King Valley.

A disciple stumbled in.

As soon as I entered the door, I was even more panicked, and my feet were directly mixed and fell straight to the ground.

"Great Elder, it's not good, the big thing is not good!" The

disciple's face was flustered, he held a letter in his hand, and even more flustered, he picked up a large box held in his hand from the ground.

I couldn't help but shout in a hurry.

At this time, in this main hall, there were still four or five young people in strange costumes, and behind them, each stood an attendant, and when they saw this scene, they couldn't help but have some doubts.

The Great Elder above the main hall throne looked to be more than sixty years old and had a beard, but his eyes were shining, revealing an unusual temperament.

In this life, what the Great Elder hated the most was to be flustered.

His younger brother Yuankun, although he lived for half a hundred, still did not change his bad habits of panic, and was reprimanded by the Great Elder many times.

But right now, this alchemy pill boy of his own is like this.

Grand Elder Jean frowned.

When you board, it's a gas knot.

"Well, Cui Linxiang, how many times have I said that you must not panic in case of trouble, why is this here?"

the Great Elder Yuan Qian directly coldly reprimanded.

"Great Elder, Great... Elder, it's not good, Elder Yuankun, by... The head is here!"

Cui Linxiang knelt on the ground and cried directly.

"What?" Hearing

this, Great Elder Yuanqian directly shook his whole body.

Nearly fell.

"What kind of person dares to be so bold?" When

he saw Yuan Qiandeng's figure, he came straight to Cui Linxiang's body, reached out and grabbed it, and directly lifted Cui Linxiang.

"No... I don't know, that man sent Elder Yuankun's head, as well as a letter!" Cui

Linxiang turned pale with fright.

"Take it!" directly

threw Cui Linxiang, and flew out when he boarded.

Raise your palm and inhale, and the wooden box on the ground appears.

When I opened it, I saw that in the wooden box, there was Yuan Kun's head.

"Second brother, second brother..."

Yuan Gan cried.

In his eyes, he was even more murderous.

Immediately picked up the letter and looked at it:

"The Medicine King Valley wants to harm me, and now I ask for all the elixirs of the Medicine King Valley as compensation... Jiuyang Palace, Chu Zheng!" "

Boom!" Yuan

Kun slammed his palm.

When he boarded, the letter in his hand turned into a dust.

"Jiuyang Palace... Chu Zheng!"

Yuan Kun's entire eyes turned blood red.

And the four strangely dressed young men sitting on the side also looked at each other and heard the name of a person read from Yuan Kun's mouth.

The moment is to stand up in unison.

He asked, "But that new force, Chu Zheng of the Jiuyang Palace?"

It's not him, who else can there be!" The

great name of Chu Zheng of Yanjing Jiuyang Palace, many people have naturally heard of it.

"I heard that although this Chu Zheng is young, his cultivation is quite unusual, I don't know how Elder Yuankun got into trouble with this Chu Zheng!?"

a thin young man with a face as white as paper asked with slightly squinted eyes.

"No matter why, I never need why to act in the Medicine King Valley, since this Chu Zheng dares to kill my second brother, I will wash his Jiuyang Palace all over the door!"

said Yuan Qian viciously.

"Logically speaking, this matter is not under the jurisdiction of our Four Sects of Xiangxi, but our Four Sects have always been in the same breath as the Great Elder, and now this Chu Zheng, since he is the enemy of the Great Elder, he is also the enemy of our Four Sects of Xiangxi!"

The white-faced young man shook the folding fan in his hand and said lightly.

At this time, a young man dressed in a black robe and dressed as a Miao man also stood up, "This matter, my Miao Sect will not stand idly by..." "

Young Master Zhu Zhan, Young Master Qin Qiang, I Yuangan, I have thanked the four!"

Calm your emotions.

Then he said, "Four young masters, can you bring a hundred boys and a hundred virgin girls on this trip?" The

messenger of the Miao Sect, Qin Qiang, said: "Knowing that the Medicine King Valley needs to use this boy and girl as a medicine guide, our four sects have already prepared it." "

Well, after this Chu Zheng is removed, Yuan Qian will definitely personally refine the pill and give a few gifts..."

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