"Oh? What big background?

Chu Zheng couldn't help but ask.

In the entire Yanjing, Chu Zheng still didn't know what other background existed, so he was busy asking at the moment.

The waiter lowered his voice and said: "Zhu Gongzi's father, known as Third Master Zhu, is one of the investors in the creation of Jiuyang Palace, and behind him stands Jiuyang Palace, and in the past few months, Third Master Zhu has become a famous family in Yanjing by relying on the relationship of Jiuyang Palace, and this Zhu Gongzi has also become unscrupulous since then, and no one dares to provoke ah!"

"Do the people of the Nine Yang Palace know these things?"

Chu Zheng frowned slightly and asked lightly.

"It should not be known, the people of Jiuyang Palace usually do not go down the mountain, let alone participate in Yanjing's affairs, so, it should be unknown, but the prestige of Jiuyang, the entire Yanjing which does not know, this Zhu Gongzi, even Master Zhang Younian has to call a virtuous nephew, so in Yanjing, it is quite an unbearable existence, I see that you are all from other places, or less provoke this local snake!"

The waiter said a word, then shook his head and sighed and left, continuing to serve.

And the scolding of that Zhu Gongzi outside continued.

"Yu'er, go..." Chu

Zheng nodded.

"Ah! ~"Not

long after, Zhu Gongzi's screams were heard outside.

Mo Lingyuer walked in with her hands on her back, and then said with a smile: "I have become a cripple, and it is estimated that even if I eat in the future, I will have to let people serve!" Chu

Zheng shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

In order to build the Yuan Capture Town, Chu Zheng founded the Jiuyang Palace, originally wanted to promote some people up, but it was a mixture of fish and snakes, and in the end he almost raised tigers, and he actually let that Zhu Laosan be so domineering.

In Chu Zheng's heart, he really felt a little remorseful.

In the future, the affairs of Jiuyang Palace must really be handled well, otherwise some people will exploit the loopholes, and fish and meat in the township.

Chu Zheng already had a plan in his heart.

Immediately after, the dishes came up, everyone ate together, and after the meal, they were about to get up and leave.

At this time, I heard an emergency brake sound outside.

There were more than twenty cars, directly surrounding the restaurant where Chu Zheng was located.

Then there had to be thirty or forty people getting out of the car.

All dressed in black.


Finally, a bodyguard went over and opened a car door.

I saw a person sitting in the car.

Wearing sunglasses, he looks like he has a brilliant temperament.

"Who hit the person just now?"

Just asked lightly.

The man in the car took out a piece of gauze and carefully wiped the watch on his hand.

It seems careless, but it is domineering.

"Third Master Zhu is angry this time, it's over, these foreigners, and this group of children are going to be finished!"

"It is said that a few days ago, the Mid-Autumn Festival held by the Jiuyang Palace, Third Master Zhu was among the invitations!"

"This is natural, and I also heard that the third master and Master Zhang Younian are both at the same table, and the third master is now afraid that he will seize the position of chairman Li Zuobiao."

He has become a big red man in Jiuyang Palace!

"Alas, I'm afraid that Yanjing will have no domineering Lu family, and another Zhu family will appear!"

Many people shook their heads and sighed.

Jean Chu Zheng, who had already heard the voice, couldn't help but feel ashamed in his heart.

These are all thanks to his Jiuyang Palace.

"It's me!"

Looking at this Zhu Laosan who was sitting in the car, still wiping his watch.

Chu Zheng's brows furrowed.

Said coldly.

"Pull it out and bleed... Well?

Zhu Laosan said lightly as if he was saying a mantra.

But then he realized something was wrong.

This voice....

Zhu Laosan's body couldn't help but shake slightly, and he immediately took off his sunglasses.

Look towards the person who speaks.

At this look, Zhu Laosan's pupils shrank even more violently.

"Chu... Clear...... Mr. Chu! "

Zhu Laosan is like being struck by lightning, and when he sees the person in front of him, with his hands in his pockets, isn't it Mr. Chu who has not returned from his outing.

At the moment, his brain was blank.

"Mr. Chu?"

"What's the situation? This person is Mr. Chu of the Jiuyang Palace? The

onlookers on the street looked at each other in surprise, obviously feeling unbelievable.



Zhu Laosan climbed down from the car and knelt directly to Chu Zheng.

"Mr. Chu, I don't know it's you, I don't know it's you!"

Zhu Laosan's face was as white as paper.

The heart even mentioned the throat and eyes.

He never expected that his son would fall into the hands of Mr. Chu, who has always been jealous like a hatred.

And just now, he seems to have said the words of pulling out to bleed.

"Mr. Chu!"

Zhu Laosan's whole body trembled.

"Don't know it's me? If it's someone else, you'll have to be pulled to bleed at this time, right? Chu

Zheng frowned, with a faint cold breath in his eyes, and did not beg for mercy for this Zhu Laosan's kneeling, and went down a little.

"No... Can't!

Zhu Laosan hurriedly shook his head.

"Zhu Laosan, when I saw your sincerity, I intended to promote you, but I didn't expect... From now on, from now on, your Zhu family has nothing to do with my Jiuyang Palace, you... Let's do it yourself..." Shaking

his head, Chu Zheng snorted coldly and flicked his sleeves away.

Only Zhu Laosan, whose eyes were already wooden, was left.

and the group of bodyguards with sunglasses who are about to do it but dare not do it.


"Big Brother Chu, you spared him so much, it's really too cheap for him!"

Ouyang Yiyi was still a little unhappy.

On the way back, he slowly said to Chu Zheng.

"Once he leaves the Nine Yang Palace, he will be beaten back to his original form, such a punishment, this is enough!"

Shaking his head slightly, Chu Zheng no longer mentioned the matter, but walked towards the Jiuyang Palace.

Chu Zheng didn't know that he had just walked on his front foot.

Right in front of the hotel, where Zhu Laosan knelt.

Two more women came.

"Hey, president, look quickly, how is there a person kneeling here..."

"Fang Qian, let's just come to Yanjing, it's better not to be troublesome, Chairman Li of the Yanjing Chamber of Commerce, you have already made an appointment, let's go over as soon as possible and take down the Yanjing project, after all, the strength of the competitors this time seems to be stronger than us!"

Fang Qian nodded and said: "Okay president, but do we want to call my aunt first, my aunt seems to have stayed in Yanjing and didn't go back, you often talk about your aunt in country M, this time I came, I can't make out well!"

Fang Qian stuck out her tongue and smiled.

"Smelly girl, what are you talking nonsense! Who thinks about that guy, in my four months in country M, this guy has only called seven times in total, and six times I took the initiative to call, I Su Aoxue is not the kind of spineless person, this time, if he does not take the initiative, I will not see him for the rest of my life! As

soon as Su Aoxue said it, she was angry.

In the past four months in country M, he has scolded Chu Zheng countless times for having no conscience.

It has been a few months, and Su Aoxue's temperament has improved a lot more than before.

However, when he thought of Chu Zhenglai, it still made Su Aoxue feel at ease.

It's true, every time I call, I simply say a few words, and I don't know what happened to this guy after he came to Yanjing.

"I think it's better to call my aunt, maybe my aunt has great skills and has established a foot in Yanjing, and our negotiation project this time is a matter of my aunt's words..."

Fang Qian said jokingly.

In fact, she also knew that Yanjing was so big, and her aunt's foothold within four months was completely ethereal, but Fang Qian thought more from Su Aoxue's point of view.

She knew that in the past four months, she had almost been talking in her dreams, and the president's mouth was full of her aunt's name, of course, several times she had spoken in her dreams, and she had directly quarreled with her aunt.

You can imagine how much the president's heart now misses Aunt Chu Zheng.

However, Fang Qian also knows that the president has a very stubborn personality, and if she wants to take the initiative again and again, the president will definitely not be willing to do so.

So, I said it like a joke right now.

"Fang Qian, don't persuade me around the bend, this time, whether it is to break the sky, I will not call him, go, don't talk about him, let's talk about the project first!"

Su Aoxue took a deep breath and tried hard to call Chu Zheng and tell him that he had come to Yanjing, but when he thought that Chu Zheng had only contacted her seven times in four months, Su Aoxue was angry.

Suppressed this anger.

As for what Fang Qian said about her aunt's words, it was automatically ignored by Su Aoxue. She knew that Fang Qian was coaxing herself to call Chu Zheng again, and this time Su Aoxue was not fooled....

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