"Big shots? What big shots?

"If you ask the entire Nanyang, who else will be qualified to take over the post of president?"

The discussion of the crowd rose and fell at once.

And Xu Yali finally nodded in realization, "No wonder my father has been telling me that today's conference, there will be a major event announced, the original is to give the position of the general to Mr. Chu!" "

In this way, it is really a great blessing for the medical community.

And listening to everyone's discussion, Wang Qun glanced at Xu Yali before he smiled, "Being able to take over as the president by Mr. Chu, the development of our medical world will definitely have to advance another level!"

Although Xu Yali was not very interested in this Wang Qun, she nodded undeniably after hearing this.

At this time, he saw Xu Xingyang walking down, and then looking for it in the sitting crowd.

Since Mr. Chu has promised to come, he will definitely arrive on time and on time.

Xu Xingyang did not have the slightest doubt about this.

Just when everyone was a little puzzled about what Xu Xingyang was looking for, including Xu Yali just wanted to ask Xu Xingyang something, he saw Xu Xingyang's gaze and suddenly glanced at the back.

Then he looked overjoyed, and immediately trotted all the way over.

"Sir, it turns out that you are here, you are not entertaining, please come up quickly and do it, take this long banner!"

Xu Xingyang walked to Chu Zheng's side and bowed respectfully.


"Mr. Chu?"

"This is Mr. Chu?"

After a brief period of shock, everyone finally reacted to the meaning of what Xu Xingyang had just said.

This one sat next to them, without saying a word, and even everyone did not know that there was still a person sitting here.

And this person turned out to be Mr. Chu. That Mr. Chu who possessed the art of resurrecting the dead and cured Xu Shenyi!

"Mr. Chu!"

Many people around heard Xu Xingyang's title, and who else could make Xu Gongzi like this, except for that Mr. Chu.

They all stood up and looked over this way.

For a while, the venue became a little noisy.

The people who stood up were like a dark cloud, covering Chu Zheng's side.

"What happened next?"

Xu Yali saw everyone get up in unison and look back, but there were too many people standing up to see what was happening over there.

I couldn't help but ask curiously.

"It seems to be Mr. Chu, Mr. Chu himself is sitting in the back!"

Su Zhuang heard some and said quickly.

"Mr. Chu..."

Xu Yali's beautiful eyes froze, and she couldn't help but tiptoe and look back.

"Or I'll see it, just announce it!"

With so many people surrounding him, it also made Chu Zheng a little unable to let go.

"Inevitable, sir!"

Xu Xingyang bent his waist lower.

With a slight bitter smile at the corner of his mouth, Chu Zheng shook his head helplessly, got up and walked towards the stage.

Alas, who allowed himself to answer this errand!

Chu Zheng carried his hands on his back, and the crowd automatically gave way to a road, all looking at this famous big man with burning eyes!

"It's that dirt bun! How did he walk towards the stage?

Qin Ruyi recognized Chu Zheng at once.

Somewhat unbelievable.

"Who knows, what else in this world is not something this guy can do?"

Su Zhuang muttered softly.

Seeing that Chu Zheng had arrived in front of him, and he really carried his hands behind his back, walking towards the platform.


Wang Qun's eyes widened even more, a little unbelievable, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his head, this... Shouldn't it be Mr. Chu?

I don't know why, looking at this person's momentum and that calm posture, Wang Qun had an illusion.

Xu Yali covered her mouth even more.

Impossible, how is it possible! I must be dreaming.

Xu Yali didn't believe it, but soon the facts told her that everything was true!

"Mr. Chu!"


"Mr. Chu!"

As soon as

Chu Zheng took the stage, he followed closely by all the bigwigs in the medical field, a dozen or so, all stood up from their seats, and then bent down respectfully to Chu Zheng who was coming.

Especially Xu Changsheng, his face was full of respect.


Xu Yali heard it clearly, and looked at the figure in front of her, which was enough to make her trance, and couldn't help but cover her mouth.

It turned out that Mr. Chu Zhengchu, who he had always admired, was actually close at hand, and he seemed to have won Mr. Chu's favor, and he almost jumped to become Mr. Chu's woman....

I don't know why, Xu Yali's mood is very complicated now, like a blow to the head.

The brain instantly went blank.

He, still the familiar him, exudes a calm, elegant air.

He is Mr. Chu!

Myself, shouldn't I have thought of it a long time ago?

Xu Yali shook her head, remembering that she hadn't greeted Mr. Li Chu just now, but instead imagined that the two were people from two worlds, and a touch of shame suddenly appeared on her face.

If there is a hole in the ground, Xu Yali really wants to get into it.

And Wang Qun was even pale and stunned.

Because just outside the door, Wang Qun was still showing his IQ with Mr. Chu.

My God, I thought that Mr. Chu was hit by himself and couldn't speak, but I didn't know that in fact, Mr. Chu was not willing to take care of himself at all.

And Su Zhuang, with Qin Ruyi, his face rose red.

Mr. Chu, this is Mr. Chu!

Su Zhuang entered the ice cave.

It turned out that he had been working against the famous Mr. Chu.

Originally, through Wu Qianqian, he might be able to become friends with Mr. Chu, but he didn't expect that he would make trouble in such a field?

Su Zhuang immediately lowered his head in shame, there was no hole in the ground, but his head burrowed under the sofa, because he really had no face!

"Mr. Chu, please sit down quickly!"

More than a dozen people on the stage said with a flattering smile.

Chu Zheng nodded, and slowly sat down on the main seat.

And Xu Changsheng could only sit on the side of Chu Zheng.

Respectful and somewhat restrained.

"Everyone, Mr. Chu is benevolent and righteous, and has promised Xu to take over the position of the next president, leading all of us to a new level in the medical path!"


A thunderous shout instantly sounded below, and the applause was even more uproar, which could not be stopped for a long time.

Chu Zheng's name, across China, the deeds he has done, is even more praised, and now, with his super medical skills, Mr. Chu has come back from the dead to cure Dr. Xu, which has already impressed everyone.

And now, Dr. Xu insists on abdicating and being replaced by Mr. Chu is really expected.

No wonder the crowd is so excited.

Finally, the applause and excitement quieted down under Xu Changsheng's raised hand.

Then Xu Changsheng looked at Xu Yali in the audience and said, "Yali, Xingyang, you two are the most outstanding of the young generation in Nanyang, I have begged Mr. Chu to accept you two as students, you two come quickly, according to our old rules, kowtow to Mr. Chu to toast tea, and then, everyone does not have to worry, Mr. Chu will successively select seven younger generations as his own personal students!"

Xu Changsheng said happily.

Facing Xu Yali and Xu Xingyang below, he cast an encouraging look.

"Yes, Father!"

Xu Xingyang nodded heavily, and immediately walked onto the stage.

Xu Yali, on the other hand, was a little stunned in place.

Xu Changshi, who was very happy, was shocked to see his daughter like this.

I couldn't help but nervously remind, "Yali, what are you little nizi stunned!" Don't hurry up and toast Mr. for tea?

Xu Yali's mood was extremely complicated.

He kept staring at Chu Zheng as if he was dreaming.

After hearing his father's reminder, he came back to his senses.

"Yes!" With a little difficulty, he spit out the word from his mouth.

Then Xu Yali walked in front of Chu Zheng, "Mr. Chu, please use tea..."

And Chu Zheng took the tea from his hand quite helplessly, his identity was disclosed on this occasion, and it really made this chick a little unacceptable.

But what makes Chu Zheng even more helpless is that people, sometimes you can't keep a low profile!

But after this trip, Chu Zheng was still very satisfied with receiving Xu Xingyang, a good apprentice.

And took Xu Yali's tea, and when Chu Zheng was about to drink it, at this time, he heard a sudden loud drink outside the door: "What dog thing, dare to let my woman offer tea!" "

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