"Father, how many rounds do you say Xu Yuan can survive in the hands of Mr. Xu?"

Under the bamboo mountain, Wu Qianqian and Wu Zuodao walked towards the top of the bamboo mountain.

I want to see what's happening over there.

On the way, Wu Qianqian asked the experienced Wu Zuodao.

Wu Zuodao shook his head and said, "According to what I know about Xu Yuan, he can survive about ten rounds in the hands of Mr. "

Oh my God!"

Wu Qianqian covered her mouth at once, "Is there only ten rounds?" "

Xu Yuan is a personal disciple of Yuncang Daomaster, and his cultivation is far superior to his father Wu Zuodao's existence, such a terrifying existence can only last ten rounds in Mr. Chu's hands?

Wu Qianqian felt unbelievable.

Unexpectedly, Wu Zuodao added, "Of course, it's still the most!"

"While there is no sound of war yet, let's hurry over and see what magical powers Mr. Chu has!"

Saying that, Wu Qianqian trotted towards the mountain.

And Wu Zuodao, Chu Zheng did not recover his mana, so he is now an ordinary old man.

"Daughter, slow down, wait for me!"

One after the other, the two ran towards the bamboo forest where Chu Zheng was cultivating.

When Wu Zuodao came up panting, he saw that Wu Qianqian was already stunned in place.

"What's wrong? Is it going to start?

Wu Zuodao wondered in his heart, the pace of the family quickened, but when Wu Zuodao also ran to the near and saw the scene in front of him.

But I was also dumbfounded.

"God, all dead? This is Xu Yuan? "

I saw five bodies lying neatly on the ground.

Among them is Xu Yuan.

All five people had wounds on their necks the thickness of an arm.

Dressed transparently.

And Chu Zheng was also about to go down the mountain, and when he saw Wu Qianqian and the two, he immediately smiled and said, "Help me clean up these corpses..." And

after Chu Zheng walked away, Wu Zuodao and Wu Qianqian swallowed a mouthful of spit in unison, reflecting the current situation, and snorted.

Without caring about Xu Yuan, Wu Qianqian walked towards the four people lying in front with some curiosity.

"Father, come and see, how come these four Westerners are all so weird?"

Wu Qianqian hurriedly greeted Wu Zuodao.


Wu Zuodao was looking at Xu Yuan's wound, and after hearing the sound, he hurried over.


four people..." looked at the corpses of the four people, and the way of death was the same as Xu Yuan before.

However, Wu Zuodao was well-informed, and saw the three-meter-tall King Kong on the side, and couldn't help but think about it suspiciously, and then said in shock, "These four people, are they the legendary masters close to the Heaven List, those four rare innate transcendents?"

"Father, congenitally extraordinary? Why has my daughter never heard of it?

Wu Zuodao shook his head, revealing an incredulous expression, and then said, "Congenital extraordinary, they are people who are born with supernatural powers, and these four, cooperate with each other, almost no matter what kind of masters, under the seamless and complementary and complementary supernatural powers of the four people, it is difficult to parry!"

I didn't expect it..." Wu Zuodao shook his head and said, "I didn't expect that such a terrifying four people would still not be able to last a round in Mr. Chu's hands..."

Wu Zuodao was deeply shocked.

Remembering that he had also been an enemy of Mr. Chu, Wu Zuodao had a complicated mood, on the one hand, he was a little afraid, and on the other hand, he was a little proud.

And after Wu Qianqian listened to her father's words, her delicate body also trembled slightly, "Then father, how powerful do you say the current gentleman?" This

time is what Wu Qianqian wants to ask the most.

Because she wanted to know what the pinnacle of human cultivation was.

And Wu Zuodao raised his head with shame on his face and looked up to the sky and sighed, "I Wu Zuodao has been practicing for decades, but I can't see through Mr. at all, and Qianqian, do you know?" The magical power of Mr. Chu we see now is probably only the tip of the iceberg! "


Wu Qianqian was also deeply shocked....


Chu Zheng returned to the guild hall and looked at Xu Xingyang, who was unconscious, but fortunately, Wu Qianqian had cast a spell just now to stabilize Xu Xingyang's mind.

And Chu Zheng's trick was to restore Xu Xingyang's spiritual power that had been impacted.

Just half a month of rest will be able to recover.

Now, Chu Zheng's affairs can be said to be almost completed.

Originally, Chu Zheng planned to return to Longjiang and establish his own Wansheng base.

But now Chu Zheng has changed his mind again.

Because Chu Zheng now understands some truths, some things, even if he wants to hide, he can't hide at all.

Therefore, Chu Zheng found Liuyun and Wu Zuodao and said his thoughts.


Liuyun, who was drinking tea, listened, and did not hold back a sip of tea, and directly sprayed out.


And Wu Zuo Dao Rao is Lao Cheng calm, listening to it at this time, he almost slipped off the table.

Wu Qianqian looked at Chu Zheng in disbelief.

"You want to take the initiative to challenge Yuncang Dao Chief?"

The three asked in unison.

Yuncang Daoist is known to everyone in Nanyang, and his skills are even more heavenly.

He is known as the master of Nanyang's magic, the grandmaster among the grandmasters.

No one in Nanyang dares to mess with it.

No one dared to disobey the meaning of this Yuncang Dao Chief, and now, Mr. Chu actually took the initiative to challenge the Yuncang Dao Chief?

"Sir, although you killed Xu Yuan's father and son, but we offer it with a pill magic weapon, maybe we may be forgiven by Yun Cang and turn the fight into a jade, after all, if Sir wants to gain a foothold in Nanyang in the future, he will offend this Yun Cang..."

Although this sentence should not be said, Wu Zuodao still said.

After all, others are still at the stage of hearing about Yun Cang's strength.

But Wu Zuodao had studied art in Yuncang Mountain, and although he had never seen the Yuncang Dao Chief, he was very clear about the Yuncang Dao Chief.

And the most important thing is that don't look at Yun Cang Dao Chang, he is a Dao cultivator, but Yun Cang Dao Chang has an extremely ruthless side.

Moreover, its divine power is not to be offended by others.

When Wu Zuodao was twenty years old and was studying art in Yuncang Mountain, he went to the same door, because of a slip of the tongue, he called out a word of Yuncang Dao's law, and the next day, when the same door returned home.

It was to see the old mother, father, wife, and three-year-old daughter in his own family all brutally killed.

Directly extinguished.

Although Yuncang Daoist did not give an order to kill this person, he directly killed this person's entire family, and such punishment was simply more uncomfortable than killing him, and the severity of the punishment was evident.

And for decades, in the entire Nanyang, no one dared to call the number of Yuncang Daolong.

Not even in private.

Not to mention offending.

Moreover, the named disciples of Yuncang Mountain, after going out to wander, although they can call themselves Yuncang disciples, they must not be defeated.

Once defeated, he will commit suicide.

Otherwise, you will face the inhuman slaughter of the whole family.

This is also why, after Wu Zuodao was defeated by Chu Zheng, he was driven out by the Wu family.

Not because of fear of this.

But for the sake of his daughter, Wu Zuodao chose to live a difficult life.

Thanks to meeting Mr. Chu, a trace of life appeared.

One can imagine how deep the shadow that Yuncang Daoist brought to Wu Zuodao was.

And now, instead of being offended, Sir actually wanted to directly challenge Yuncang Daoist?

It's no wonder why Wu Zuodao rolled down from the chair rounded after listening to it.

And Liuyun has been in Nanyang for a year and a half, and naturally knows about Yuncang Dao.

At the moment, the faces of the three people were a little pale.

The main thing is to be scared.

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly, "You guys, just go to the battle book, just say that I Chu Zheng, three days later, the battle of this cloud cang road is long on this hundred bamboo mountain!"

After that, Chu Zheng put his hands on his back and slowly left.

And Wu Zuodao and Liuyun both swallowed a mouthful of spit.

Since Mr. Chu said, these people who do things, although they are afraid, they have to do it!

Yuncang Mountain, in the northernmost part of Nanyang Huacheng, belongs to the place of exchange between the three rivers.

Feng shui location is best.

And now, in the clouds, there are six people kneeling.

Yuncang Dao Chang took seven sons, while Xu Yuan was dead, and now, there are still six sons left.

"Master, the senior brother was killed by Chu Zheng of the Jiuyang Palace, and none of them, including the senior nephew Xu Shaozong, were spared!"

One of the disciples, a middle-aged man, said tremblingly.

"Huh? Jiuyang Palace Chu Zheng? Xiao'er, who is known as the first martial arts powerhouse in the Central Plains?

And Yun Cang Dao, who looked at least a hundred years old, but was a crane-haired childlike appearance, opened his eyes at this time, and his eyes cast a cold light, and he couldn't help asking.

"It's him!"

The middle-aged man trembled.

"The six of you, you can hold my magic weapon, kill that Chu Zhengmanmen, and avenge Xu Yuan, no matter how old or young, kill it!"

Yun Cang Dao Chief shook his head slightly and waved his hand.

However, after speaking, he saw six disciples kneeling on the ground and burying their heads deeper.

"Huh?" Yun Cang Dao Chief frowned.

At this time, the disciple trembled and said,

"The disciple does not dare to deal with that Chu Zheng..."

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