Hearing Xu Hanxing's voice, Lu Beichuan turns to look over, and then discovers that Meng Ke, who was extremely weak before, has passed out.

"Damn it, damn it!" Lu Beichuan angrily scolds sun Jiawei. He guesses that even if sun Jiawei dies, he won't explain where the antidote is. Moreover, in this situation, he has no choice but to waste time with sun Jiawei. He can only plant a mark in sun Jiawei's body and then throw sun Jiawei out.

"Go to the hospital, go to the hospital quickly!" Qiu Zipeng is at a loss. The only thing he can think of now is the hospital. At the same time, he takes out his mobile phone and contacts the provincial capital to find a top doctor to treat Meng Ke.

A group of people are all in a hurry, carrying mengke rushed out of the meeting room.

Lu Beichuan did not follow, but quickly went to another office, found the little girl, to send the little girl back to the villa.


Let's talk about Qin Feng.

At this time, he was still in the depths of the ancient well in Taiqiu mountain, and had completely entered the cultivation state. The dark depths of the ancient well had already been covered by white fog.

Qin Feng is very anxious. He always worries about going back late. Meng Ke will think more, but he can't help it. If he wants to break through the battle, he must break through to jiedan.

Fortunately, before that, he had reached the peak level of building foundation, which was only one step away from jiedan realm. Next, as long as he absorbed the energy of Holy Spirit spring and integrated the energy crystal of ice python, he could make a smooth breakthrough.

Even so, it took him three days

Three days later in the morning.

Outside the ancient well.

Murong Qinxue finally wakes up and wakes up in a daze. Then she looks at the ancient well and finds that there is no change. She asks old Hai, "old Hai, when can master Qin come out?"

"I don't know." Old Hai shook his head and frowned, but he had another thought in his heart.

He was sure that Qin Feng was practicing deep in the ancient well, and he must have been in the state of cultivation for so long. If he forced his hand at this time, he might be able to

"Maybe I can kill him directly, so that I can get all the Holy Spirit springs, and there is no need for the Murong family to give him 60% of the resources."

Hailao was secretly upset, and his impulse became stronger and stronger. He clenched his fist a little bit. Under the temptation of absolute interests, even at his level, it was difficult to maintain absolute rationality.

Before that, he had been afraid that Qin Feng might have done something in Gujing, and he didn't dare to do it at will. But now, with the passage of time, he felt more and more that the chance of success would be great.

"That's all. Let's do it!" All of a sudden, old Hai's eyes flashed cold and he didn't want to bear it any more.

But, just then.

Very suddenly, the original dark sky, suddenly dark down, above the sky, thick black clouds emerged, blocking the sky.

Boom! Boom!

Then, there are thunderous bursts, resounding through heaven and earth, as well as beating drums in the sky, which makes people feel extremely depressed.

"What's the matter?" The old man looked up at the dark clouds in the sky and felt strange, because at his level, he would have a very keen perception of everything.

He thought back to the previous situation. According to that time, it was impossible for the weather to change so fast.

"Is it, is it the legendary thunder robbery?" This idea suddenly appeared in Hai Lao's heart. He was shocked. He never thought that thunder robbery was fake, but he only saw it in a very old book. According to the book, thunder robbery only appeared when people became immortals.

"No, I must think too much." Old Hai shook his head again and denied his inner thoughts.

But the next moment!

Click! Click!

In the thick black clouds, purple lightning appeared, and the light was flashing. They were hidden in the dark clouds and swam away, just like small snakes.

And the thickness of each flash is almost the same as that of a human arm!

"This, this is really thunder robbery?" Hailao is confused. It's hard to imagine that Qin Feng has only been practicing for a few days. How could it lead to thunder robbery?

"Does he want to use thunder to rob and break the defensive array?" Old Hai guessed secretly, thinking that it might be so.

But the next second, what he couldn't imagine happened again.

On the sky, the lightning that just appeared disappeared, just disappeared out of thin air, and the overwhelming black clouds began to disperse a little bit.

"What's the situation?" Old Hai frowned, completely confused.

Before he could react, almost at the same time.


A powerful wave of energy, like a volcanic eruption, spewed out from the ancient well and then swept around.

Hai laodun was startled and quickly released vigorous Qi to form a protective cover to protect himself and Murong Qinxue.

And then!

Brush! Brush! Brush!

Layer after layer of energy fluctuations burst out from the ancient well, layer upon layer, just like waves, and the power contained in each burst of energy fluctuations is stronger than that of the last one.

Superposition time and again, at the same time, the energy wave, like water wave, is madly impacting the defensive array around.


Five times!

Ten times!

Twenty times!

After nearly 50 times of impact, finally, bursts of cracking sound spread, only to see the surrounding space above, suddenly emerged a road of fine cracks, like a cobweb spread wantonly.

And then——


With a dull sound, the original defense array, which was like a copper wall and iron wall, broke into little stars, and finally turned into nothingness!

Next moment!


Strong wind swept, a figure leaped out of the ancient well, and then slowly fell in front of Hai Lao and Murong Qinxue. It was obviously Qin Feng.

At the moment, Qin Feng is still surrounded by thin white fog, which makes him feel a little more hazy and mysterious, and makes people feel like a fairy in the clouds.

His temperament, compared with before, has also changed dramatically. His skin has become much whiter, his skin surface is as smooth and delicate as jade, and his eyes have also become more profound.

Steady body shape, Qin Feng looked at the eye sea old two people, light way: "you can go now."

Just now, he did cause the thunder robbery, which is a must experience when he stepped into jiedan. But at that time, he did not let the thunder robbery take shape, but used special means to delay the effective time of the thunder robbery.

The reason for doing so is Qin Feng's temporary decision.

After all, it's just a thunder robbery in jiedan. With his strength and experience, it can be easily resolved, and he is also not afraid of the threat from the old Hai. But at that moment, he felt uneasy!

Moreover, the feeling of uneasiness became more and more intense, which made his heart beat faster and faster, forcing him to stop the thunder robbery. Now he just wanted to go back to Binhai and see what was going on!

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