"Qin Feng!" Guo Xiu suddenly became angry, and his voice became hoarse and sharp. "Yes, Lin Zhao is the nourishment I have painstakingly cultivated. If I devoured him, my strength will become stronger. But you killed him, and I spent five years in vain!"

"This revenge is like killing your father and mother, so I will kill you today, not only you, but also your family! I'm going to make your woman my forbidden one

Guo Xiu roared and hated Qin Feng, but he didn't leave any mistakes. No matter how angry he was, his voice still came from all directions, which made people unable to judge.

At the moment of his words, whew, whew, small bursts of wind broke out. In the space, silver needles flew from all directions. The target was not Qin Feng, but Liu Canghai and others.

Obviously, in this operation, Guo Xiu had a thorough understanding of Qin Feng. He knew that Qin Feng attached great importance to emotion and righteousness, and he would not give up the people around him even when he died.

So in his view, this is Qin Feng's weakness. Next, as long as he keeps attacking Liu Canghai and others, he will be able to find Qin Feng's flaws and kill Qin Feng at one stroke.

As for fighting face-to-face with Qin Feng, he was still afraid. After all, Qin Feng killed Lin Zhao, who was a great master at that time, and killed him easily. Obviously, Qin Feng's strength should not be underestimated.

Guo Xiu's plan still took effect. He launched a silver needle concealed weapon to attack Liu Canghai and others. Qin Feng had no choice but to help Liu Canghai and others resolve the attack.

And at this time, swish, swish, more silver needles appear out of thin air. This time, the goal is Qin Feng!

"Qin Feng, leave us alone, I believe you can find his position!" Liu Canghai shouts anxiously that Guo Xiu's sneak attack has been solved by Qin Feng. Qin Feng seems to be very safe, but over time, there will always be flaws. Guo Xiu's concealed weapons always carry poison. If Qin Feng is hit, it will be troublesome!

Song Liang and Liu Xinran are all nervous to death at the moment. They are in a very dangerous situation, but they don't hate Qin Feng because of this. At the moment, they just hope they don't involve Qin Feng.

"Damn it Qin Feng frowned and scolded in a low voice. At the moment, he had to admit that Guo Xiu was hard to deal with.

This kind of enemy, if face-to-face response, he is not afraid, every minute to kill, but it happens that the other side is good at hiding, his realm is less than ningdan period, it is difficult to find each other for a moment.

Whoosh! Whoosh, whoosh!

In the dark, Guo Xiu is reluctant. He attacks Liu Canghai and others again and again according to the routine he planned at the beginning, and then transfers the target to Qin Feng.

This situation, let Liu Canghai anxious eyes are angry, but there is no way, can only look at.

And just then!


The silver needle flying in the air finally penetrated into Qin Feng's shoulder. The sharp silver needle came out from Qin Feng's shoulder with blood.

"Qin Feng!"


"Mr. Qin, let's go!"

Liu Canghai and others scream desperately. Their nerves are tense to the extreme. There must be poison in the silver needle, which will weaken Qin Feng's strength. If they stand still again, Qin Feng will surely lose.

"Jie Jie!" Guo Xiu at the same time issued a cold laugh, "go? How can it be so simple, Qin Feng? I'll tell you, I've already hidden some poisonous insects in your house. If you run away, your wife and daughter will die! "

"It's none of their business!" Qin Feng roared and trembled. His face turned pale, but no one noticed. There was a strange light in his eyes.

"Why doesn't it matter?" Guo Xiu disdained to sneer, "if you kill my tonic, I'll kill your family. You killed them all. Do you understand?"

This time, the voice is no longer from all directions, but concentrated in one direction, at the same time, in that direction, a man in black slowly came out, a little bit close to Qin Feng.

"Qin Feng, you've been poisoned by me. Do you feel that Dantian can't be lucky now?"

Guo Xiu covered his face and laughed happily. "The attack of biting heart poison only happens in an instant. Once it enters your body, no matter how strong you are, you are just a useless person now. This is the end of offending Guo Xiu!"

Between the words, Guo Xiu had come to Qin Feng. He was holding a dagger in his hand, which was very cold. Obviously, he wanted to blade Qin Feng now.

"Qinfeng, Qinfeng!" Liu Xinran is crazy. Her eyes turn red and tears come out. Seeing Qin Feng dying in front of her, she suddenly feels that her heart hurts!

However, all this could not stop Guo Xiu, who was awe inspiring in his eyes. However, when he was ready to give Qin Feng the last blow.

Originally the breath weak Qin Feng suddenly moved! His right hand suddenly popped out and grabbed Guo Xiu's throat. With a strong click, Guo Xiu's neck was broken and his dagger fell to the ground, but he was not dead.

"This... How is this possible?" Guo Xiu was shocked, and his eyes suddenly widened. At this time, he found that Qin Feng was not poisoned at all. He had just pretended!

But he couldn't figure it out. Just now he saw with his own eyes that Qin Feng had been poisoned by the poisonous needle, and the needle passed through Qin Feng's body, so the toxin must enter Qin Feng's body. But how could Qin Feng be ok?

"Don't you understand?" Qin Feng grinned, approached Guo Xiu's ear, and said in a low voice, "you are such a curfew. Do you want to kill me, Qingyun xianzun? You'll never understand what's going on in your life! "

"You Guo Xiu was angry and spewed blood from his mouth. Unexpectedly, he planned for a long time, but he was defeated so simply by Qin Feng.

Even in the end, he didn't know how to lose. The plan had been successful!

And, as Qin Feng said, he would never know that it was all the flaws that Qin Feng deliberately leaked. Before he was attacked by the poisonous needle, Qin Feng had already wrapped the hit position with his strength, including skin, flesh and blood, and blood vessels in his body. The poisonous needle passed through his body, and the toxin had been wiped away.

He has a lot of things. How can he have time to play those boring games with people like Guo Xiu?

"Qin Feng, you are very strong!" Guo Xiu gritted his teeth. His whole face was as ferocious as a devil, "but what can you do if you win? I'm ready to lose to you this time. As I said, I've hidden some poisonous insects in your house. I've just mobilized the power of poisonous insects. Your family is dead! "

"Ha ha! Ha ha ha Guo Xiu is crazy and laughs. His character is always distorted. Even if he is dead, he will not make his opponent feel better.

Moreover, before he died, he felt very happy to be able to pull Qin Feng's family together. He could imagine what kind of pain Qin Feng would live in.

But, at this time, Qin Feng spread out his right hand, light way: "excuse me, are you talking about these?"

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