"Master, stop first." When passing by a children's supermarket, Qin Feng asked the taxi driver to stop. Just now, Yu Guang skimmed and saw the children's building blocks in front of the window.

A set of building blocks worth tens of yuan, once again deeply touched his heart. Just over a week ago, after Meng Ke came back from kindergarten, the little girl cried on the sofa for most of the night.

It's because she likes a set of pleasant packaging building blocks. She wants to buy them, but mengke doesn't buy them for her. In fact, it's no wonder mengke doesn't have very good family conditions. Mengke's monthly salary is not low, but he has to pay off the debt and maintain the expenses of the whole family. How can he not be careful?

The most unforgettable thing for Qin Feng is that the little girl cried and said, "Mom and Dad, why do other people's children have toys, but I don't?"

"Ha ha." Qin Feng stood in front of the window, looking at the building block packed by pleasant goat, with a bitter smile, eager to slap himself in the face.

At that time, he was still in the period of depravity. Even if he heard the little girl's cry, there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Now he remembered that day, not only the little girl cried, but also Meng Ke couldn't help crying. The mother and daughter hugged each other tightly, and Meng Ke apologized to her desperately.

In retrospect, every tear of the mother and daughter is like a sharp dagger, stabbing Qin Feng's heart again and again.

How can a man, a seven foot man, waste so much that his most important family members just shed tears because of dozens of building blocks.

"If you buy it and give it to the little girl, they will both be happy, won't they?" Qin Feng whispered to himself, and then he didn't hesitate any more. He went into the children's supermarket, took the block and went to the counter.

After paying, he went home by taxi, only to find the little girl curled up on the sofa.

For a moment, Qin Feng's heart clattered for a moment, and he had a bad feeling. He quickly asked, "where's your mother, Nannan?"

"Baba, I don't know..." the little girl raised her head, shook her head hard, and then cried again, "Baba, I thought you didn't want me, Wuwuwuwu..."

The daughter cried, and cried very sad, Qin Feng heart a tight, also don't care to think too much, quickly past tightly hugged the little girl, comfort up, "don't cry, baby don't cry, mom and Dad love you most, you are our favorite person, how can we not you?"

"What did dad bring you back?" Qin Feng grinned and took out the children's building blocks hidden behind him.

After all, it's a child. When she saw the building block packed by pleasant goat, she burst into tears and laughed, "Wow, Baba, you bought me pleasant goat's building block. She likes this one best. Thank you, Baba, Bo ~"

The little girl was very excited. She put her arms around Qin Feng's neck and gave him a big kiss on his face. Then her face was full of happiness and she held the box of building blocks tightly.

But outside the door, with a click, Meng Ke stopped at the door. His face was expressionless, and his eyes were flashing with determination.

After thinking about it, she still decided to divorce, not willing to believe Qin Feng's lies. For her, divorce is not for herself, but for a better living environment for the little girl.

Just now, she went to the law firm

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