Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 219 Show your strength!


When they heard the voice coming from the headset, Nathan Ross and the four others were startled.

The four of them looked at each other first, and after confirming from the faces of the other three that the other had received the same message, they saw Nathan Ross raising his hand and pressing the reply button on the headset, and said calmly: "Grab it first, let's finish driving." Will go see him again.”

They had just heard the name "Doctor", how could they forget it?

However, they actually didn't take it too seriously for the mastermind who spent a whopping 500 million in the underground world to hire a group of thieves to release "Adam".

"Eric" is the most powerful country in the world, bar none.

As the four powerful families who control all areas of this country behind the scenes, unless there is another world war, nothing and no one will be taken seriously by them.

Even "Adam", unless the other party has fused all the bodies, his current state is not enough for the four powerful families to mobilize their troops.

Not to mention, this unknown so-called "doctor".

Although through interrogation of the members of the thieves group, it was known that the purpose of this "Doctor" was to imprison Adam's liver sealed in Area 51, and the identity of this "Doctor" is still being investigated. Although the thieves group had seen this "Doctor" , but it is difficult for all the members of the thieves group to describe each other's appearance.

But with "Eric's" intelligence capabilities, it is only a matter of time before he can track down the other party.

Therefore, Nathan and other representatives of the four powerful families did not take this so-called "Doctor" seriously.

It is a fact that "Adam" was released.

No matter where this "Doctor" got the information about "Adam", there will naturally be an interrogation after he is caught.

After the interrogation, the other party will naturally disappear from this world.

Naturally, the four Nathans would not pay too much attention to a dead person.

However, what the four Nathans did not expect was that the other party actually dared to deliver it to their door in person!

This surprised the four Nathans.

But that's all.

After casually giving an order to the military in Area 51, the four Nathans were ready to continue drinking tea and wait for the results of the interrogation by Ian and others, so that they could finalize the matter of dealing with "Adam".

But as soon as Nathan finished speaking, the voice of Silvis Paul, the military colonel of Area 51, came through the headset again with a heavy tone: "I'm afraid... it's a bit difficult!"

Hearing the voice coming from the headset, Nathan Ross, Brian Locke, Amanda Dupont, and Carl Morgan raised their eyebrows.

"What's the meaning?"

Nathan Ross frowned, raised his hand and pressed the reply button on the headset and asked.

"This 'Doctor'... you'd better see it for yourselves, I'll have the images sent over.

Silvis Paul said in a deep voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

"Come in."

Hearing a knock on the door, Nathan spoke.

As his words fell, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open.

An "Eric" soldier walked in with a tablet-like device in his hand.

The soldier first saluted the four people, then walked over and said at the same time: "Hello, four officers! This is what the colonel asked me to send!"

When he finished speaking, the soldier happened to walk up to Nathan, who was closest to the door of the conference room, and handed the tablet-like device he was holding to Nathan.

When the other three people saw this, they couldn't help but look at the tablet-like device.

I saw a live video being played on the screen of this tablet-like device.

The amazing thing is that this tablet-like device is completely transparent in the middle, except for the handles on the left and right sides.

The live video was playing on both the front and back of the transparent screen. It was the same video whether viewed from the front or the back.

This is a type of "Eric's" military high-tech equipment, which has not yet been popularized among civilians.

However, for people from the four powerful families such as Nathan, they have seen it before and it is not surprising.

Their attention is on the picture.

What was shown on the screen was the surveillance footage of the Area 51 military base.

In the picture, an Asian young man wearing a white coat is walking from the ground to the entrance of the base, as if he is taking a leisurely stroll.

Wherever the young man passed, heavily armed "Eric" soldiers fell to the ground in a mess.

However, there was no blood around the young Asian man or around the "Eric" soldiers lying on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the four Nathans frowned.

"What's going on?"

Looking at the surveillance footage on the screen, it seemed that there was no fighting.

But those Eric's "soldiers" fell to the ground, which was a bit strange.

Soon, they understood what happened.

There is not just one surveillance picture on the screen, but also surveillance pictures from other parts of the base.

In other surveillance images, groups of heavily armed "Eric" soldiers appeared. After receiving the order, they quickly gathered towards where the Asian young man was.

But when these soldiers got within a certain distance of the Asian young man in the picture, their bodies softened and they fell to the ground, unresponsive.

Seeing this, Nathan and Brian all looked enlightened.


This so-called "doctor" actually has superpowers!

No wonder the other party is so bold that he dares to attack Area 51. It turns out that he has something to rely on.

However, if you think that you can challenge "Eric" and their four major families just because you have superpowers, you are wrong!

Brian Locke, Amanda Dupont, and Carl Morgan raised their hands, pressed on the headsets they were wearing, and ordered:

"Caesar, a superpower evolver broke into the base, you go and deal with it."

"Lola, a superpower evolver attacked the base, you go and see."

"Jon, my old friend, there is a little trouble outside the base, leave it to you."

The three of them each ordered the superpower evolvers trained by their families to take action.

After the order was given, the three found that Nathan Ross did not make any move.

However, knowing that the superpower evolvers brought by Nathan were interrogating the members of the thieves group, they did not say anything.

Anyway, with the three of them, the evolutionists should be enough to deal with the other party.

With this in mind, the four people looked at the surveillance screen again - anyway, they were free now, so they might as well enjoy the next superpower war.

Of course, there were more than a dozen evolutionists on their side, and only one on the other side. The war was just a joke, but it was really a way to kill time.

Just when Nathan and the other four continued to watch the live monitoring with the idea of ​​killing time.

In another lounge not far from the conference room.

The evolutionists trained by the three families of Locke, Dupont, and Morgan also took action after receiving the order.

"Hua La!"

The evolutionists of the three families of Locke, Dupont, and Morgan stood up together.

In the lounge where everyone was, there was a large screen, on which was playing the image of the young Asian man in a white coat, going deeper into the base bit by bit.

In fact, the evolutionists of the three families of Locke, Dupont, and Morgan had long known the situation outside.

When Silvester Paul found out that the "doctor" coming from outside was not something that ordinary soldiers could deal with, he immediately asked for help here.

However, the superpower evolutionists from the three major families ignored his request for help.

They were superpower evolutionists cultivated by their respective clans, and were not under the control of the military, but only listened to the orders of their respective families.

Therefore, without the orders of representatives such as Brian, Amanda, and Carl, they were too lazy to care about the attack on the Area 51 military base.

This was Silvester Paul's duty and had nothing to do with them.

Their duty here this time was just to protect the safety of their family representatives.

After failing to invite these superpower evolutionists, Silvester Paul had no choice but to disturb Nathan Ross and others who were having a secret meeting.

Now, after receiving the orders from the family representatives, the superpower evolutionists from the three families of Locke, Dupont, and Morgan began to act.

"Based on my observation, I preliminarily judge that the superpower of this 'doctor' should be a mental superpower that can force people to fall asleep."

The superpower evolutionists who started to act first looked at the big screen in front of them and analyzed Su Leng's "superpower".

The Morgan family, led by a white old man named "Jon", spoke first.

After finishing his words, he looked at the black female superpower evolvers led by Laura from the DuPont family and said, "Laura, you are the only one here who is a mental superpower evolver. I hope you can provide a mental barrier to prevent him from forcing us to sleep with mental superpowers."

After that, the white old man looked at the other side, a white man who was the leader of the superpower evolvers from the Locke family, and said, "Caesar, when Laura uses the mental barrier to protect us, you can use your energy superpower 'fighting spirit' to attack this person remotely. You don't need to hit him, just make him busy and have no time to use superpowers. The rest is left to us. What do you think?"

Hearing his words, both Caesar and Laura frowned and turned to look at him.

Old Jon always likes to "command" people. Even if they are not superpower evolvers from the same family, he likes to "command" them.

To be honest, this is a bit annoying.

But in the current situation, the superpower of the "doctor" outside does seem to be as observed and analyzed by old Jon. The other party's "command" is somewhat reasonable. In addition, the other party took the initiative to ask them to charge and let them stay behind, so the two did not refute.

Only Caesar replied: "I have no problem."

The black woman Laura also responded: "Okay."

At this point, the superpower evolutionists of the three families of Locke, Dupont, and Morgan have discussed the battle plan.

Afterwards, a group of people came out together, left the lounge, and went to where Su Leng broke into the base.

At the same time...

[...Jon, the superpower evolutionist of the Morgan family, persuaded "Caesar" and "Lola" to bring a group of superpower evolutionists to you. 】

A text message was fed back from the mind.

Su Leng, who had already entered the Area 51 military base and was heading towards the conference room where the representatives of the four major families were located, looked at the feedback in his mind and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

One buzz after another, with him as the center, spreading out to the surroundings.

Inside the base, teams of fully armed soldiers rushed towards him with weapons in hand, but they were hypnotized to sleep after getting close to him.

While constantly hypnotizing the people around him indiscriminately with his spiritual power, Su Leng was thinking about the next steps.

Now he is in the process of showing his "strength".

However, he is still dealing with ordinary people.

In the eyes of the representatives of the four major clans, this is not considered a strength.

Only after defeating the superpower evolutionists who came, it can be regarded as showing the "strength" that makes the representatives of the four major clans such as Nathan afraid.

After that, it is how to rationalize all the information.

He has to consider not only this world, but also the official AI of "Super Dimension Killing". Therefore, he is thinking about how to rationalize the information in the next conversation.

So far, his current behavior is based on the discovery of the magical function of "sarcoma", but the final destination of the organisms parasitized by "sarcoma" is the military base of Area 51.

For the sake of caution, he spent a huge amount of money in the underground world to recruit a group of thieves to steal from the military base in Area 51.

Later, he took a helicopter to the area to "spy on the situation". After discovering that the thieves had failed, he had no choice but to break into the military base in Area 51 and take away the "tumor" himself.

This series of actions is logically reasonable at present.

Therefore, when he encounters the resistance of the superpower evolutionists, he cannot show a look of knowing it for a long time, but has to show a look of "surprise" and "interest", and then investigate, and use these superpower evolutionists to lead the representatives of the four major chaebol families to the base.

Then, follow the clues, hypnotize the representatives of the four major chaebol families, and learn the whole story from these representatives.

This is the logical and information-rational response method.

With this in mind, Su Leng quickly rehearsed the next response in his mind, and then continued to go deeper into the base.

Soon, after Su Leng went down several levels of the base, he finally met the supernatural evolutionists from the three major families who had arrived.


Su Leng raised his eyebrows first, and after the spiritual power that continued to spread touched the supernatural "spiritual barrier" held up by Laura, a hint of "surprise" appeared on his face.

Then, he narrowed his eyes slightly, stood still, and stared at the strange direction he noticed after the spiritual power touched the "spiritual barrier".

When the supernatural evolutionists from the three major families appeared in Su Leng's field of vision, he suddenly raised his hand and punched out!


A sonic boom sounded!

The sharp white fist wind instantly swept towards the direction where the supernatural evolutionists from the three major families appeared!

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