Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 198: Escape


Hearing Jian Qi Lingxiao's words, Su Leng quickly raised his hand to signal to wait, frowned and said: "It's okay to do it, but let's make it clear first, whether you are an enemy or a friend!"

Although he knew everything, Su Leng still pretended not to know and asked about the ins and outs of the matter. →

Not because of anything else, but to establish a logical chain.

Although he does not need Jian Qi Lingxiao's help, it does not mean that Jian Qi Lingxiao's arrival is useless. On the contrary, Jian Qi Lingxiao's arrival is still somewhat useful.

At least, he can use the other party's mouth to tell the information he already knows, so as to form a complete information logical chain and deceive the official AI of "Super Dimension Kill".

As long as he uses a complete information logic chain to deceive the official AI of "Super Dimension Kill", then if he shows the ability to "calculate all strategies", he will not be captured and analyzed as abnormal data.

At the same time, his asking this also made him look more like a player who did not have God's perspective. In the eyes of Jian Qi Lingxiao, an S-level player, his intelligence was within the scope of normal people.


Hearing Su Ling's inquiry, the fierceness in Jianqi Lingxiao's eyes slowed down slightly, and he looked at Su Ling with a hint of disappointment and said: "My intentions are already so obvious, you still can't tell that I am Enemy or friend? It seems that I praised you too early."

"It's precisely because of your behavior that I can't tell whether you are an enemy or a friend."

Su Leng met the opponent's eyes and said: "You knew my details, and then you didn't tell the other players in the red camp and came alone. This made me think you were a friend. But you just wanted to test my strength. Your behavior makes me think you are an enemy! Don’t you realize that your behavior is very contradictory?”


Hearing Su Leng's words, Jianqi Lingxiao couldn't help but be startled, then frowned and said: "I want to test your strength, why do you think I am an enemy?"

"In this game, I was assigned to the blue side camp, which has only one player team, and you are in the red side camp. Even if 'Leon' is eliminated, your red side camp still has five player teams. There are four more besides you.”

Su Leng looked at Jianqi Lingxiao and said: "You want to test my strength, let alone the movement between the two of us fighting may attract attention and expose my disguise. To take a step back, even if there is no movement, But you are an S-level player, one of the top players in the game. If you fight with me, I will definitely have to deal with it with all my strength. Fists, feet, swords and no eyes will inevitably be consumed when the time comes. By then, you will leave this game with satisfaction. Let’s start the next game, but what about me? After I’m consumed by you, I’ll have fewer options to deal with the remaining four players. Are you sure you’re really a friend, not an enemy?”

At the end of the sentence, Su Leng's eyes were full of doubts.

After hearing Su Leng's words, Jian Qi Lingxiao frowned slightly and fell into thought.

After a moment, he said with an apologetic look: "Sorry, I really didn't think about this matter. Let's do this. You can kill me with your strongest move later, so that I can have a good idea of ​​your strength. It’ll be fine if you can communicate with the exploration team.”

After saying that, he suddenly raised his hand and reached towards Su Ling.

In his palm, there was something the size of a button quietly placed, "This is a super-miniature camera. In it, I filmed Miyamoto Long and Wigand as they joined the characters in this world. You can decide for yourself what to do." Utilize. As for the remaining two player teams, Miyamoto Long and others tried it with the 'Location Card'. They are not S-level players, but they are probably A-level players. You can only find them by yourself, A-level players. There are so many that it is impossible for us to identify them one by one using the 'location card'."

After saying that, in order to show his kindness, he did not use the throwing action, but slowly squatted down and placed it on the ground.

Seeing Jian Qi Lingxiao's appearance, Su Leng said, "I now believe that you are a friend rather than an enemy."

Hearing this, Jian Qi Lingxiao smiled slightly and said, "Okay, if you have anything else you want to ask, you can ask."

Hearing this, Su Leng was not polite and immediately asked many questions that would allow him to form a complete logical chain of information.

About ten minutes later.

"...I'm done asking."

Su Leng looked at Jian Qi Lingxiao and said.

After hearing this, Jian Qi Lingxiao nodded and said: "Let's take action after asking. This game has failed. I must start the next one quickly to avoid falling behind other S-level players."

When Su Leng heard this, he didn't say much nonsense.

Under the direct gaze of Jian Qi Lingxiao, he raised his hand and suddenly snapped his fingers.


Jianqi Lingxiao looked directly at Su Ling and his eyes were blank for an instant.

Seizing this moment of distraction, Su Leng suddenly "swish" and instantly arrived in front of Jian Qi Lingxiao!


Police sirens rang through the streets of Manhattan, New York City.

Police cars parked near Times Square and cordoned off the area.

A large number of people stood outside the security line and watched. Police officers maintained order one after another. Detectives and sergeants were inside the security line, looking at the deceased who had been chopped into several sections, with blood and limbs spattered.

At the same time, three helicopters were circling and flying over New City, searching for something.

Searchlights were constantly shining in the dark alley, looking for traces of the assailant.

Local news agencies also quickly rushed to the scene after hearing the news, and conducted interviews and reports on the murder that occurred in Times Square. ♦♦  ♦♦

"Hello, were you at the scene when the murder occurred? Did you see who was committing the murder?"

Reporters conducted interviews with the crowd watching at the scene.

The responses from the onlookers were also varied.

"Sorry, I didn't see it. I just suddenly heard a scream coming from here, and then I came to take a look."

"Eric will always be great!"

"I saw it! The perpetrator was a black man! He was shooting wildly at the crowd with a Gatling gun! What?! The dead were all killed with sharp weapons?! Oh, okay, I didn't see it."

"I swear, I really saw it! The person who slashed the man was a white man! He just waved a tachi, and a white sword energy flew out!"

"This guy is obviously drunk. White people, tachi, and sword energy. Do you believe in things from these three countries?!"

On the streets of New York City, committing crimes in public, especially in Manhattan and near iconic buildings like Times Square, was almost like a slap in the face to Eric.

As a result, almost the entire Manhattan police force was mobilized!

To this end, helicopters were dispatched, vowing to find the perpetrators.

However, when troops were mobilized in New City to hunt for the perpetrators.

The perpetrators, Miyamoto Long and Wigand, had already left Manhattan...

Newtown, just outside the city.

The river bank under the Brooklyn Bridge.

Miyamoto Long and Wigander, who had changed their clothes, were standing on the bank of the river, looking at the three helicopters circling over Manhattan across the river.

However, although they escaped the arrest, neither Miyamoto Long nor Wigander looked very good.

The betrayal of that rubbish Yan Guo made their start unfavorable.

The original best arrangement was for the three major S-level players from the red camp to meet secretly, then lay out a killing plan to ambush the only team of players from the blue camp.

But now, they have all been ruined by that Yan Kingdom trash from Jian Qi Lingxiao!

Not only did they fail to set up a killing plan, but they were also on the wanted list of "Eric", one of the largest countries in the world!

In a bustling and lively place like Times Square, there was no need to think about it. There must be high-definition surveillance equipment that captured their appearance.

In addition, there is a high probability that their appearance will be known by the players in the blue camp.

After all, since Jianqi Lingxiao has chosen to betray the red camp, he will definitely reveal their information to the blue camp.

This is the reason why Miyamoto Long and Wei Gande's expressions don't look very good.

"What's next?"

Looking at the three helicopters circling and flying over Manhattan in the distance, constantly using searchlights, Wigand frowned slightly and asked Miyamoto Long on the side.

Miyamoto Long glanced at him with a gloomy face and said, "What do you think?"

Wigand still frowned slightly and said: "Since Jianqi Lingxiao has chosen to betray our red camp, there is a high probability that he knows something about the people in the blue camp before he dares to do so. At least, he It should be that the team of players from the blue camp must be players from the Yan Kingdom. I even suspect that the only one with an ID in the blue camp, 'Su Leng', is still the one who made these judgments. If this is the case, this 'Su Leng' is most likely not a rookie player recruited by the blue camp to comprehensively play the game, but a real high-level player!"

"Of course, this is just my guess. I have not seen this ID on the S-level and A-level lists, so the probability is unlikely. Our current situation is not very good, and we certainly cannot return to the original place. Development, otherwise we really have no chance. I think what we should do most now is to consume the players in the blue camp! Only in this way can we have a chance to breathe and win. What do you think?"

At the end of the sentence, Wigander looked at Miyamoto Long.

After hearing what he said, Miyamoto Long said in a deep voice: "Of course I understand this truth. The problem is that we don't know who the high-level player in the blue camp is now. This 'Su Leng' whose ID was exposed may be like What you are talking about is a high-level player in the blue camp, but you also said that you have never seen this ID on the S-level and A-level lists. There is a high probability that it is not the same. There is no way he can play five games in a row. You haven’t finished playing S-level yet, right? You and I, S-level players, know best how difficult it is! You can’t easily pass it and get a high rating just by looking at the guide!”

"The only thing we can do to consume the player team of the blue camp now is to locate this 'Su Leng' and then capture or solve it. But this is likely to fall into the trap of the blue camp. If this' Su Leng' is just a rookie player, and there are other high-level players in the blue camp. So this 'Su Leng''s exposed ID is probably the other party's intention to use this 'Su Leng' as a bait. Let's locate his location, and then capture or solve him, thus stepping into the trap set by the blue team player. You wouldn't have thought of this, right? Or are you testing me again? Can you think of this and want to trick me into exploring the road? "

After saying that, Miyamoto Long looked at Wigand with an unkind look.

It seems that S-level players are indeed not stupid...

Wigand was slanderous in his heart and wanted to make excuses, but at this moment——

"The player "Jianqi Lingxiao" was eliminated by the player "Su Leng"."

An elimination message popped up from the eyes of the two people.

Both of them were stunned.

The next moment, Miyamoto Long's face darkened again, and he cursed: "This bastard who gave away his head!"

"It's so fast..."

Weigand murmured.

The two knew that Jianqi Lingxiao would go to the blue camp to give away heads after parting ways with them, but they didn't expect it to be so fast!

Weigand said with a serious expression: "Now is not the time for internal strife, we must act! The red camp has eliminated two S-level players. Now our appearance has been exposed. Let's leave some information about the 'real' world and let the other two player teams come to us. Let them catch this Su Leng. If the other party is a high-level player in the blue camp who is used as bait to lure us, then let the other two players take the initiative to step on the trap. We will first confirm the identity of the high-level player in the blue camp, and then fight it ourselves!"


Miyamoto Long no longer cared about Weigand's previous test, nodded and said: "Since it has been exposed, then we can directly use the power we have developed over the past year to send people to catch this 'Su Leng' to test the waters and see if it is a trap!"


Weigand nodded after hearing this.

The two reached an agreement and quickly took action.

Miyamoto Takashi took action first. The person he joined in this game was a white man. Although he was not an "Eric" person, he was also from the same country on the same continent. He directly called the power he had developed for more than a year and ordered them to send people to New City and the underground world of this world to find the killer.

The same was true for Wigand.

Soon, in just two or three days, the power that the two had relied on or established in this world for more than a year immediately responded.

Both sides sent people to New City and issued secret rewards in the underground world to recruit killers.

However, in the past two or three days, the appearance of the two people was also played on the major news TV stations in New City for a long time and was put on the wanted list.

Of course, this was not a problem for them.

S-level players have mastered many skills. The two of them can disguise themselves casually, and the police station in New City will not be able to find them in the short term.

When everything was ready, the two immediately gathered people and prepared to try to capture "Su Leng"!


When they used the "location card" again to locate the player named "Su Leng" in the blue camp, they were shocked to find that this "Su Leng" who was still in the suburbs of New City two days ago suddenly ran to the ancient eastern country of this world! !

The two were dumbfounded on the spot!

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