Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 172 Buried

Only the Evolvers know how terrifying this kind of power is!

At the moment of deep fear, Karina turned around and ran without thinking!

And she knew that she would never run away if she ran on land, so she ran towards the lake in the distance, preparing to escape from the water!

After taking a few steps to help her run, she directly transformed her limbs into beasts, and used her hands and feet to turn into a shadow, and instantly rushed out a long way.

However, Su Leng, who had put out the fire, naturally saw her escape.

Su Leng kicked his feet, and his body "boomed", bringing out a large piece of gusts of wind. With the momentum of thunder and lightning, he chased Karina's side first, then suddenly pressed Karina's head with one hand, pressed Karina's face directly to the ground, and slid along the ground for a distance before stopping.

"You want to run after attacking my children?"

Su Leng pinched Karina's neck, lifted her up, and said coldly.

Karina's face was covered with bloodstains because she was pressed to the ground and rubbed. After being picked up by Su Leng, she struggled desperately, twisted her waist, and kicked Su Leng in the face with a sharp whistling sound.

But Su Leng just gently raised his other hand in front of his face, and with a "bang", he easily blocked the opponent's whip kick.

Then, when Karina's foot fell, he clenched his fist with his blocking hand and punched Karina in the abdomen.


There was a muffled sound, and not much force was used, but Karina was beaten with a "wow" sound, vomited bitter bile, and her body was bent like a shrimp.

The severe pain instantly spread from the abdomen, swept through Karina's body, and then rushed straight to the brain.

She only persisted for a moment, and the brain consciousness was overwhelmed by a large amount of severe pain information. Her eyes rolled up and she fainted.

Seeing Karina fainted after one punch, Su Leng stopped fighting. He let go of his left hand that was holding the opponent's neck, dragged Karina towards the members of the Golden Party who were knocked to the ground by the Qi, and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

The members of the Golden Party were already shocked by the terrifying strength displayed by Su Leng.

Although some of them had seen the inhuman abilities of the evolvers in the gangs such as Jason Roderick, compared with the Asian youth in a white coat in front of them, the evolvers in the gangs were nothing.

However, they were shocked.

When they saw Su Leng slowly walking towards them, they still raised various firearms in their hands and started to shoot at Su Leng crazily.


"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The sound of submachine guns and pistols continued to ring.

In an instant, a hail of bullets came.

However, facing the crazy gunfire, Su Leng simply ignored it. He just raised his free hand, with five fingers in claws, and suddenly clawed at the surrounding Jin Party members!


A sharp and piercing sound of breaking through the air instantly broke out.

At the same time, a ring of sharp white airflow burst out and swept across the surrounding Jin Party members!

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!"...

The sound of sharp weapons entering the flesh came.

In an instant, most of the Jin Party members present were cut by the sharp white airflow, and fell to the ground screaming.

A few Jin Party members who were standing low or high were lucky enough not to be injured by the white airflow torn by Su Leng, but after seeing the miserable end of the surrounding Jin Party members, they were frightened.

Especially, under their strafing, even though Su Leng was hit by a bullet, he continued to walk towards them without slowing down, which immediately made those uninjured members of the Jin Party fall into despair.

Some people screamed and turned around and ran.

Seeing this, Su Leng glanced at the fleeing person, then raised his free hand, pinched the middle finger and thumb into a snap finger, and then instantly shot it towards the person!


A white air arrow shot out in a clear direction, and in the blink of an eye it came behind the fleeing person, and with a "puff", it penetrated directly into the person's thigh.


A scream was heard, and the fleeing person instantly fell to the ground, and the thigh that was penetrated was bleeding.

"Who else wants to escape?"

After doing all this, Su Leng coldly glanced at the intact Jin Party members present.

The intact members of the Golden Party who witnessed the whole process just now dared not run away. They put down their guns tremblingly, looked at Su Leng with fear, and slowly raised their hands.

"I ask again, who are you?"

Su Leng asked coldly again.

This time, the intact members of the Golden Party hurriedly stammered back: "We, we are members of the New City Gang Golden Party!"

"New City Gang Golden Party?"

After hearing this, Su Leng's face became colder and continued to ask: "Why did you attack my manor?"


While Su Leng was dealing with Karina and questioning these Golden Party members, Ya and Xiaodie, who drove back with him, also got out of the car.

Although he had an invincible impression of Su Leng in his heart, when Su Leng showed his ability to put out the raging fire in the manor with a slap, Ya was still deeply shocked!

Only the evolvers know the horror of this strength!

More than a year ago, in that base, he was just an "experimental survivor" who didn't know how to use his body's strength and didn't know much about many things.

And after more than a year of training, he learned how to use his physical strength to the extreme. At the same time, his respect for the doctor in his heart couldn't help but deepen!

But now, this reverence can't help but be infinitely higher again!

Because in his impression, the doctor's strength is not just like this!

The Doctor has another, more terrifying form!

"Brother, the doctor asked us to go check on Matthew and the others as soon as the fire is out. Let's go in quickly.

Xiaodie urged to her teeth.

Su Ling's timely rescue gave Xiaodie a great sense of security, and her respect and affection for Su Ling became deeper. She seemed to have a tendency to obey Su Ling's words, and she was very attentive to Su Ling's words.

After hearing this, Ya sighed and nodded.

Afterwards, the two quickly entered the manor villa.

At this time, everything in the manor villa was scorched black, and the ground was covered with the remains of various furniture and appliances.

The two of them walked all the way upstairs to the lobby where Matthew and others were playing video games.

The place was also scorched black, with the sofa furniture burned to the point of deformed metal shelves, and various glass ornaments shattered into shards of glass and falling all over the floor.

In this charred ruins, Ya and Xiaodie instantly found the figures of Matthew, Herbert, and Wade.

The three of them were each lying in one place at this time, their bodies covered in sores and blackness, their appearance was beyond recognition, they had lost their breath, and they couldn't tell who was who.

Under the rocket bombings and fires, even those with physical fitness five to seven times higher than ordinary people would have difficulty withstanding it.

"Matthew, Herbert, Wade..."

Although the three of them are often used to make excessive jokes, and because of racial issues, the relationship between them is not that good, they are still companions who have been training together for more than a year.

Ya looked at the three people who had lost their breath, and couldn't help feeling sad.

As a girl, Xiaodie, who was more emotional, shed tears again and cried sadly.

"Hey, take them out first."

Ya patted Xiaodie's back comfortingly, sighed and said, "The doctor is still waiting for us outside."

After comforting Xiaodie, Ya began to move the bodies of the three people out one after another and placed them in the courtyard in front of the manor villa.

Afterwards, the two of them wiped away their tears and came to Su Ling's side.

"Doctor.", "Doctor."

After the two came over, they called Su Leng respectively.

The two people who had experienced the torture at the experimental base turned a blind eye to the maimed and wailing members of the Jin Party around them, as well as the bloody scene.

And when the two called Su Leng, Su Leng happened to know the "in and out" of the matter from the mouths of the members of the Jin Party.

He did not speak, but looked at Ya and Xiaodie expressionlessly, and asked, "How are Matthew and the others?"

After Ya heard the words, he was silent for a moment, and then replied with a heavy expression: "Doctor, Matthew and the others... are dead."

As soon as these words came out, Su Leng couldn't help but close his eyes, seeming to relieve his sadness.

The expressions of all the members of the Jin Party who were intact at the scene suddenly changed. Having seen Su Leng's strength, they knew that there was no way they could escape, and they began to beg for mercy.

"Please, don't kill us!"

"This matter is all an order given by Jason and the others. We are just executing it. It has nothing to do with us!"

"Don't kill me! I don't want to die! I joined the Gold Party just to have a living in the Bronx! I can leave the Gold Party now!"

Amidst the begging for mercy from the intact members of the Golden Party around him, Su Leng slowly opened his eyes, and then glanced at the members of the Golden Party in front of him coldly. Said: "Take me to the boss of you guys! Whoever dares to escape, I will twist off his head!"

After some guidance and advancement, Su Leng finally pointed the finger at Jason Roderick, the boss of the Golden Party.

Newtown, Bronx.

As the most chaotic district in New City, the Bronx is particularly deserted during the day. Only at night is the busiest time here.

In an office building.

Jason Roderick was lying on the sofa in the office with an expression of enjoyment on his face. There was still some powder and a piece of tinfoil on the glass coffee table in front of him.

After a long time, he finally came back to his senses from the state of enjoyment.

Then, he looked at the standard expensive watch on his wrist and frowned.


It's almost afternoon, and almost three hours have passed since I hung up the phone.

Why hasn't Karina come back yet?

Coming back from the suburbs, two hours is enough.

This unusual situation immediately made Jason Roderick suspicious.

He immediately took out his phone and dialed Carina's number.


After dialing, the beeping continued for a while, but no one answered.

This discovery immediately made Jason look serious.

Something happened?

This guess came to mind.

However, to be on the safe side, he did not take any immediate action. Instead, he once again called the number of other small leaders of the Gold Party members he had sent.

However, the result was still the same. The phone continued to ring for a while and no one answered.

Later, Jason called several more people, but the result was still the same, some even turned off their phones!

This time, his expression became completely solemn.

If a person does not answer the phone, it may be due to other reasons, but almost all the calls he sent to the phone were not answered, which proves that something really happened. !

Immediately, he stood up from the sofa and prepared to take people to check the situation.

But the next second, he sat back down.

"No, I can't go."

If something really happened, with the number of the Golden Party members he sent and the scale of their weapons, and Karina, an evolver whose ability has been developed to the second stage, the strength or power that can handle all of this must be fierce!

Even if he personally took people there, he might not be able to solve it. It is even possible that the other party deliberately let everyone lose contact so that he would be suspicious, and then set a trap in advance and wait for him to go!

Once he falls for it, the entire Golden Party may be wiped out!

So, he can't go there!

However, it won't work all the time. He must understand the situation, otherwise it will be too passive.

As his mind turned, Jason Roderick suddenly had an idea.

Although he couldn't go there, he could let someone go there.

Of course, considering that Karina brought so many people and got into trouble, he naturally couldn't let the people of the Golden Party go again. Otherwise, if something happened again, it would only consume the strength of the Golden Party, and reduce the number of people he could mobilize, resulting in his lack of sufficient members to support the Bronx territory, thus shrinking.

Therefore, he couldn't send his own people.

And if he had to send people, he couldn't send his own people, so as not to cause consumption, so he could only use the New City police.

It just so happened that these guys came to trouble him from time to time, and he could also teach them a lesson.

With this idea in mind, Jason Roderick got up and went to the desk, opened a drawer, and took out a new phone card.

After installing the new phone card on the phone, he used the new card to press the New City police phone number and dialed it.

Soon, the call was dialed, and after a few rings, it was connected.

"Hello, this is the New City Police Center, how can I help you?"

The voice of the operator came from the phone.

Jason Roderick was about to speak, but at this moment——

"Beep, beep!"

The landline phone on the desk suddenly rang without any warning.

Jason Roderick was stunned and a little surprised. He subconsciously glanced at the landline phone on the desk. The next moment, his pupils shrank and he found that the caller ID number on the landline was Karina's number!

"Hello, this is the New City Police Center. Is there anything I can help you with?"

The operator of the police center asked again on the phone.

Jason frowned and finally hung up the phone without saying anything. Then he picked up the landline phone on the desk, put it to his ear, and asked tentatively: "Karina?"

A cold voice came from the other end of the phone in an instant: "She is in my hands. I am the owner of the manor you attacked. My three children are dead. You, the Golden Party, should be prepared to be buried with them."

Four thousand and one hundred words, yesterday's update, will be completed in a few days...

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