"I object." Just when everyone was afraid, a girl stood up and yelled to Wang Danchao, "you are the common people. What's the difference between you and the previous landlords and bullies?"

Wang Shan Chao looked back and saw the little poem. When he saw the little poem, he was furious. It was the girl who just picked it up. If she didn't stand up, who would dare to speak.

Today, I have to teach this guy a good lesson, as well as the people around him.

Wang Danchao came to Xiaoshi and said angrily, "it's you again, little girl. You're the one who just picked things up. Originally, I thought you were a woman, but I didn't expect you to advance an inch. Well, today I'll let you know how powerful Wang Danchao is."

When people around him saw that he went to Xiaoshi, they could not help but worry about Xiaoshi. The men would be beaten, but the women would not be killed. Who knows what they will experience if they are caught out, but they can only be in a hurry. No one dares to help with such a thing.

"What? If you want to move me, it depends on whether you have the ability. " Xiaoshi said leisurely, with the boss outside, she learned to speak with the boss's tone.

Next to Qin Feng is also a little smile, but Li Xueman is a little worried, dare not speak, that Wang Shan Chao a small poem this words, immediately burst out laughing: "your boss, is this man, he is nothing in my eyes, bullshit is not, now you obediently follow me, I don't want to start, if you don't listen, let my men take you away."

Because there are people around, Wang Shan's supernatural will not fight here, and the other party is still a woman, but he must take the poem away, who knows what he will do after going out.

"Are you deaf? I said, "if you have the ability, take me away." Said the little poem.

This infuriated Wang Danchao, and he immediately said, "come on, take out the guy who disturbed the game."

Several thugs came up, and one of them called out, "get out of here." At the same time, he stretched out a hand to pull the little poem out. The people beside him were worried that the little poem would fall into their hands.

Just as the thug was about to catch Xiaoshi, a hand slapped him in the face. Then the thug fell down, and the people around him were surprised. At this time, they saw Qin Feng sitting beside him.

"It's this man who did it. It seems that he's really good at it."

"It's really courageous to fight against the Fang family. I'm afraid he will be able to resist the Fang family now and the future."

"Anyway, it's a man who can fight against the Fang family. I respect him."

When everyone admired Qin Feng, Wang Shan Chao was very angry. He was humiliated by this guy and dared to beat him. This was enough. Wang Shan Chao immediately called out: "this guy is extremely dangerous. Give me all of them."

More than a dozen thugs all rushed over, and all the people around dodged, leaving only Qin Feng and little poem Li Xueman.

In this way, these thugs are more convenient. They don't even want to fight against Qin Feng, but rush at the two beauties to take advantage of them.

The two beauties didn't have any panic. They still sat there calmly, because they knew that Qin Feng would protect them.

Sure enough, more than a dozen thugs were not close to them, but they were directly rushed out by Qin Feng's real Qi, and all of them scattered and smashed in every corner of the audience.

This time, these thugs can't bear it. Although they are all strong, they can't stand the attack of Zhenqi. They are crying at once.

Seeing that Qin Feng showed his hand, people around him were very surprised. They didn't know who yelled first. All the people yelled. Wang Shan Chao's face suddenly changed. He knew that Qin Feng didn't talk about ordinary people, but he still said calmly: "boy, you are really good at it, but it's bad luck for you to meet me today. Wait, I'll call the master to deal with you."

Qin Feng disapproved and said: "whatever, you call more powerful, so that you don't have enough time to fight."

The people on the stage are proud to see this situation. Several judges are from the Fang family. They are eager to see this situation. They all stand on it and watch. They want to see who Qin Feng is and who dares to offend the Fang family.

Soon, Wang shanchao called people. Zhou Xuan saw Qin Feng and Li Xueman on the stage, and immediately said, "you are the parent of the girl. You dare to make trouble here. Your daughter's qualification for the competition has been cancelled. Not only that, I will ask the children's art troupe to prohibit your daughter from participating in any dance competition in the future."

When they heard this, they were very angry. They didn't dare to say anything to each other's family, but they still dare to deal with them.

"Old man, why don't you want others to compete? It's obvious that you are cheating, and now you have to bully others. If you are such rubbish, you can not participate in this competition."

"Well said, a scum like you should be expelled. It's a shame that you still behave like a dog."

Everyone was scolding, and the old face that had been scolded was red, and angry and angry, he said, "Wang Danchao, please help me deal with this matter."

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