On the other hand, after Lin Lele sent her to kindergarten, she didn't care to go to work any more. Then she called Meng Ke.

"Hey, Xiao Ke, there's something wrong, Qin Feng... Qin Feng was arrested by the police station." Lin Lele said incoherent, up to now, she had no idea how to do.

"What?" Meng Ke was stunned for a moment, which was too unexpected for her. Didn't Qin Feng send her daughter to kindergarten? How could she be caught?

"What's going on?" Meng Ke was suddenly anxious and asked quickly that her impression of Qin Feng had improved a lot in the past two days, but because of what had happened, she still had no sense of security.

Now she is most worried about Qin Feng's change in three minutes. She is more worried that something bad will happen to her.

"Xiaoke, calm down first." Lin Lele also recognized Meng Ke's worry and explained: "little girl is OK. I have sent her to kindergarten, but she has been crying for her father. In fact, this time it's really not Qin Feng's problem, mainly in KFC..."

Feeling Meng Ke's panic, Lin Lele calms down and simply and rudely explains the course of the matter. But when she finishes speaking, Meng Ke has no reply there.

At this time, Meng Ke has already arrived at the office of the company. She is sitting at her desk with her mobile phone and entering the Bureau. This kind of thing looks very dishonorable, but after listening to what Lin Lele said, she feels very happy.

Meng Ke's life is very stressful recently, but she is never the kind of person who likes to be emotional, especially when she encounters problems.

So now, instead of blaming Qin Feng, she's a little angry. She thinks that Wang Xudong's behavior of bullying others is too much. She's always disgusted with it.

From another point of view, this time, Meng Ke saw more security in Qin Feng.

This guy is both hands-on and beat people, and encourages his daughter to beat people, but this is really Qin Feng's character. From school to society, he has always been a kind of person who is not afraid of power.

If he is himself, he may bear the humiliation and oppression of others for the overall situation. However, when he has important people around him, he will spare no effort to protect the people around him.

At the moment, Meng Ke's eyes are wet unconsciously. Memories of the past are constantly springing up in her mind. She still remembers that in her sophomore year, she was pursued by the children of the principal's relatives. After being rejected many times, she became angry and surrounded her dormitory with a group of friends.

After hearing the news, Qin Feng rushes into the girls' dormitory without saying a word. Knowing the terrible identity of the other party, he still takes up the mop and smashes the man's head.

In the end, of course, one person can't beat a group of people. Qin Feng is surrounded and beaten. Even the man who pursues Meng Ke uses his family's strength to expel Qin Feng from school.

Fortunately, Qin Feng was lucky and somehow got help from many people. The top tutors and professors in the school, part-time local bosses and people from all walks of life joined hands to save him.

Of course, the most unforgettable thing for Meng Ke is not the final settlement process, but when Qin Feng is surrounded and beaten, the other party also stares at her, but Qin Feng hugs her and protects her under her body. After a fight, Qin Feng is scarred and her clothes are spotless.

This kind of thing happened more than once, which is why Meng Ke, even though he was extremely disappointed with Qin Feng, had never made up his mind to leave him.

But now, there is a conflict with Wang Xudong. Instead, she feels that Qin Feng may have come back.

Thinking about it, Meng Ke couldn't help laughing, and immediately let Lin Lele on the opposite side of the phone feel confused. He couldn't believe it and said, "Xiao Ke, what are you doing? What are you laughing at when such a serious thing happened? What are you doing? Are you listening to me? Even if you hate Qin Feng, you don't care about him completely, do you? "

"What's more, this time, it's really Wang Xudong. They are deliberately looking for trouble. Qin Feng didn't make any mistakes at the beginning. He just wanted to vent his anger on the little girl."

Lin Lele was a little anxious. He couldn't understand Meng Ke's attitude at all. Instead, he began to worry about Qin Feng.

"What's your hurry?" Meng Ke rolled her eyes. At this time, her whole mental state seemed to be much better. She even said calmly: "it's not a big thing. Lele, you look down on me too much. Although I'm not high in the company, it's also because I gave up the opportunity of promotion several times. The previous period is really not suitable."

"That Wang Xudong thought he was very powerful, no one provoked him. He didn't meet me, Meng Ke. After graduation, I struggled for so many years, how can I have no contacts? You can rest assured that I will deal with this matter."

"Ah?" Lin Lele was confused again. She didn't expect Meng Ke to say that. She worried for a long time before. First, she thought Meng Ke might not be able to manage this matter. Second, she worried about the relationship between Meng Ke and Qin Feng. Maybe she couldn't even manage it, so she left Qin Feng in the cold.

As a result, now she suddenly found that, after worrying for a long time, it seemed that it was not a matter at all, which made her psychological shadow a little bigger for a moment.

"Then... Then you should deal with it quickly. Wang Xudong and others are not good things. Qin Feng brings them in. Who knows what kind of treatment they will suffer." Lin Lele told a, also hung up the phone, hope Meng can seize the time to find a relationship, Qin Feng from the bureau to get out.

Meng Ke immediately began to take action there. Although it was not time to go to work, she still called Xu Hanxing, the beauty president of Xianghai group, "Mr. Xu, I'm in trouble here. Can you help me?"

"What's the matter? You can say it directly. I'll tell you who we are. There won't be anything I can't deal with at the end of the day." Xu Hanxing is straightforward and has no hesitation in his words.

If outsiders see this conversation, they will be surprised, because in the company, Xu Hanxing gives people the feeling that he is the president of the iceberg. He can see it from a distance, but not blasphemously, giving people an obvious sense of distance.

But when talking with Meng Ke, her personality is totally different.

"It's not a big deal." Meng laughs and goes straight to the point: "it's Qin Feng. He was caught in the Bureau. I think..."

Meng Ke's words haven't finished, Xu Hanxing on the opposite side suddenly gets excited and says: "what? Scum's in? But wait for me. I'll be at the company right away. You must talk to me about it! "

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