Sleep with Qin Feng?

Meng Ke was stunned by this question. For a moment, she didn't know how to answer it. She admitted that Qin Feng had indeed changed a lot. At least in her personal image, she let people see a little hope for the future. Especially the eyes, who used to be confused, are now full of expression. If she looked directly at them, she would feel a deep attraction.

But this does not mean that Meng Ke is willing to completely believe Qin Feng. Once she was hit so hard that she could not be sure whether it was Qin Feng's on-the-spot reaction for fear of divorce.

And deep in her heart, she still feels a little conflicted with Qin Feng. She is really reluctant to share the bed with Qin Feng.

"Little girl, listen to Dad." Qin Feng obviously saw Meng Ke's idea, and felt that there was a dim sum plug. He clearly had the status of husband and wife, but he couldn't have the same room. In most cases, it meant the sorrow of the marriage relationship.

But he could fully understand Meng Ke, with a bitter smile in his heart. He touched the little girl's head at the same time and said with a smile, "Dad has a snoring problem recently, which can't be changed for a while. How tired your mother is at work, you know, she needs a good rest. Do you want her to be disturbed during the rest?"

"No, no!" The little girl shook her head hard. She pursed her mouth and looked disappointed. But her eyes to Meng Ke were firm and full of expectation. "Ma Ma, when Dad stops snoring, will our family sleep together?"

"Good, good." Meng Ke nodded slightly and took a look at Qin Feng. But he immediately took his eyes back and carried her into the bedroom.

After closing the door, I saw that her whole face turned red, and her eyes flickered with unbelievable smell. She couldn't believe it. Just now when she looked at Qin Feng, she had a kind of heart beating feeling, as if her soul was trembling. The strong attraction made her feel like she had fallen in love with Qin Feng.

Outside the door, Qin Feng's mouth in the living room can't help but smile. When he sees Meng Kegang's expression, he can't help but think of that green and simple girl.

This gives Qin Feng reason to believe that after today's development, Meng Ke's deep feelings towards him will change.

With joy, he went back to his bedroom and had a good sleep.


Early the next morning.

Squeak, the door of Qin Feng's bedroom is opened, and the little girl walks in with her bare feet. When she comes to Qin Feng, she pinches Qin Feng's face with her little hand.

"Baba, Baba, get up quickly." The little girl anxiously urged, but the voice of her voice wanted to wake up Meng Ke who was still sleeping next door.

Qin Feng woke up, put the little girl in his arms with his backhand, and said with a smile, "up, Dad up."

"Baba, Baba!" Little girl suddenly raised the spirit, a pair of big eyes dribbling around, "little girl has not eaten KFC for a long time, you secretly take me to eat KFC, OK?"

Kentucky Fried Chicken?

Qin Feng frowned slightly and thought that this kind of food was very unhealthy. But he turned his head and thought that he had owed too much to his little girl, so he nodded and said, "OK, Dad, take you to KFC, but fried food is not healthy. We can't eat too much."

"Baba, I know!" The little girl tugs Qin Feng's arm hard and can't wait.

Qin Feng no longer sleeps in bed. He gets up, puts on his clothes and takes her to wash. Sensing that Meng Ke is still sleeping in her bedroom, he tells her to turn around and go to the kitchen.

According to his memory, mengke's breakfast is very simple. There are slices of bread, eggs and milk in the refrigerator, which is completely mengke's regular breakfast configuration.

Hot bread and milk, fried two eggs, Qin Feng picked up the plate, just about to go out, but suddenly thought of something.

He bought a lot of herbs in the drugstore yesterday, and they were all boiled into medicine soup, but there are still a little herbs left. Although the medicine soup will cause great harm to ordinary people who don't know how to practice, if it is taken in a very small amount, it can still change the physique of ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng warmed another cup of milk, found out the remaining herbs from yesterday, and prepared two portions, each of which was only a small amount, and put them in two cups of milk.

After all this, he took the plate and milk to the living room, put Meng Ke's share on the table, handed another cup of milk to the little girl, and said in a soft voice, "little girl, drink this cup of milk first."

"Ah?" The little girl blinked her eyes, looking a little incomprehensible, "but Baba, KFC doesn't have milk there. Why do you want to drink milk now?"

It's not that the little girl doesn't want to drink. She's just too simple and single minded. She doesn't understand why she does it.

Qin Feng thought for a while and explained, "when Dad heated your mother's milk just now, it was too hot. Your mother can't drink so much. It's time to turn back and despise dad for wasting it."

"Do dad a favor, will you?" Qin Feng bent over and looked at the little girl with a look of request.

"Well, I'll drink it all!" The little girl nodded hard, took the glass of milk and took a big sip, but the next second


Just swallow a small part, the little girl immediately put the rest of the milk all spray out, a burst of frown, eyes, tears appear.

"Baba, is the milk overdue? Why is it bitter?"

The little girl spat out her little tongue. She looked very painful, but she was very lovely.

"Er..." Qin Feng was stunned. The medicinal materials he had just prepared were effective when they were soaked in water, but it was really bitter. He actually ignored this point, which made him a little embarrassed.

Just as he was thinking about how to explain it, suddenly, Meng Ke came out of the bedroom in a daze. Just now, she heard the little girl's words. Her sleepiness suddenly weakened and she became a little angry. "Can't you tell if the milk has expired? Just give it to her daughter?"

With that, Meng Ke walked over and hugged the little girl. He asked, "how are you, girl? Do you feel uncomfortable? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

She was really worried. In the past days, Qin Feng was willing to degenerate, and made her regard little girl as everything in her life.

"Ma Ma, I'm ok. I was joking with Baba just now. The milk is OK." The little girl quickly explained, then took Qin Feng's hand and walked out the door, "Ma Ma, Baba sent me to kindergarten today."

"No way!"

Meng Ke refused even though she didn't want to. She was not sure whether Qin Feng was normal or not. This kind of thing seemed trivial, but it was totally risky to her. So as soon as she finished, she rushed to block the door.

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