
When Chen FA walked out of the private room, he didn't close the door very hard, but he also made a noise on purpose to make everyone at the scene hear him clearly. This seems to be a hint to tell everyone that nothing that happened next will come out and no one will interfere.

At this time, Qian Zhongjie was very smart. He was so scared that he almost collapsed to the ground. Now he was so dizzy that he didn't want to face the cruel reality.

It's totally different from what the script thinks. It's not scientific at all. It's said that Qin Feng would be humiliated and taught a lesson. How did it come to such a stage?

And Qin Feng, sitting back on the sofa, tapped his fingers on the coffee table twice and said with a smile to Qian Zhongjie, "now I say I'm not short of money, and a million dollars is waste paper for me. Do you believe it?"

"I, I..." Qian Zhongjie was trembling and incoherent. After shaking for a long time, he could only harden his head and say: "believe it, I believe it, I believe it..."

Of course, he didn't want to believe it, but the bloody reality was in front of him. Although the emperor's wine was a gift, could anyone be entitled to it?

At least Qian Zhongjie doesn't have any qualifications, not only him, but also the self righteous backer behind him.

On the contrary, Qin Feng has the qualification to be given imperial wine, which proves that Qin Feng's status and background are beyond Qian Zhongjie's imagination. In this case, why is Qin Feng short of money? Although Qian Zhongjie was forced by a million yuan just now, it's not a small number for him. But now, it's just a series of numbers for Qin Feng.

At the moment, all the others in the private room were silent, and their eyes were full of fear. All the people who mocked and disdained Qin Feng before lowered their heads, and did not dare to say a word more.

Ignoring the crowd, Qin Feng continued to smile at Qian Zhongjie and said, "just now you said you want to compete with me for background and status. I'll give you a chance. Why don't you call more people."

"Don't dare, I don't dare, really don't dare..." Qian Zhongjie shook his head desperately, things have come to this point, where did he dare to call people, and then he cried with a sad face, "Qin, Qin, Mr. Qin, grandfather Qin, I, I already know that I was wrong, please let me go, yes, I'm not good..."

Qian Zhongjie begged for mercy, but he was more and more desperate. Today, if this thing was just a quarrel with Qin Feng, he thought it might be over, but the reason was that he wanted to rob the woman of Qin Feng!

I can't bear this kind of thing no matter who I put it on.

Sure enough, as Qian Zhongjie thought, in the face of his begging for mercy, Qin Feng just gave a cold smile, turned to face the camera and said to Meng Ke, "wife, the next scene is not suitable for live broadcast. I'll turn off the camera first."

"You wait!" Meng Ke suddenly shouts, as if to stop Qin Feng, but Qin Feng doesn't mean to compromise at all. He resolutely turns off the camera. He thinks Meng Ke just doesn't want him to use violence, but he doesn't want to listen to Meng Ke at all. Qian Zhongjie's behavior makes him find no reason to be kind.

"You, what are you going to do?" Seeing that Qin Feng turns off the camera, Qian Zhongjie is completely in fear. He shouts in horror, and the whole person desperately retreats to avoid Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng didn't give him any chance at all. He raised his leg and kicked out. With a bang, Qin Feng kicked Qian Zhongjie's crotch with his right foot.


With a scream, Qian Zhongjie's whole body flew out uncontrollably, and then hit the wall again. The strong impact made his mouth gush blood, and his head became dizzy and dark.

"Beg for mercy, let me let you go?" Qin Feng sneered and said, "you know Meng is a married woman. She's still pestering her. She has a bad idea for her. She even wants to humiliate me in front of her. When you do this, why don't you want to ask for forgiveness?"

As Qin Feng spoke, he came to Qian Zhongjie again step by step. Facing Qian Zhongjie who couldn't get up, he raised his right leg a little bit, and then slammed it in Qian Zhongjie's crotch again.



Qian Zhongjie's scream and a slight voice suddenly sounded. It seemed that something had exploded. The hell like pain made Qian Zhongjie cry desperately, and his whole face was twisted. He kept crying, tears were splashing, and his two eyes were squeezing out desperately.

This scene, is to see all the people around are creepy, instinctively put out his hand to cover the crotch, Qin Feng that merciless violence, let them feel the scalp is going to burst.

"Ah! Let me go, please

"Qin Feng, I have been abandoned. I have been abandoned for the rest of my life. Do you want to kill me?"

"No, don't kill me, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

Qian Zhongjie wails more painfully and asks for mercy. He is completely engulfed by fear. Are you really afraid that Qin Feng will accidentally kill him?

"To kill you?" Qin Feng disdains a smile, "let me personally kill you, on the contrary is a kind of honor, do you think I will so easily cheap you?"? As a man, since he has made a mistake, he should have the courage to bear it. "

The voice fell. In the next second, Qin Feng stretched out two fingers in his right hand, and the two fingers closed together. He swished two points on Qian Zhongjie's body. He pointed Qian Zhongjie's acupoints. It was just a small hand, but it could make Qian Zhongjie's joint pain every time he moved.

According to his previous character, he certainly does not want Qian Zhongjie to live, but it is not suitable to kill now. If Meng Ke knows, it will interfere with his relationship with Meng Ke. After all, Meng Ke does not like violence.

After finishing what he should do, Qin Feng doesn't want to start with Qian Zhongjie any more. He turns around and looks at other people around him.

"Mr. Qin, this has nothing to do with us."

"We are all innocent."

"Yes, we are all innocent. Please let us go. We are all instigated by Qian Zhongjie!"

A group of young people were almost scared to pee. They desperately waved their hands or shook their heads. Qin Feng's method made them feel thrilled and unbearable just thinking about it.

Qin Feng was not in the mood to quarrel with these little fish and shrimps. He pointed to Qian Zhongjie and ordered, "you should surround him. In less than half an hour, no one will want to end it, or you will bear the consequences."

With that, Qin Feng goes out of the private room. Although Qian Zhongjie makes him unhappy, he is more concerned about Meng Ke and xiaonannan. By this time, xiaonannan must have gone home. If he can't wait, he will be very sad.

However, just as he was about to take a taxi home, the mobile phone rang suddenly. It was a strange number, so he picked it up.

Then, a low and cold voice came across the phone, "Qin Feng, right? Your wife and daughter are injured now. If you don't want them to die, you'd better think about what you've offended and who you shouldn't offend."

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