The sudden change made the two robbers suddenly look silly, especially the robber with a knife. Qin Feng held his throat. His strength made him blush and hard to breathe. He wanted to attack Qin Feng with a dagger, but then he found that he couldn't use his strength at all.

"Who is this..." The robber with a knife was confused. Since he was a teenager, he began to mix up with the society, fight everywhere and make trouble. He always wins more and loses less.

But even if he lost, he had never been so powerless. Now in Qin Feng's hands, he felt like a little ant. His once proud power seemed to be a joke.

After a few seconds of pause, the robber with a knife could no longer bear the power of Qin Feng. With a click, the dagger in his hand fell directly to the ground.

His eyes were covered with blood, and the eyes began to protrude a little bit, as if they would explode at any time.

"Help, help me..."

The robber with a knife tried his best to ask for help towards the opposite cockeye. He tried to point a finger at the dagger that fell to the ground, but as soon as his voice fell, the cockeye collapsed to the ground.

Cockfighting eye was completely frightened, and his eyes were full of fear. He had never seen such a terrible guy as Qin Feng. Although the door plate of the toilet was not very hard, it was also made of solid wood. How much strength would it take to punch through the template?

In the cognition of cockeye, this kind of scene has only been seen in movies before, just like in Kill Bill, the protagonist breaks the coffin with an inch punch.

In a word, people who can do this are not ordinary people at all. They are definitely successful practitioners.

In the face of this kind of master, cockeye even lost the desire to resist. He knew that he couldn't fight at all. At the moment, he just thought that the terrible guy outside the door could let him go.

He can imagine that power, as long as a punch, can kill him, but he does not want to die!

At this time, Qin Feng took hold of the robber's throat and released his hand. Then, with a dull sound, the robber fainted and fell to the ground.

Almost at the same time, Qin Feng took back his fist and opened the door. His fierce eyes fell on the cockeye. He asked faintly, "take all the money out of you."

It's not robbery. In the world of cultivating immortals, it's a common thing to kill people and seize treasure.

As soon as his eyes turned red, he almost cried. He never thought that things would come to such a stage. It was clear that he and the robber with a knife were planning to rob. Now they are going to be robbed in turn.

And what scares him most is that he has no money!

Cockeye lying on the ground, groping for a long time in the pocket of the fainting man with a knife, finally took out a pile of change, one yuan two yuan five yuan, the total is less than 50.

Holding a pile of change in his hands, he handed it to Qin Feng in a trembling way, and said with a sad face: "brother, we... We really don't have money. We just came out of the Bureau and had no money before we thought of robbery. The 50 yuan was snatched from two junior high school students."

Qin Feng

Looking at the crumpled change, he felt the urge to vomit blood. NIMA was too poor to rob like others?

Qin Feng took 50 yuan of change in disgust. Then he turned to Su mu'er, who had been sluggish for a long time. "Beauty, I just said 3000 yuan."

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