Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 120 Touched

"Forget it, I'm still lucky, whoever talks about online dating will make a fuss!"

Hearing the words of his teammates, the player with the ID "Fire Fang Soaring to the Sky" and his real name is Li Wenfeng rolled his eyes.

As a veteran of online dating, he believes that he has clearly seen the true nature of online dating.

Especially the mobile phone loan he helped his ex-girlfriend buy in thirty-six installments, which is still being repaid every month, reminds him every month.

In order to prevent his teammates from mentioning this sad incident again, Li Wenfeng changed the subject and said: "By the way, the team of players we have formed an alliance with in the past two days should have gone to the next city, and we have to do it as soon as possible."

After deciding to form an alliance with other players to fight against the two big devil players "Su Leng" and "Shijing", Li Wenfeng has also been actively looking for a team alliance these days.

His alliance method is also very simple, that is, after meeting other teams, he first greets them "friendly" with the level and strength of a B-level player.

After "convincing" the other party, he will clearly explain the pros and cons of the game to the other party, and then talk about forming an alliance.

As a B-level player who wants to go one step further, reach A-level and become a professional player who is an advanced player, the essential difference between him and a C-level player is the difference in consciousness.

For ordinary players, being able to play to level C is considered to be the best, because when these players encounter a game situation like this one with two high-level players competing, most of them want to fail.

After seeing that the probability of completing the task was slim, he no longer thought about how to complete the game task. Instead, he only focused on immediate benefits, trying to gain as much benefit as possible in this game and improve his own attributes.

But often, the more these players want to make a small profit, the more difficult it is for them to succeed.

Because improving attributes is equivalent to acquiring the core technology of a world, and this technology is often controlled by the top level of the world.

If players want to obtain it, they must first reach the top level of this world.

However, players of C level and below have short-sightedness and limited means. Unless they join the top circle of the game world when they enter the game, it is basically difficult to reach the top of a world and obtain the core of power of the world.

In addition, how much departure can be brought out after improving attributes depends on the completion of game tasks.

Therefore, it is difficult for ordinary players without high-level playing awareness to surpass the popular level of C level.

As a B-level player, Li Wenfeng has a high sense of play, but he was unlucky and met a great player before, so his overall rating unfortunately dropped to B-level.

And in this game, with his high sense of play, he will naturally not mess up like other C-level players.

If he messed up, it would be no problem to use the force and methods of B-level players to eliminate a few player teams and get some prop cards and weapon cards to guarantee the bottom line.

But what's the use of that?

Obtaining a few prop cards and weapon cards can at most be exchanged for some virtual coins in the game square, or it may provide some additional means for the next game.

But for Li Wenfeng, whose real career is an anchor, it is of no help at all.

Only by achieving A-level can he help the real-life anchor career to increase his popularity and gain long-term benefits.

Therefore, although Li Wenfeng had the means and strength to eliminate many player teams, he did not do so and instead chose to form alliances with these teams.

He is aiming for a higher rating.

"Uh, Brother Huo, is this really feasible?"

After hearing what Li Wenfeng said, his teammates asked hesitantly: "Are those C-level players really going to promote the alliance as we said?"

Because the mission time limit is only six months in the game, and the alliance between the player teams is only verbal and not bound by any contract, taking into account time and safety factors, Li Wenfeng’s method of spreading alliances is a pyramid scheme. solicit.

He formed an alliance with a team, then explained clearly the benefits of the alliance, and then he and the allied team went to the next city to form an alliance with the other two teams.

In this way, one united two, two united four, and four united eight, quickly forming alliances with all other player teams.

Although it involves execution issues, it is very likely that the alliance will fail and the two teams will work together instead.

However, most of the player teams in this game are at the C level. When they are of equal strength, it is still quite difficult for one party to eliminate the other.

After discovering that the opponent cannot be eliminated, and then hearing about the benefits of forming an alliance, and then having task completion limit the rate of bringing out attributes, the success rate of forming an alliance is still very high.

Therefore, after listening to his teammates, Li Wenfeng said with a smile: "Don't worry, C-level players also have the ambition to reach B-level and A-level, but their game awareness is weak and they don't know how to do it. I give them It points out the clear path. Maybe some players in the team will not listen to the advice and are short-sighted and only care about the small profits in front of them, but most players should still be able to see the situation clearly and agree to form an alliance. "

After hearing Li Wenfeng's words, his teammates nodded in understanding.

Li Wenfeng saw this and shook his head secretly. This teammate was just a teammate he found randomly in his live broadcast room based on his guess about the difficulty mechanism of the game "Super Dimension Kill". His level was only D level. He couldn't understand what he said. It's also normal.

The game "Super Dimension Kill" can also be broadcast live. You only need to purchase a set of official virtual equipment to cast your own game perspective to the screen for live broadcast.

However, that set of virtual equipment was very expensive, and Li Wenfeng gritted his teeth and tightened his belt to buy it - which was why he was so eager to get to the A level.

There is a huge difference in popularity between players with an overall rating of A and B.

"Okay, let's go to the city first and go to the recruitment hall to post information and see if there is a player team in this city."

After seeing that his water friend seemed to understand but not understand, Li Wenfeng spoke.

When the water friend heard this, he didn't think much about it and responded quickly with "Oh, okay."

After that, the two continued to carry out their alliance plan.

other side.

After entering the city of "Gastins" and finding a hotel room to stay, Chen Shasha, who had been angry and sullen and didn't talk to Su Ling all the way, suddenly approached Su Ling and asked him a very practical question.

"I'm going offline..."

Outside the door, Chen Shasha said with a straight face but a little uncomfortable.

Although she was angry with Su Ling, she still felt a little sorry for Su Ling when she thought of being offline and hanging up in the middle of the game.

However, this can't be entirely blamed on her. After all, she didn't expect that playing a game with Su Leng would take so long.

Usually, the time she spends playing games is only a few days, which in reality is equivalent to a few hours.

But in this game, the mission time limit actually takes six months!

This is equivalent to seven or eight days in the real world!

How can ordinary people have so much time to play games?

It was also after experiencing this game that she finally believed that Su Leng didn't reply to her message before, and then said what he said in the game when he replied.

"Offline? Is there something going on in reality?"

After listening to Chen Shasha's words, Su Leng was not surprised. Chen Shasha's life experience information was always updated in his mind. He naturally knew that the other party did not deliberately want to go offline.

However, he still pretended not to know and asked.


After listening to Su Ling's words, Chen Shasha nodded and explained: "It has been five days since we entered the game. In reality, five hours have passed. It's dinner time here. I promised to stay with the boarding house tonight." The family has dinner together, it’s hard to miss the appointment.”

It is true that ordinary people cannot be like Su Leng, who can play the liver game every day.

Chen Shasha was abroad and had to take care of her real life. Su Ling could understand this. He said: "Okay, then you go, I will protect you during this period."

After going offline in the game "Super Dimension Kill", the character you join will enter a sleep state.

Su Ling had experienced it before.

To be honest, this annoying game mechanic is one of the reasons why many ordinary players cannot get high ratings.

Just imagine, at a critical moment, you suddenly have to go offline to deal with real things. It is so painful that you are speechless.

The most important thing is that the flow of time in the game is still different. After dealing with the real things, things will have changed when you enter the game...

Su Ling thought this mechanism was very unreasonable before.

But now that he has gradually come into contact with the truth about the game "Super Dimension Kill", he also understands that this game is probably not only for humans at all, and naturally there is no need to consider humans' work and rest time.


Hearing Su Leng's words, Chen Shasha was extremely moved: "Thank you!"

It was very bad to suddenly go offline in the middle of a game together, but Su Leng not only didn't blame her, but also promised to protect her. This is so heartwarming!

For a moment, Chen Shasha was really moved, and she was no longer angry with Su Ling.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Smith and I will be back as soon as we finish dinner!"

After promising to come back soon, Chen Shasha then returned to the room and logged off.

After confirming that Chen Shasha was offline, Su Leng immediately went out, bought a coffin and carried it back...

An hour later.

Gastings City, Recruitment Hall.

After releasing the information, Li Wenfeng and his teammates slowly walked out of the recruiting hall and walked towards the hotel where they were staying.

Next, they will wait for a day. If there is a player team in this city, then those who use the player team to explore channels to improve their attributes will definitely come to the city's recruitment hall.

By then, you should be able to see the recruitment information they posted and contact or attack them.

At that time, they will be able to start the alliance's "friendly negotiations" again.

Thinking of this, Li Wenfeng said to the water friends beside him: "Go to the hotel where we are staying and wait to see if any players have arrived. In the information we released, the address of the hotel mentioned is the one diagonally opposite us. If someone who looks like a player comes, you can set off the signal fireworks I gave you, and I will rush back immediately. I will first explore whether there is a way to improve the city's attributes. Don't worry, I will never hide it if I find it. With you, you can watch the replay of my live broadcast room.”

"Hey, Brother Huo, you are too polite. I am very grateful that you can take me flying. How can I not believe you?"

The water friend quickly said politely.

While the two were walking and talking, suddenly, a voice from the side rang out: "Two brave men going to the Holy Palace, I smell the breath of holy objects on your bodies. Can you do me a favor?"

The sudden words made Li Wenfeng and the aquatic player stunned for a moment, and then they all stepped aside warily, and then looked in the direction of the sound.

The next moment, the two saw a young white man in a hooded robe standing on the side of the road. Next to him, there was a Western-style coffin, and inside the coffin lay a sleeping white woman.

When the two were on guard, the young white man remained indifferent, but continued: "My sister was harmed by the toxin and fell into a deep sleep. She needs a special antidote, but I need to take care of her and cannot get away. If the two heroes can help me get the antidote, I will give the two heroes a holy fruit and tell them how to use the holy fruit."

After that, the white young man reached out and took out something wrapped in fine cloth from his clothes. When the fine cloth was slowly opened, a green fruit instantly caught the eyes of Li Wenfeng and the water friends.

"This is..."

Seeing the green fruit in the hands of the white young man, Li Wenfeng and the water friends suddenly opened their eyes!

Isn't this the holy object they escorted in this game mission? !

Could it be... that they encountered an adventure mission in the game? !

The first update is 3,500 words. The second update will be in the evening.

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