Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 132 Origin

In the game "Super Dimension Kill", as the players' ratings get higher and higher, the duration of each game becomes longer and longer.

This is very unfriendly to ordinary players. After all, ordinary people cannot spend most of their time on games and have to work hard in real life.

It is rare to be able to play for several hours continuously.

And now, it has been more than 20 days and almost a month since the game started. In reality, almost one day has passed. It is indeed time for those non-professional players to get caught up in various real-life trivial matters and have to log off and leave the game. .

Especially low-end players.

Generally, players with low ratings spend about a few days playing each game, which in reality only lasts a few hours.

Six months like this is equivalent to seven days of game play in reality, which is far beyond what ordinary players can bear.

After Shi Jing understood why Su Leng stopped outside the city gate before, the smile on his face became stronger. He replied to Su Ling's words: "Thank you for the hard work of the two brave men. We have already helped the two brave men in 'Ken". Patsy has opened a hotel room, why don't the two brave men go to the hotel with us to rest first, and then we can set off to the Holy Palace City after we have rested?"

Since it was not because of any abnormality discovered, his plan could continue to be implemented.

Su Leng looked at Raymond Varro, the captain of the Holy Knights who was pretending to be a knight, and continued to cooperate with his performance. His face pretended to be thoughtful for a moment, and finally nodded reluctantly: "Okay."

Because he is the only S-level player in the game, the system requires him to ensure the safety of the character Chen Shasha joins under the consideration of the balance mechanism.

But now that Chen Shasha has left the game, he needs to protect a "corpse". If he just takes Chen Shasha to the "finals" directly, it will be inconvenient.

Moreover, he was not willing to go to the "finals" like this.

He has not yet explored the source of the "Sacred Fruits" and has not used these "Sacred Fruits" to improve his attributes and maximize the benefits of this game.

In addition, he has not yet deeply understood the origin of this fantasy world and searched for the existence of "dimensional artifacts".

Finally, there are two other player teams that have not arrived at the inner circle city, and the player team is still short of two holy fruits - those player teams that were cursed to death by the mysterious power, and these players are responsible for escorting the holy fruits. While Su Leng was eliminating players these days, he also went to find them one by one.

Although Su Leng jokingly called the curse of mysterious power a "shrinking poison circle", it was not exactly like it.

With the [self-omniscient] ability feedback, he understands that the curse of mysterious power only needs to reach the next city within the specified time and number of days.

There are no restrictions on whether you should rest, leave immediately, or return the same way after arrival.

Su Ling knew the specific locations of the team of players who were cursed and died by the mysterious power.

Therefore, when he pretends to be an NPC and releases adventure missions, he will ask those player teams to go to these places to test the rules of the mysterious power curse. At the same time, he will escort those player teams who died after being cursed by the mysterious power. "Sacred Fruit" brought back.

After those player teams discovered these "holy fruits", they thought they were rewards brought by the mission, and they believed in him even more.

Then, under the temptation of how to use the "Sacred Fruit", these player teams all brought the "Sacred Fruit" back and dedicated it to Su Ling.

Although this slightly lacks a logical chain, it may be listed as a suspicious sign by the official AI of "Super Dimension Kill" and become another set of data to analyze his abilities. However, in order to improve his strength as quickly as possible and to the maximum extent, this is also Nothing can be done.

After all, there are very few things that are perfect. Even if Su Leng has the ability of [self-knowledge], it is impossible for everything to be perfect.

What he can do is try his best to deceive the official AI of "Super Dimension Kill" and prevent the AI ​​from getting more of his data for analysis.

The above three points are all Su Leng has to do in this game.

Without completing these three things, Su Ling was unwilling to end the mission.

Therefore, after hearing the words of the captain of the Holy Knights disguised by Shi Jing, he followed the situation and prepared to stay in the city of "Kenpaxi" temporarily to complete what he wanted to do and wait for Chen Shasha to come online.

"Well, please come with us, brave man."

After hearing Su Ling's answer, Shi Jing continued to speak with a smile, and then guided Su Ling to the hotel he opened for him.

So, the two people, who had their own ulterior motives, sat side by side in the driver's seat of the carriage, drove the carriage through the streets of "Kempasi" city, and finally stopped in front of a hotel.

"Two brave men, this is the hotel we opened for you."

After being sent to the place, Shi Jing did not make any excuses to stay, and directly chose to say goodbye, "Next, I would like to ask the two brave men to have a good rest. If you have any questions or if you are ready to go, you can come to the Holy Castle at any time. I, the Holy Knights of Kempasi, are always waiting for these two brave men.”

"Okay, then I'll trouble Captain Raymond."

After hearing this, Su Leng replied politely.

After that, the two parties separated.

Su Leng got out of the carriage, tied the horse's reins, and carried Chen Shasha, who was sleeping in the carriage, to the hotel room.

Shijing left with the team of Holy Knights and returned to Kempasi's Holy Castle.

However, when he returned to the Holy Castle, he immediately summoned a Holy Knight alone. He smiled and said to this Holy Knight: "Hans, you immediately go to the 'Holy Temple' to escort the two brave men to the holy objects. Let’s report what happened when we arrived at Kempasi, and let’s make arrangements there. We’ll set off immediately after the two warriors have rested.”

Shi Jing also doesn’t know what the follow-up process of the mission will be.

Therefore, he was going to ask a Holy Knight from this world to find out.

As for why he didn't go in person, there were three reasons. One was that he needed to stay in Kempasi City and monitor every move of "Su Leng" at any time to prevent the other party from discovering anything unusual.

The second thing is that Raymond Varro, who was replaced by him, and another missing Holy Knight need him to maintain the reason for the disappearance of the other party.

As for the third place in the end, he was afraid that if he went there alone, if he completed the task directly and ended the game, it would be over.

The prompt information at the beginning of this game did not say that only one team of players can complete the task.

The prompt message simply states that the task can be completed if the player team sends more than one holy object to the "Holy Temple".

This message only hints that sending more holy objects to the "Holy Temple" can obtain a higher game rating, and implies that player teams rob each other of the escorted holy objects.

Therefore, I am afraid that if the time situation is passed rashly, it would be a fool's errand if "mission completed" is triggered.

So far, he has neither improved his attributes nor explored the world. He has also used a functional prop card and an extremely precious weapon card.

If this game ended like this, he would lose so much blood!

But it’s not good to understand the process of the task, otherwise it will be easy for the other party to find mistakes later. After all, the other party is also an A-level player, and the other party may easily see the flaw if he is careless.

After he used the "locating card" to locate Su Ling's location, he immediately rushed here at full speed, otherwise it would be too late.

And in such a hurry, his preparations were not sufficient.

This was one of the reasons why he pretended to be generous and kept Su Leng in Kempasi City without having so many "holy fruit" ideas.

Now that he has tricked the other party into staying, he must know the mission process behind the "Sacred Fruit" before setting off.


The Holy Knight named Hans was startled at first after hearing Shi Jing's instructions, but he quickly obeyed: "Yes!"

Afterwards, the Holy Knight of this world named "Hans" left the city of "Kempasi" and headed towards the center of this land, the "Holy Court City".

And this situation was naturally fed back to Su Leng's mind in the hotel...

[...Jingjing ordered the first-order Holy Court Knight "Hans Wayne" in this world to go to the "Holy Court City", report your arrival to the "Holy Court Temple", and let there prepare for the handover... 】

Looking at the feedback text messages in his mind, Su Leng, who was lying on the bed in the hotel, couldn't help but chuckle.

At this time, if he takes some unexpected actions, things will definitely go wrong.

But of course he wouldn't do that.

He and Shi Jing are both people with "dreams" and are not satisfied with simply "completing tasks."

It just so happened that he didn't know what the follow-up process of the game mission would be like after going to "Holy City". It would be better to use this world's first-order Holy Knight "Hans Wayne" to explore the way—— Anyway, when he entered the city, he had a relationship with the Holy Knights who lined the streets to welcome him.

This "Hans Wein" is among them.

He just had to wait for the other party to arrive at the "Holy City", report his arrival to the "Holy Temple", and then read the instructions given by the "Holy Temple".

Moreover, he can know the subsequent task process earlier than the current situation and make arrangements earlier.

Of course, he certainly couldn't just sit idle.

An A-level player like Shi Jing is good at planning but also prone to suspicion.

If he just lay there and waited, it would arouse the other party's suspicion.

So, he has to move.

As soon as he thought of this, Su Leng immediately got up from the bed, walked out of the hotel, and headed towards the Holy Castle of "Kempasi" City - Chen Shasha was placed in the hotel room by him.

With the feedback monitoring of [Self-omniscient], the other two teams of B-level players have not yet arrived at the inner circle city. In addition, Chen Shasha has to act as an actor in the current situation, so there is no need to worry about Chen Shasha's safety.

Moreover, he did not want to show too much concern about Chen Shasha's life and death, lest the situation would discover that he still had the hidden difficulty of ensuring Chen Shasha's safety.

Anyway, with the feedback monitoring of [Self-omniscient], he can rush back immediately if any situation arises.

"Hello, Mr. Brave, is there anything I can help you with?"

When Su Leng arrived at the Holy Castle built by "Kempasi", the Holy Knight who was guarding the entrance of the Holy Castle immediately asked.

The two parties had just met at the city gate not long ago, so there was no doubt that they didn't know each other.

Su Ling smiled and said: "Hello, I want to go to the Holy Castle Library, which is sacred and full of profound knowledge, to read some books. Is that okay?"

Whenever Shijing arrives in a city, he immediately goes to the local library to read historical books, explore the taboo rules of that city, and at the same time deepen his understanding of the world.

Su Ling doesn't need to do this. He only needs to contact the indigenous people in the local world, and he can learn a lot of information from the life experience information of these indigenous people.

However, that is if no one knows.

Now, he is in the same city as Shi Jing, an A-level player, and they are competing against each other in acting, so he naturally has to do the whole thing.

"Saint Castle Library..."

Hearing Su Ling's words, the Holy Knight guarding the gate frowned slightly.

Generally, only Holy Knights can enter the library of the Holy Castle, or only with the permission of the Knight Captain.

Therefore, regarding Su Leng's request, the Holy Knights guarding the gate did not dare to make the decision without authorization.

However, thinking that they had just greeted each other at the city gate, and that the captain had also told the other party to come directly to the Holy Castle if they had any questions, the Holy Knight guarding the gate said: "Please wait a moment, I will ask the captain. "

After saying that, the Holy Knight guarding the gate turned into the Holy Castle and told Su Leng's request to the fake knight captain.

"He wants to go to the Holy Castle Library to read?"

After hearing the report from the guarding Holy Knight, Shi Jing raised his eyebrows slightly, but he was not surprised.

When you go to a strange place, the fastest way to understand this strange place is to read books about this strange place, especially books on history and humanities.

The opponent was an A-level player, so he was not surprised to think of this.

Although Shi Jing wanted to stop the other party, for the sake of the subsequent plan, he finally nodded with a smile and said: "Since it's a brave man who wants to see it, let's take him there."

After receiving instructions from Shijing, the Holy Knight guarding the gate immediately returned to the gate of the Holy Castle and said to Su Ling: "The captain agreed. Mr. Brave, please come with me."

With that said, he led the way ahead.

"Thank you~"

Su Ling politely thanked him and followed him.

Soon, the Holy Knight guarding the gate took Su Leng to the library of the Holy Castle.

"Mr. Brave, please take your time and watch. I will go back to my post first."

The Holy Knight guarding the door took Su Ling behind, said something, and then left the library.

Su Leng smiled and thanked the other party again as he left, and then began to look for books in the huge library.

[Self-omniscient] In the text information fed back, every time Shijing goes to a city library, the first thing he looks for is books on history and humanities.

Su Leng also followed this method and began to search for the bookshelf where such books were located in the rows of bookshelves.

Soon, he found it.

Then, he began to search among such bookshelves, first taking out the two books "Holy Light Record" and "Holy Knights Record" that Shi Jing had read before.

After that, he slowly wandered around other bookshelves and began to look for books that he thought might be related to the "Sacred Fruit".

After a while, he walked out of the bookshelf aisle with a tall stack of books in his arms and came to the table in the library where readers sit.

After putting down a pile of books, he sat down and started reading while paying attention to the movements of the first-order Holy Knight "Hans Wayne" who was rushing to the "Holy City".

Because Su Leng had already seen a lot of the information through other people's life experience information, so he just pretended to read these books at first and acted very seriously, but in fact he was not that serious.

But as the scattered words came into his eyes, some of the contents really attracted Su Ling.

For example, the specifications of each city are dominated by first-order Holy Knights, and then second-order Holy Knights lead the team.

The third-level Holy Knights are responsible for cultivating Holy Knights and only appear in the "Holy Temple". Most of them are cultivating in secret and rarely travel around the world.

There is only one fourth-level Holy Knight in the world, who is responsible for guarding the safety of the "Pope" in the Holy Temple.

The "Pope" is the only human being in the world who can communicate with the gods and is the agent of the gods in the human world.

The "Holy Temple" was established by the first generation of "Pope", and received "blessings" from the gods, and bestowed these "blessings" on humans, so those who received the "blessings" became Holy Knights...

After seeing these descriptions, Su Leng's face, which was not very serious at first, gradually became serious.


Under these descriptions, the social system of this world gradually became clearer in Su Ling's mind.

A generation of popes established the "Holy Temple", and then with the "Holy Temple" as the center, the world began to expand and develop, and gradually the existence of the Holy Temple Knights took charge of every city.

In other words, the "Pope" of the Holy Temple is the origin of this world!

Of course, the current generation of popes has long since passed away, and the inheritance seems to have reached the fourth generation.

However, this still couldn't stop Su Leng from wanting to see the other party!

"The agent of the gods in the human world... Even if he has been passed down to the fourth generation, he must know many secrets of this world. If you can meet the current generation of popes and pry into their life experience information..."

Thinking of this, Su Leng suddenly felt hot in his heart.

Forty-seven hundred words, two in one.

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