Just when Li Yongjun and Liu Xinran work together to fight against Qin Feng, she clenches her hands uncontrollably. Qin Feng's words surprise her.

Because that's what Qin Feng said. Li Yongjun and Professor Wang have been busy for a long time, emphasizing that Liu Canghai is close to death. But Liu Canghai's condition before the onset of the disease has also been emphasized many times. Who heard that?

Up to now, only Qin Feng really talked about her heart. Her eyes to Qin Feng changed. She was no longer full of hesitation and apology, but more expectant and eager.

Qin Feng was not in a hurry, but walked to the corner of a basin of yellow green plants, "I think you have misunderstandings about the fate, the so-called fate will end, is nothing more than the twilight of the gas, this process is slow, such as this dying Chlorophytum, it is dying, but from the beginning of its leaves yellow, to its death, in fact, there is a slow process."

"The old man is different. He's like a cash cow." Qin Feng, on the one hand or on the other, grasped the good cash tree growing nearby. With a snap, the cash tree was broken on the spot.

"It's like this. Before Ming Dynasty, there was a dragon and tiger, full of energy, and suddenly there was a drastic change."

Qin Feng made the most simple and direct explanation with facts and words. When he finished all this, Liu Xinran's eyes were full of strong shock.

That's right. It's just like this. All the experiences are exactly the same as what Qin Feng said!

"What's going on?" Liu Xinran asked eagerly. Her heart beat faster and faster, as if she had found a life-saving straw.

Without waiting for Qin Feng's response, Professor Wang on the other side immediately began to retort, "Miss Liu, who is not clear about the situation of the old man in the circle now? If you are someone who has a heart, just ask a little bit."

"Yes, this kind of thing takes a little time to gather intelligence, and anyone can say it." Li Yongjun said.

"Shut up Liu Xinran yelled. She was really angry. Although she didn't know how Qin Feng judged the actual situation, she believed that it was definitely not what the two so-called experts said.

To now, her heart to Qin Feng's suspicion has already disappeared, at the same time all hope on Qin Feng.

But when she was looking forward to Qin Feng's treatment for Liu Canghai, Qin Feng suddenly turned around, "since Miss Liu doesn't trust me, why call me here?"

"I can conclude that half a minute later, the old man's heart and breath will stop, not death, but feign death. Five minutes later, he will wake up and become lively. In another three days, he will have all his internal organs rotten. At that time, he will be powerless and dead. "

With that, Qin Feng goes out of the room without going back. He doesn't want to save people. He doesn't care about the contempt and disdain of Li Yongjun and Professor Wang, but because of Liu Xinran's attitude.

Call him, he didn't have any excuse to come over, to the place and want to let him go, take him as someone, want to use, don't want to use?

"Mr. Qin!" Liu Xinran was in a hurry, shouting to chase out, but almost at the same time, someone beside him called out in a panic: "old man... Old man's heart stopped!"


Liu Xinran was stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned around, rushed over and fell on Liu Canghai, crying, "grandfather, what's the matter with you?"

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