Just when everyone, including Mo Lingrou, was surprised by the power of this sword, suddenly, a light and elegant voice sounded.

This sound, more like magic, can ring in everyone's ears and make everyone hear it clearly.

Everyone immediately raised their heads and looked towards the source of the sound together.

It was a rather tall stone platform, and on the stone platform, standing with his hands in his hands, stood a handsome-looking young man.

When he came, everyone didn't know at all, and what means he used to directly let that sword have such power, everyone didn't know.

Including Mo Lingrou, everyone looked at Chu Zheng.

Mo Lingrou saw Chu Zheng again this time, and her eyes were still a little complicated.

If before, Mo Lingrou's feelings for Chu Zheng were both love and hate, then now, Mo Lingrou has developed an extremely adoring mentality.

The worship of the power of that sword.

"Chu Zheng..."

The red lips opened slightly, and Mo Lingrou seemed to call out this familiar and unfamiliar name with some difficulty....

"Mr. Chu!"

And the people of the Martial Dao Alliance also recognized at once that this person was the Jiuyang Chuzheng who swept the Martial Dao Alliance, the existence that made Mo old-timers have to be respectful.

And Old Man Mo got the guidance of this Mr. Chu.

Mr. Chu, how strong is it?

Everyone's gaze firmly locked on this Chu Zheng, locking on this somewhat handsome Chu Zheng.

"Sir... Mo Wentian is ashamed..."

Spitting blood, Mo Wentian shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

"You... Is that Chu Zheng?

Yuwen Xiao covered his left arm, which was about to be lost, and asked with a fierce face.

The sword just now, Mo said others, even Yuwen Xiao was deeply shocked.

What a strong penetrating power!

This was the place where Yuwen Xiao was shocked in his heart.

Because of that sword momentum, he couldn't stop it at all.

"Are you yelling?"

Chu Zheng asked coldly.

The voice was cold, and even the people of the Martial Dao Alliance on the side felt a shudder, as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

"Chu Zheng, you are so young, you can't imagine that your cultivation is so strong, but do you think you can win me if you destroy my left arm? You underestimate the power of my Three Yin Dafa!

Yuwen Xiao still sneered repeatedly.


The smile froze, and Yuwen Xiao suddenly raised his left arm, and his whole body ran vigorously.


With a sound, he saw that the long sword inserted into Yuwen Xiao's left arm was actually forced out by his raw force.


The long sword was forced out, and directly flew away with a strong energy, deeply rooted in the cliff, and made an explosion sound.

However, before everyone could be shocked by Yuwen Xiao's means, which was about to become a monster, an even more surprising scene appeared.

That is, this Yuwen Xiao's arm is healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the left arm was restored.

"It is the last weight of the Three Yin Dafa, reborn with blood! This Yuwen Xiao has become a monster!

Mo Wentian widened his eyes and said with some shock.

"Exchange blood rebirth?"

Obviously, everyone was also full of shock, unable to believe the facts in front of them.

A living person can actually refine himself into a monster body, terrifying, simply terrifying!

"Chu Zheng, don't die quickly!"

Yuwen Xiao drank coldly, and Yuwen Xiao, who had already recovered, flew directly towards Chu Zheng.

As soon as you step on the spot, your body explodes directly.

The power can be imagined.

"Yuwen Xiao, so strong!"

Looking at this kind of power, Mo Lingrou's eyes were more worried than a hint of worry.

"Chu Zheng, die!"

Just in the blink of an eye, Yuwen Xiao braved a black mist all over his body and directly arrived in front of Chu Zheng.

Raise your hand and hit it directly with one palm.

Phantom Palm!

Straight to Chu Zheng's chest.

Chu Zheng smiled faintly, looked at this imposing palm, and secretly said: Finally have a qualified opponent?

With a movement of his feet, Chu Zheng left the ground directly.


This palm directly slapped on the stone behind Chu Zheng.

The entire back of the mountain seems to have been half blasted away.

"Where to go!"

Yuwen Xiao's eyes shone out.

This Chu Zheng's internal strength cultivation is extremely strong, if he can absorb this Chu Zheng's internal strength, then under the whole world, who will still be his Yuwen Xiao's opponent.

Thinking of this, Yuwen Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly.

Directly dismount and tie down, swim with both palms in front of your chest, and finally push forward.

When he boarded, he saw that on Yuwen Xiao's chest, a huge vortex of air flow appeared ten times larger than before.

"Great method of suction, Mr. Chu be careful, this is the great method of absorbing gong!"

Mo Wentian's eyes widened, and he hurriedly reminded.

"Being locked by my Great Method of Absorbing Gong will definitely make you unable to hide, and there is no escape... Well? What's the situation?

Yuwen Xiao was about to speak.

However, he found that his great method of absorbing skills had obviously firmly locked Chu Zheng, but I don't know why, but he couldn't absorb the slightest bit of his inner strength.


Why can't I absorb his inner strength?

This time it was Yuwen Xiao's turn to widen his eyes.

But what surprised Yuwen Xiao even more was still behind.

I saw Chu Zheng, floating in the air, but Chu Zheng's fingers pointed to the sky.

When he boarded, he saw that above Chu Zheng's fingers, a large amount of heaven and earth vitality condensed towards the fingertips of Chu Zheng's fingers.

Finally, in the sky above Chu Zheng, it condensed into a big sword with golden yellow light.

The great sword seemed to have pierced through the sky.

The faint sword radiance is directly stimulated by the people below who can't open their eyes.

Mo Lingrou even raised her hand to cover her eyes.

I was shocked.

"Chu Zheng... Is this your strength?

Mo Lingrou was completely shocked.

And Mo Wentian was lying on the ground, looking at the condensed sword light, and his pupils suddenly dilated.


And Yuwen Xiao felt even more incredible.

"Suck me!"

Yuwen Xiao directly used the strength of his whole body to operate the Great Method of Absorption to the extreme.

Mo said internal strength, at this time, even below, the cultivation was low, did not have time to dodge, a few of them were directly sucked out a large amount of blood mist.

In the blink of an eye, it became a dry corpse.

Even so, this golden sword is tattooed.

"I've become a demon body, you... You can't kill me!

Yuwen Xiao said coldly.

"Jiuyang Immortal Sword!"

However, Chu Zhengcai doesn't care what demon body is not a demon body, the Jiuyang Immortal Sword can curse the world's demons and monsters.

A sword fell.

"Boom, boom, boom, !!"

Burst, completely exploded.

Under Chu Zheng's body, it had been completely shattered, and gunsmoke was billowing out.

And as Chu Zheng's sword fell, even a not small mountain behind Yuwen Xiao actually split from it.

Under the power of this sword.

The black fog on Yuwen Xiao's body was filled with a large amount of outward.

This was oppressed by Chu Zheng's sword power, which directly crushed Yuwen Xiao's demon qi to pieces.


Yuwen Xiao's eyes widened, under the power of this sword, he found that he couldn't move at all! Just tried his best and shouted a word.

Because the demon qi he was proud of had all disappeared at this moment.


The golden sword finally fell.

Yuwen Xiao let out a violent scream.

Accompanied by a violent roaring sound.

Yuwen Xiao, there was not even a trace of dust left.

And Yuwen Xiao's blood rebirth, under the power of this sword, is like a joke.

"Boom !!"

Finally, the long sword landed on the ground, and the cliff where Chu Zheng was originally standing abruptly cracked a gap several meters wide.

The white smoke that evaporated seemed to cover the entire Tianxi Valley.

"Puff!! "

In the valley, both birds and beasts seemed to have rushed towards the outside of the valley as if they had sensed the coming of the end.

Mo Lingrou's eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hands.

Now, Mo Lingrou even felt difficult to breathe.

And these people of the Martial Dao Alliance did not dare to come out, their eyes, as if they had been discussed, all stared in the direction of the valley cracking, and they couldn't even blink.


Mo Wentian even weakened his legs, and the power of the sword just now was almost destroying the heavens and the earth.

Sir, you are the real initiator!

Chu collected the Immortal Sword, and the whole person's body slowly fell.

Just now, Chu Zheng just tried the power of this Immortal Sword, and he didn't expect that his strength near the Foundation Building Realm would be able to exert the Jiuyang Immortal Sword to such a strength...

Chu Zheng did not take into account everyone, but thought about the blow just now.

But at this time, I saw that in the entire square, everyone knelt down in unison.

"I'm waiting to meet my senior! I am willing to go to the soup for the seniors, and do not give up! "

The people of the Martial Dao Alliance are all respectful.

And Mo Wentian also slowly got up from the ground, and then knelt down respectfully:

"Meet the senior..."

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