Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 221 Despair

"How is it possible... Caesar and the others were defeated so easily... What kind of monster is this..."

Brian Locke muttered to himself with a pale face, and his whole body began to tremble slightly.

Although he had overestimated the opponent's combat power from the appearance when he saw the appearance of this "doctor" activating the gene chain and turning on the "complete beast".

But in the end, the combat power shown by the opponent still far exceeded his expectations!

Caesar and other superpower evolutionists didn't even have the power to fight back in front of the opponent!

This was something he had never expected.

The previous second, he was still thinking about catching this "doctor", but the next second, the strength shown by this "doctor" made him start to worry about his own safety.

And not only him, the situation of the other three people was similar to Brian.

Amanda Dupont, the only woman present, held up the water cup in front of her and trembled as she brought it to her mouth, saying in a trembling voice: "Nathan, Nathan, only the evolvers you brought are still alive. Hurry up, hurry up and let them come up to protect us!"

Nathan, on the other side, didn't need Amanda to remind him at all. He had already pressed the headset, pale-faced, and hurriedly contacted Ian and others who were interrogating him: "Ian, come to the conference room immediately! Now!"

Compared to the three people's concerns about their safety, Carl Morgan of the Morgan family was relatively calm.

Because he was older than Nathan and the other two, he had lived long enough, and he had seen the horror of "Adam" in his heyday when he was young.

So, although he still had the instinctive fear of life after seeing Su Leng's hideous and terrifying appearance, he was able to calm the other three people relatively calmly.

He just said, "Don't panic, everyone. Although this 'doctor' is very scary after activating the second stage, the base of Area 51 is complicated and he is not familiar with it. Moreover, his purpose is probably to find 'Adam's' organs and save those members of the thieves. He doesn't know our existence at all. Let's hide carefully. If we are lucky, we should be able to avoid him."


After listening to Carl Morgan's words, Nathan Ross, Brian Locke, and Amanda Dupont woke up.


The other party didn't know their existence at all.

The purpose of this person hiring the thieves in the first place was to steal the liver organ of "Adam".

Now breaking into the base of Area 51 is probably because those thieves failed, so they had to force their way into the base of Area 51 themselves.

As long as they hide well, the base of Area 51 is so large that it should be no problem to avoid the other party and escape.

Thinking of this, the three of them felt relieved.

"Ian, you don't have to come over for the time being."

Nathan Ross raised his hand and pressed the headset again, speaking.

He was afraid that Ian and others would rush to the conference room where they were, and if they happened to bump into the monster, it would be bad to expose them.

"Uh, Lord Ross, are you sure?"

Ian's voice asked in surprise in the headset.

Nathan Ross heard this and immediately replied: "Of course I am sure, don't come over, continue the interrogation."



Area 51 base, underground interrogation floor.

Ian, who was about to leave the interrogation room and rush to the conference room, lowered his hand on the headset, closed his eyes and stood there in deep thought.

Behind him, Barnes, Lina, and Mickey, who followed him, saw his appearance, and Lina asked tentatively: "Ian, what happened? Why did Lord Ross suddenly ask us to go to the conference room, but suddenly didn't let us go?"

The three of them also wore headsets, so they also heard Nathan Ross's order.

The underground interrogation floor is located at the last few floors of the Area 51 military base because it holds prisoners and experimental subjects who break in. The purpose is to make it difficult for prisoners or experimental subjects to escape if they accidentally break free.

Therefore, Ian and the other four don't know what happened yet.

After hearing Lina's question, Ian hesitated for a moment, raised his hand to take off the headset, and turned it off.

Then, he turned to the three people, raised the headset in his hand, and signaled the three people to take off the headset and turn it off.

After the three people did it, he closed his eyes and said to the otaku Mickey: "Mickey, use your superpowers to invade the base system to see if there is anything abnormal. Nathan Ross will never issue such an order for no reason. Something must have happened!"

"Uh, huh? Oh, okay, no problem!"

Mickey was stunned when he heard Ian's words, but then he quickly responded and did not doubt Ian's decision.


In the meeting room

Nathan Ross lowered his hand from the headset, glanced at the other three, and nodded slightly.

The three understood what Nathan Ross had done from his words, and nodded one after another.

The four of them continued to watch the surveillance video in the conference room, waiting for the monster outside to stagger with their base, and then take the opportunity to escape.

However, the next moment——

"Wake up!"

"Tell me who you are."

"We are the superpower evolutionists of the Locke family."

"We are the superpower evolutionists of the DuPont family."

"We are the superpower evolutionists of the Morgan family."

The sound of conversation came from the surveillance screen.

After hearing this conversation and questions, the four people in the conference room all looked stunned.

"These bastards! How dare you betray the family!"

Brian Locke immediately yelled angrily.

Nathan Ross, Amanda Dupont, and Carl Morgan also had angry looks on their faces.

They never thought that these guys would betray their family!

These power evolvers are all trained by their families. While training, they also control the information of the family members of these power evolvers, in order to restrain these power evolvers who have gained power to obey.

It's not like there aren't those kind of super evolved people who rebel against their family regardless of their family's safety.

But these power evolvers will basically be ordered by the family to other power evolvers, and then cooperate with the army to kill them with high-tech weapons.

The rest are all "obedient" super evolvers.

These "obedient" super evolved people will basically never betray their family no matter what the circumstances. Otherwise, once it is found out, they will be hunted down by the family and their family members will also be punished on their behalf.

But now, these guys have all betrayed the family!

When the four people saw this, they were shocked and angry.

Nathan Ross, in particular, angrily questioned the three of them: "Is this the loyal minister of the superpower evolver trained by your family?!"

What they are angry about is the betrayal of these people, but what scares them is that if these guys tell what happened here, they will be in danger!

This is what makes Nathan Ross angry.

But the more I am afraid of something, the more I become afraid of it.

In the surveillance screen, the five-meter-tall monster transformed by the "Doctor", after asking about the origins of those with evolved powers, began to ask about powers and the four major families with great interest. So many things about this base and so on.

And those with evolved abilities also told everything they knew and answered truthfully one by one.

As these power evolvers answered truthfully one after another, the four people in the conference room also saw the clues.

"They don't seem to be in the right state..."

Carl Morgan, the oldest among the four, frowned and said.

"I saw it too."

Amanda Dupont took over his words and also frowned and said: "Their tone when they answered was as if they had taken psychedelic drugs, and their entire mental state was as if they were sleepwalking."


Brian Locke also frowned and said: "Moreover, if only a few people chose to betray because of fear, it would be understandable, but all of them chose to betray, that would be so strange! Do you still remember that 'Dr. 'Did you use the superpower when you first broke in?"

After the words fell, the three people suddenly looked at each other and blurted out in unison: "Superpower!"

"The power of this 'doctor' is not only to control people to fall asleep, but also to control people's minds!"

Amanda said with a horrified expression.

Brian looked like he had seen a ghost and cursed: "Such a terrifying monster has such perverted powers, who can deal with it?!"

"We... better report this matter to the family and let the family know about the existence of this monster, alas."

The old man Karl sighed and said, "We think we are finished this time."

Nathan on the side listened to the words of the three people, and with a gloomy face he quickly raised his hand, pressed the headset he was wearing again, and ordered: "Ian, the four of you come here immediately! Now!"

Compared to the fact that all the power evolvers brought by the three were wiped out, the four power evolvers he brought were still alive.

Therefore, he is not willing to accept the current situation. He wants the four Ians to fight for a chance of survival for him!

"Okay, Mr. Ross, we're coming over right now."

In the headset, Ian's voice came again, full of agreement.

This gave Nathan Ross a little sense of security.

But at the same time, in the surveillance screen.

Su Ling also asked the "in and out" of the matter from the mouths of Caesar, Jon and other evolved people.


After muttering to himself with great interest, Su Leng in the surveillance room asked the hypnotized evolved people again: "Where is the representative of the family behind you who is responsible for handling this matter?"

"In the conference room..."

A group of superpower evolvers replied with distracted eyes.

After hearing this answer, Su Ling grabbed a random evolver with his big hand and said, "You, show me the way!"

After saying that, he looked around at the other evolved people with powers and shouted in a low voice: "Sleep."

"Plop!" "Plop!" "Plop!"

There was a sound of falling to the ground.

Except for the super evolved person who was caught by Su Ling, the other super evolved people fell to the ground again and fell into a deep sleep.

After that, Su Ling's huge figure was seen disappearing from the place with a "whoosh".

The four Nathans who saw this scene on the surveillance camera could not help but change their expressions even though they already knew what would happen!

"Quick! Let's get out of here!"

Nathan Ross stood up in a hurry and said to the other three people.

He still has someone available!

He is not willing to sit still and wait for death!

But if the other three people continue to stay here, with the ability of that "monster" to control people's minds, they will definitely control the minds of these three people, ask about his whereabouts, and then expose what happened not long ago that he left, shrinking the opponent's mind. Lock range.

Therefore, he could only call the three of them to go together.

But Brian Locke, Amanda Dupont, and Carl Morgan did not move.

Although the expressions of the three people also changed greatly, and they were afraid of the monster, but without the three people who had the ability to evolve, they knew that even if they fled with Nathan Ross, they would probably be used as human shields by the other party to hold back the monster. Monster footsteps.

And even if he can escape, when Nathan Ross has a super evolved person by his side, but they don't, life and death will be controlled by the other party, so it's better to stay.

Carl Morgan sighed and said, "Nathan, you can't run away. With the speed of that monster, we can't run away."

Amanda Dupont pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses she was wearing and said nothing, but her motionless figure also showed her attitude.

Brian Locke sneered and said, "Nathan, how could I let go of such a good opportunity to support you?!"


Listening to the words of the three people, especially Brian, Nathan couldn't help but glare at each other angrily.

Just then——




One loud bang after another came rhythmically.

It only took about ten seconds to go from vaguely visible to gradually audible.

On the monitoring screen, Su Leng, who was more than five meters tall and looked like a monster, was holding a superpower evolver in one hand. His arched legs kept running wildly in the base. Every time he took a step, the metal floor or walls of the base were smashed. A huge dent appeared in his face, and his figure was so fast that it became blurry!

And this "dong" sound came from when these huge pits were formed.

Listening to the sound after sound, the "dong" sound gradually approached and became louder and louder.

Looking at the speed of the "monster" running in the surveillance screen, Nathan's face became increasingly pale.

With such speed and strength, could he really escape?

Also, why haven’t Ian and the others arrived yet? !

Nathan couldn't help but raise his hand to hold the headset and urged: "Why haven't you come over yet!"

However, there was no response from the headset.

Ian and others, who let Mickey invade the base, already knew what happened, and then modified the surveillance screen so that the device in Nathan's hand could not see them. They transformed into monsters at Su Leng and ran toward the conference room. At that time, he left the base at the wrong time.

Of course, Nathan Ross didn't know all this.

It wasn't until he urged and there was no response from the headset that he realized something was wrong.

But at this time, the huge and rhythmic "dong" sound was already approaching the conference room.

When he saw the huge monster figure appearing at the end of the corridor in the conference room from the surveillance camera, Nathan Ross's face finally looked completely desperate.

The next moment——


A loud noise came suddenly.

The steel door of the conference room was suddenly knocked from the outside and smashed on both sides of the conference room.

A terrifying humanoid monster with green scales, more than five meters tall, crashed into the conference room and was revealed in the sight of Nathan Ross and the other four!

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