Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 193: Improvement! Bottleneck!

Immediately, the gray-haired old man ordered someone to call in the video of those guys' apology statements.

"...For what happened in the past few days, I am deeply sorry on behalf of myself and my department! Law enforcement needs to be civilized. Even criminals have their own human rights. Those law enforcers are indeed official personnel and are 'Ai Rui' As for other things on the Internet, I don’t know about them, so I won’t comment on them. Finally, I would like to express my most sincere apologies to those victims who have been treated harshly by law enforcement. !”

On the huge TV screen opposite the desk, apology videos were playing one after another.

The people who apologized were all powerful figures in various cabinet departments.

The gray-haired old man was watching TV silently with an expressionless face.

After a while.

He finally finished watching the apology statement played on TV.


A breath of turbid breath came out of his mouth.

Just listen to him talking to himself: "Fortunately, these guys didn't talk nonsense..."

After reading everyone's "backstabbing" speeches, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although these guys stabbed him in the back, at least they didn't talk nonsense, and they didn't mention anything about the "evolvers". They just apologized for the "rough" cleanup of the recent "rectification".

He could understand this, and he also understood why these guys would stab him in the back at this time.

After all, these guys have entangled interests with the gangs in New City. The "rectification bureau"'s cleanup of New City's folk evolutionists has touched the interests of these guys. Now that they have such a good opportunity to stab themselves, these guys naturally won't Will be soft-hearted.

He also had no doubt that these guys were the initiators of the article.

Because these guys don't have the guts yet.

The research on "evolvers" is planned behind the scenes by the Four Gates. Anyone who dares to expose these obvious pawns will definitely die no matter how the situation develops!

And the whole family will die!

Therefore, these guys definitely don't dare to do this. At most, they only dare to hinder him and add some obstacles to him.

Thinking of this, the gray-haired old man no longer paid attention to the apology statements of these guys. How to deal with this matter at present was the top priority.

The people behind the scenes have obviously made sufficient preparations to expose the scandal about "Evolutionary", and it is no longer possible to fool the past or cover it up.

Before knowing how many backup options the other party has, it seems that there is only one choice for the current plan.

After some careful consideration, the gray-haired old man finally made a decision in his heart.

A few days later.

In Washington, the White Palace held a press conference.

The gray-haired old man stood in front of the podium, facing the reporters below, and said with a guilty and apologetic look:

"...I am deeply sorry for concealing the existence of 'Evolutionaries', but 'Evolutionaries' are by no means what the article said. They were born by ordinary people through illegal human experiments. Evolutionaries' Birth is a natural evolution in the history of human evolution. It is by no means a human intervention. We are just discoverers, not creators. However, for the group of 'evolvers', we have indeed ignored their rights and interests. I deeply apologize again! After today, 'Eric' will establish a new bill to include 'evolved people', and they will have the same rights as all citizens!"

At the press conference, the gray-haired old man announced new legislation on "evolvers."

However, the reporters below did not buy it and asked various questions loudly:

"Mr. President, the new bill you promulgated recognizes the existence of 'evolved people'. So what you said in that article is that over the past few decades, most of the missing persons have been secretly captured by the authorities and used for human body production. What do you think about the experiment and the development of mass production of 'Evolver'?"

"Mr. President, what is your attitude towards the brutal law enforcement against the 'evolved' group that has been circulated on the Internet recently?"

"Mr. President, 'Evolutionaries' have much more power than ordinary people. If there is no slight control, when conflicts arise between ordinary people and Evolutionaries, if Evolutionaries rely on their power to deal with ordinary people, will this happen? How to protect the rights of ordinary people if it affects social harmony?”

"Mr. President, have you read the cries of the families of the 'evolved people' and their denunciation of the authorities? Will the official compensate these 'evolved people' who have been brutally enforced?"

Tricky and realistic questions were constantly asked from reporters.

These problems are indeed social problems that need to be faced after the existence of the "evolvers" group is recognized.

Fortunately, there is no Q\u0026A session at this press conference.

The gray-haired old man turned a deaf ear to these questions. After apologizing, he left the scene and was replaced by Eric's official spokesman.

The official spokesperson spoke in a variety of official accents. Although he seemed to be answering reporters' questions, he was vague and did not give a precise statement at all.

There are various deliberations, proposals, relevant legislation being prepared, etc.

Naturally, this perfunctory statement cannot satisfy the reporters present or even the public.

After this press conference, the public opinion on the Internet not only did not calm down at all, but became even more intense!

However, after Eric officially acknowledged the existence of the "Evolvers" group, the public opinion on the Internet was no longer just against Eric, but each targeted its own country.

But even so, Eric continued to protest against the "Evolvers" for a long time, which led to many families of missing persons, families of "Evolvers", and even "Evolvers" who had been persecuted to stand up and file a lawsuit against Eric.

In addition, the newly established "Rectification Bureau" was also required to suspend all actions to avoid being captured by the public as indirect evidence to prosecute "Eric".

For a time, the "Rectification Bureau" was in name only, and it turned from a new department into a dead water department.

In a building in Newtown.

In the "Rectification Bureau" located here.

Ian, Mickey, Lina, Barnes and others, as well as the other three groups of supernatural evolutionists, could only do nothing in the unit all day.

The huge Barnes laid a fitness mat in a small open space in their office area, brought several very heavy dumbbells, and came to the office to exercise every day.

Mickey moved the TV, game console, and sofa over, and sat there to play video games every day.

Lina was bored and lying on the desk, sighing boredly: "It's so boring!"

Ian, with blond hair, stood in front of the French window, his eyes still closed, the smile on his face had long disappeared, and he kept muttering to himself with a frown: "What went wrong... Who is the mastermind behind all this..."

From the ambition of the establishment of the "Rectification Bureau" to the current dead water situation, even if he has the ability of "Retrospective Eye" and can see certain details of the past, he can't analyze what went wrong after carefully recalling all the details of this period.

Those "evolvers" who were caught had to be released during the protest marches during this period.

There are various photos and video evidences. The families of the "evolvers" came to the "rectification bureau" to sit in meditation under the arrangement of someone with ulterior motives.

Even those who have family members have their family addresses exposed.

Although their families have long been watched by the four major chaebols, they have been protected and monitored, and no bad results have been caused.

But this still makes them feel deeply threatened!

And the worst thing is that they don't even know who is behind all this.

The only clue they can find is the rich man Logan Marshall who ran to the ancient country in the East.

Thinking of this, Ian couldn't help but frowned more tightly.

He has never been so frustrated...

And just when the supernatural evolvers in the "rectification bureau" felt frustrated like Ian, the initiator of all this was meditating every day in the underground laboratory of a half-built golf course on the outskirts of New City, practicing the "Qingjing Gong" that can improve spiritual attributes.

"You have been in a state of "meditation" for two hours, "Spirit" attribute +0.01"

"You have been in a state of "meditation" for two hours, "Spirit" attribute +0.01"

"You have been in a state of "meditation" for two hours, "Spirit" attribute +0.01"


Every two hours, a system message prompt will pop up in Su Leng's eyes that the [Spirit] attribute has increased by 0.01.

In addition, the situation in the outside world will also be constantly fed back to his mind through the [Self-Causal Omniscience] ability.

Although he is behind the scenes and only instructs some people to guide the current situation, when his consciousness was in a state of "vegetative" nothingness, he had practiced the ability of "deduction".

With the dynamics of various people fed back to his mind, he can naturally deduce the current development of "Eric" regarding matters related to "evolvers".

Every once in a while, he will make some deductions to understand the situation in the outside world.

The rest of the time, he is in this laboratory, practicing "Qingjing Gong" without being disturbed by anyone.

He made the society of "Eric" so chaotic, in addition to cutting off the fire and preventing Ian and other superpower evolutionists from harassing him, the main purpose was to have time to practice "Qingjing Gong".

After reaching the limit of the first stage of evolution, this is his only way to improve.

And, it can be foreseen that after improving the [Spirit] attribute, it will be of great help to the next second stage of evolution and the third stage he guessed.

Therefore, during this period, Su Leng spent almost the whole day practicing "Qingjing Gong" except for eating, drinking, defecating, sleeping, and occasionally taking time to deduce.

And the effect is also remarkable.

Now, his [Spirit] attribute has been greatly improved!

It is almost catching up with his [Intelligence] attribute!

As for the boringness of the practice process, it is nothing to him who has experienced the state of consciousness nothingness of "vegetative man".

"You have been in the state of 'meditation' for two hours, 'Spirit' attribute +0.01"

"Your Spirit attribute has exceeded 3, reaching the maximum value of the intelligence attribute, and cannot be further improved."


Another message of [Spirit] attribute improvement popped up in front of his eyes.

But along with it, there was another message.

Su Leng frowned when he saw this information, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"Is the maximum value of the intelligence attribute reached and can no longer be improved?"

He recalled this information, with a thoughtful look on his face, "This should be the so-called bottleneck in practice in Wang Jingwen's life experience information? If so, then I seem to understand the relationship between the intelligence attribute and the spiritual attribute..."

The value of the intelligence attribute obviously determines the maximum upper limit of the spiritual attribute.

The relationship between the two is a bit like "barrel" and "water".

"Barrel" is the intelligence attribute, and "water" is the spiritual attribute.

The capacity of the "barrel" is limited and can only hold a certain amount of "water".

If you want to hold more "water", you have to expand the capacity of the "barrel" first.

This is the relationship between the intelligence attribute and the spiritual attribute that Su Leng has currently figured out.

"Since it has reached a bottleneck, it's almost time to start."

"Qingjing Gong" has reached a bottleneck in practice and can no longer be improved, so it's time to arrange the next step.

Thinking of this, Su Leng slowly got up from his cross-legged sitting and then left the laboratory.


New York, Manhattan.

In the presidential suite of a luxury hotel.

Big Baozi, wearing a bath towel, stood on the balcony of the presidential suite, holding a red wine glass in his right hand, shaking it constantly, and holding a cigar in his mouth, puffing smoke from time to time and overlooking the crowd of protesters below.

"Rich people are so happy!"

For more than a week, he has been living in a luxury hotel and leading a luxurious life.

Especially after the protests broke out, he likes to stand in front of the balcony of the presidential suite and overlook the crowd of protesters below, which makes him feel like he has reached the peak of his life.

As for the "Evolutionary" incident that has been widely reported in the news for more than a week, as a player, he doesn't care much.

In his eyes, this incident is just the story of the game.

Usually in this case, he usually quickly skips it and doesn't pay too much attention to it.

However, the game of "Super Dimension Kill" is too real, so he likes to look down at the protests below these days, just like watching a big show.



A phone rang from behind.

Standing on the balcony, Dabaozi was stunned, then returned to the room from the balcony, picked up the phone thrown on the bed, and after looking at the caller ID, he answered the call: "Hello, Doctor, is the manor villa repaired?"

He thought it was the manor villa in the suburbs that was repaired.

However, on the other end of the phone, Su Leng's voice was calm: "You ask Xiaodie to go downstairs of the hotel to get something."


Dabaozi said in confusion, and wanted to ask the reason, but found that the phone was hung up.

Helplessly, he could only use the phone in the suite to call Xiaodie who lived in another suite.

After a while, the call was connected.

"Hello, what's the matter, Baozi brother?"

Xiaodie's voice came from the phone.

Big Baozi said, "The doctor asked you to go downstairs to get something."


Xiaodie on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned, but then she replied without asking, "Okay!"

After that, after hanging up the phone, Xiaodie, who lived in another room, quickly took the elevator downstairs and came to the first floor of the hotel.

At the entrance of the hotel lobby, a deliveryman who was stopped by the security guard and holding a box of things in both hands was already waiting here.

The two parties first confirmed their identities, and then the deliveryman asked Xiaodie to sign the delivery note.

Just when Xiaodie signed, two people happened to come from one direction of the road. One of them was a white young man and the other was a yellow-skinned Asian woman.

Suddenly, the yellow-skinned Asian woman looked at Xiaodie suddenly, with an irrepressible surprise on her face, and exclaimed, "What a pure spiritual power!"

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