"Then I Chu Zheng want

to see, you Medicine King Valley, on what skill, you want to take hundreds of lives from my Jiuyang Palace!" Chu Zheng's

eyes were directly exposed, and suddenly, murderous.

Such a brutal person, Chu Zheng still met for the first time.

"It's useless, no matter how heavy your murderous aura is, it's useless, because in front of a great grandmaster who is about to step into the Immortal Dao, your resistance is just a negative and stubborn resistance..."

And looking at the murderous Chu Zheng, Gu Yun just shook his head lightly and smiled bitterly.

"What, Grand Master

?" "Lord Gu's retreat this time has actually reached the level of a Great Grandmaster?"

Yuan Qian, who heard this, also trembled in his heart.

Not to mention the messengers of the four sects, as well as the many disciples of the Medicine King Valley.

Although there is only a word difference between the Great Grandmaster and the Grandmaster, the gap is as insurmountable as a chasm.

Grandmasters, although extremely powerful, but in the Huaxia Kingdom, there are one or two hundred large and small combined.

But the grandmaster wanted to step into the ranks of the great grandmaster.

First, internal strength cultivation is to reach the peak. The second is to comprehend the artistic conception of martial arts.

Both are indispensable.

More people, in their entire lives, will not be able to touch the edge of the Great Master.

And counting the Huaxia Kingdom, there are only a few people at the level of the Great Master.

That is, the five masters of the Central Plains that were famous that year.

All of them are at the level of great masters.

But now, Lord Gu has also stepped into the ranks of the Great Master.

You can imagine how huge the impact on everyone is.

Great Master, that is to have the means of a god.

No wonder, today's Guyun Valley Lord will be unusual.

Ignoring the world.

"With this bit of strength, why dare you claim to touch the Immortal Dao?"

Chu Zheng didn't dare to say that he had touched the Immortal Dao, and this Gu Yun, the strength of the Great Grandmaster, actually said that he was an immortal?

"You are too young to see the power of the Great Master, so, whatever you say, I don't blame you, well, today, I want you to see it..."

Gu Yun shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

Immediately, he opened his eyes slightly.

Suddenly, the whole person's body slowly rose in place.

"Huh?" Looking

at this magical scene, everyone's jaws were about to fall in shock.

His face was full of awe.

The messengers of the four religions were also slightly stunned.

You know, among the four sects in Xiangxi, there seems to be a great grandmaster in each sect, and this is all kept secret, but I didn't expect that Lord Gu Yun of the Medicine King Valley, relying on those young boys and girls to refine medicine over the years, actually broke through to the level of a great grandmaster.

Could it be that a new Five Absolute is about to be born?"

"Sword come..." Gu

Yun slowly rose, and at the same time drank lightly in his mouth, and suddenly, he saw the long sword in the hands of all the disciples of the Medicine King Valley.

They all trembled restlessly.

It's as if you're alive.

And there was a burst of sword groans.


, these long swords all came out of the hands of these disciples.

As if alive, it went straight into the air.

Around Chu Zheng, constantly circling.

And a whirlwind of gusts still blows and dances.

At first, it was softer, but it was getting stronger and stronger, and it only scratched the cheeks of these disciples painfully.

"Stand back, all retreat!" These

disciples were all terrified and hurriedly retreated.

Only the messengers of the four religions and Yuan Qian were still on top of the five stone pillars.

Their cultivation behavior is naturally different from these disciples.

All luck resisted the remaining strength of this ancient cloud divine power.

"Sword go!" and

Gu Yun stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction of Chu Zheng.

When he boarded, there were more than a hundred long swords hovering in the air, and the tip of the sword pointed at Chu Zheng in an instant.

And Gu Yun only drank slightly.

These long swords were stabbed towards Chu Zheng.

"The tricks played by children in the district, dare to show them off!" Chu

Zheng directly drank coldly.

Immediately stomped his foot slightly.

"Boom!" When

he boarded, there was a burst of explosions around Chu Zheng's body, and the ground shattered and cracked.

And around Chu Zheng, there was white smoke.

These long swords, in an instant, seemed to have lost control, and the whole book fell down with a bang.

"Huh?" Gu

Yun's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief.

"You... You have actually reached the realm of a great grandmaster, how is this possible?" Gu

Yun took two steps back.

"Now I, Chu Zheng, ask you again, should this Yuan Kun collude with others to kill me, and I Chu Zheng killed him, is it right?"

Gu Yun, on the other hand, still shook his head.

"Although you have also entered the Great Master, your fire is still far behind... In addition, now that you have reached the Great Master, even if you don't mess with my Medicine King Valley, I will definitely kill you!" Gu

Yun's face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Towards Chu Zheng stormed.

Directly slap it out.

With a strong energy.

Straight to Chu Zheng's head.

This palm tried to smash Chu Zheng's head.

Gu Yun would never allow another Great Grandmaster to exist, let alone allow the existence of a Great Grandmaster who had a feud with the Medicine King Valley.


Bang!" Chu

Zheng also sacrificed a palm.

Two palms facing each other.

Make a bang.

Immediately after, the surrounding ground flew directly in the midst of an explosion.


"Boom!" Just

in the next second, I saw that the right arm that was opposite Gu Yun and Chu Zheng exploded directly, and white smoke burst out, as if Gu Yun's arm was tied with a bundle of explosives in advance.

Explosion on boarding.

Gu Yun's arm was directly destroyed by Chu Zheng's internal strength.

And in his body, he was even destroyed by Chu Zheng's vitality.


Gu Yun flew out upside down.

Lie on the ground.

Eyes widened in shock, looked at Chu Zheng, raised his left arm, pointed at Chu Zheng, and said, "You... How can you be so strong!" Gu

Yun was horrified in his heart.

Because he found that he used the internal strength of the Great Grandmaster to cultivate against Chu Zheng's internal strength, who was also a Great Grandmaster, and he was actually vulnerable.

It directly burst the meridians of his whole body.

This Chu Zheng is simply even more terrifying than the original Five Absolutes.

"I'll ask you again now, do you know how to write the word reason?"

Chu Zheng slowly walked towards Gu Yun.

Asked indifferently.


Gu Yun spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Extremely unwilling, he died just like that.

Because he had just completed the cultivation of the Great Master, and he had not yet reached the rivers and lakes, he died like this.


And these disciples of the Medicine King Valley turned even more pale.

Hurriedly knelt down to Chu Zheng and begged for mercy.

You know, this is a powerful existence that is even greater than the Great Grandmaster.

And the most surprised are the five people who are still standing on the high platform.

Just now, in order not to disturb Lord Gu Yun to kill, they didn't come down.

And now, they dare not go down.


Five people stood on top of five stone pillars against the wind, their faces full of embarrassment.

"One piece run!"

Qin Qiang, the Miao Sect messenger who said on a piece before, turned pale now.


You know, this is a great grandmaster, a grandmaster who can kill all five of them with a slap.


Today, you group of pickles, one counts one, none of them can run!"

said Chu Zheng with a slight smile.

It's just that this smile, falling into everyone's eyes, looks so terrifying.

Such banter.

"You... Chu Zheng, my Xiangxi Four Sects, have nothing to do with you, why do you want to kill me?"

Chu Zheng, you killed my brother, why do you have to kill me again?" The

five people who stood on the stone pillar and still did not dare to come down suddenly felt cold in their hearts when they heard Chu Zheng's words.

Become incoherent.

"There is no reason, I Chu Zheng has acted all my life, why should I talk about any reason, I want to kill you, it is completely to see that you are not good..." Chu Zheng

smiled lightly.

Drag the palm of your hand.

When he boarded, he saw more than a hundred long swords on the ground, and they flew directly into the air.

"No, no!" looked

at the countless long swords above the sky, these Medicine King Valley disciples kneeling on the ground, and the five people standing on the stone pillar.

They all shook their heads.


roared Yuangan.

I wanted to run in a hurry.

However, as soon as he finished shouting these words, the long sword flew and directly wiped his neck.

"Brush brush!" Soon

, more than a hundred long swords were shuttling back and forth between everyone.

A group of beasts that don't even let go of children, why should they stay in this world....

Raise your hand, all destroyed.

When these people died, they were thinking, who is the unreasonable person?

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