Just as Qian Zhongjie was waiting to see Qin Feng's jokes, Chen fagang, the general manager of the imperial club, came here to check the work of the security guards and the monitoring equipment.

"Yes, they all did well." Looking at several energetic security guards in front of him, Chen FA nodded and was very satisfied.

Today's work was completed successfully. After a busy day, he was ready to go back to work and have a good rest. But just then, a flat headed security guard suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Chen FA frowned and immediately glared at the flat headed security guard.

"I, I..." the flat head security guard also realized the gaffe. He quickly lowered his head, reached out to a nearby monitoring screen, and faltered: "I just think it's funny. Why do people come here every two or three days who can't carry clearly? I think it's very embarrassing when they are stopped."

This made Chen FA's face soften a lot, because the flat head security guard was telling the truth. Not everyone could enter the imperial club, and it was true that there were always those who didn't understand the situation. If they wanted to come in and have a look, or pretend to be better, those people would naturally be stopped outside the door by the security guard.

Before because of this kind of thing, there have been no fewer conflicts, once or twice is OK, more times, even good-natured people will feel impatient.

For example, Chen FA, the general manager, is not snobbish. At the moment, he doesn't oppose the flat headed security guard's attitude. He just says, "what's your attitude? We are a service industry. Anyone who comes here is a guest. Even if they don't know what's going on, we can explain it. "

"You look down on others like this now. It's OK in private. Being known outside will affect our reputation. Pay attention later."

After teaching the flat headed security guard a lesson, Chen FA didn't say anything more. However, just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly saw a golden thing flashing on the monitoring screen.

"No!" Chen FA's heart trembled. He quickly reached out to the screen and ordered to the security guard, "hurry up, enlarge the image of this man."

This scene, can't help but let a few security guards in the monitoring room were stunned, no one thought Chen FA would suddenly have such a big reaction, more don't understand what happened.

But they didn't dare to think about it. The former flat headed security guard also responded quickly. He rushed to the console and enlarged the surveillance image according to Chen FA's requirements.

"Manager Chen, do you think it's here?" After the operation, the flat headed security guard turned to ask Chen FA.

However, Chen FA, who had been in a daze for a long time, just nodded his head when he was asked by the flat headed security guard. His eyes were full of shock, as if he saw something unimaginable.

"Manager Chen, what's the matter with you?" The flat head security guard realized that the situation was not right, and reached out and shook his hand in front of Chen FA's eyes. He couldn't understand why Chen FA suddenly became like this. What did he see?

Other security guards around also looked at each other in a daze. Someone noticed that it was Qin Feng, but when they looked carefully, they didn't find anything special.

If they are regular customers of the imperial club, they will be able to recognize them. If they are a new big man, they will be able to pass the qualification examination easily.

But the man in the video, facing the obstruction of two security guards, doesn't move, and doesn't say a word. He clearly wants to come and pretend to play, but he finds that he is not qualified, because he feels embarrassed. How can this make Chen's hair change so suddenly?

Just when everyone was confused, Chen FA came back to his senses and shivered. He quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a short message to the security guard who stopped Qin Feng downstairs. The content was just four words: let it go immediately!

These four words were just seen by the flat headed security guard next to him. He was surprised and asked, "manager Chen, what's the matter? Is there something about the man who was stopped outside the door? "

"That's right!" Chen FA nodded and said in fear: "Damn, this time he almost made a big accident. That man is not an ordinary man. You don't think he is wearing a very ordinary suit. His suit is made by Irving, the British Royal designer. Just look at the gold pin on his back collar. It's the exclusive symbol of Irving's design."

Owen design?

Hearing Chen FA's explanation, all the people around, including the flat headed security guard, changed their faces and became more and more shocked!

"Crouching troughs, it's really, really a suit designed and made by Owen!"

"My God, who on earth is that man, who can have such a suit?"

"The price of that suit alone should be at least one million US dollars, and it's not something you can buy with money at all. If you don't have a certain level of status, you can't take money!"

"I remember when I was training in the past, I didn't mean that the big men in the capital were qualified to wear it. In Binhai, it seems that only the old man of Chu family is qualified to wear it?"

"I'm scared to death. I'm scared to death. Fortunately, manager Chen reacts quickly, or we'll all be ruined!"

Under Chen FA's reminder, the security guards around all confirmed the origin of Qin Feng's suit. Everyone was scared, especially the flat headed security guard. Thinking of the words that he scorned Qin Feng before, he was drenched in cold sweat. If people heard what he said just now, let alone lose his job, he would not lose his life.

"Remember it all for me!" At this time, Chen FA also thought of what happened just now, and then his face sank and he yelled: "let me hear someone say that the dog's eyes look down on people in the future, and I'll let him go without saying a word. People can't judge their appearance. Who knows when they will offend the people they shouldn't offend."

"Do you understand?" Chen FA glared at the flat headed security guard as a warning. He prayed silently in his heart, hoping that the two security guards downstairs had made no mistakes just now, or they would be dead



At the gate of the king's club.

Qin Feng still doesn't plan to take out his bank card to verify his qualification. This is his character. No matter who comes, the decision he makes will not be changed easily.

With his perception, he has already sensed that Qian Zhongjie is hiding around watching jokes, but he doesn't care, because in his eyes, Qian Zhongjie is a clown, and now he also enjoys the feeling of enjoying the performance.

At this time, Qian Zhongjie felt that it was meaningless to play, so he stepped out from behind the post and waved to the two security guards.

Coincidentally, after reading the SMS, the security guard who asked Qin Feng for admission changed his face. A flattering smile appeared on his face. He bowed to Qin Feng and said respectfully, "this gentleman, it was a misunderstanding just now. It's really a misunderstanding. I hope you don't care. Please come in, please come in."

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