Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 242: The third stage: Super brain transformation! Part 6

During the decades of imprisonment and sealing, the only thing Adam could do was to think, and when he could not access external information, he could only think about past memories.

From the time he had memories, to the time when he was dismembered by the four major families using family affection and imprisoned and sealed separately.

All the life experiences during this period were reviewed thousands of times by Adam in detail during the decades of imprisonment and sealing!

While he was recalling, he was also thinking about the various choices he had made in his life. In addition to the choices he made at that time, was there any better way, and he imagined and summarized them.

In the end, in such thinking, he found that many of his behaviors were somewhat unreasonable, or too emotional!

Many times, he could have tolerated it from another angle and then easily solved the problem, but he chose the most emotional, impulsive, and brainless way to act.

So much so that he felt that as the first evolver in the world, he still had that "trump card", but he was dismembered and imprisoned by the four major families, which was completely caused by his stupidity.

It was a good hand, but it was played badly in the end.

Now looking back, he found the abnormality.

That is, as he became stronger and stronger with the use of that "trump card", he became less and less brainy, became more and more willing to rely on physical strength to do things, and became very emotional.

After discovering this abnormality, he thought for decades, recalled all the knowledge and experiences he had come into contact with in his life, and finally came up with a guess.

The reason why he became more and more emotional is probably related to his body becoming stronger and stronger!

Although his physical strength became stronger and stronger with the help of that "trump card", the strength of his consciousness did not keep up.

After getting out of trouble during this period, he also looked up some knowledge and information in the most primitive way of reading books, and finally verified his guess.

The stronger the body, the more emotional hormones are secreted. If the strength of consciousness cannot keep up, people will be affected by these emotional hormones to a rational state.

There are many such examples in reality, such as those rapists who commit rape as soon as evil thoughts and desires arise, and they are often those tall people.

There are also those who have exercised and achieved results. It is easy to get into physical conflicts when their brains get excited.

Ordinary people are like this, not to mention the evolvers whose bodies are stronger than ordinary people.

After verifying this conjecture, Adam finally understood why his "precognition" ability had always issued a strong warning to that "trump card" when he was in a complete and peak state.

At the same time, this also led to his "precognition" ability not giving a warning when the four major families designed him.

Because under his "precognition" ability, the increasing danger of continuing to use that "trump card" is obviously much greater than being dismembered by the four major families!

He even had an absurd guess, that is, being dismembered by the four major families, without the emotional hormones secreted by the powerful body to affect his brain thinking, is actually a good thing for him.

Because in this way, he can finally think clearly and find out this "mystery of God"!

Of course, this is just one of his numerous guesses. For the sake of rigor, he did not recognize this guess before verification.

However, if the body is too strong and the strength of consciousness cannot keep up, the rationality will be affected, which Adam has verified and confirmed.

Therefore, after obtaining the "left ear" and "stomach" of his original body, he did not dissolve into his own body.

Adam glanced and saw two hypnotized base security personnel in the base where he was, walking towards him with a distracted look.

Then, he saw his left hand holding the "left ear" and "stomach" casually throwing away, and his original "left ear" and "stomach" flew out immediately, and squirmed and softened in the air, turning into a tumor, and "snapped" and hit the faces of the two base security personnel, and then quickly drilled in from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

The two base security personnel were parasitized by Adam's "left ear" and "stomach" respectively.

"Let's go."

After parasitizing the "left ear" and "stomach" of the original body into the bodies of the two base security personnel, Adam spoke lightly and said to the other two "selves".

After hearing this, the two base security personnel nodded in unison.

Then, the three "Adam" parasites left the Locke family's research base together.

When Clint, the patriarch of the Locke family, arrived here with his men, the three "Adams" had already left, leaving only three damaged, empty nutrient tanks.

Clint, who saw this scene, suddenly looked extremely ugly.

At the same time, the huge flesh tentacles that wreaked havoc in Los Angeles finally seemed to be completely destroyed, but in fact, the "Adam liver" host at the core of the parasite had quietly evacuated Los Angeles.

After this battle, all the "Adam" body parts of the Locke family were lost!

It was not long after the parasites in the "Adam" body parts left that the reinforcements of the three major families "came late".

And when the reinforcements of the three major families learned about the "results" of the Locke family, their faces were extremely ugly.

The situation eventually developed into the result they least wanted to see!

However, this is just their four major families' view on this matter.

Outside, the news of the mysterious monster attacking Los Angeles directly shocked the whole world!

"Emergency report! At noon today, Los Angeles, 'Eric' was attacked by a mysterious monster. The city suffered extensive damage and the death toll is unknown..."

"Insert an urgent news. At this evening, Los Angeles, 'Eric' was attacked by a mysterious monster. The city suffered extensive damage and the number of casualties cannot be estimated..."

"...Our station received the latest news. At this morning, Los Angeles, 'Eric' was attacked by a mysterious monster. The city suffered tragic damage and the number of casualties was countless. The blood directly dyed many streets and buildings in Los Angeles red. For specific details, our station has connected with the local embassy..."

Countries in different time zones reported the mysterious monster attack on Los Angeles at the same time.

Because this kind of thing has never happened before, for a time, a stone stirred up a thousand waves!

Internet users from various countries who saw this news on the Internet began to discuss this matter fiercely.

I really didn't expect to get to [middle 6], the next chapter is really really [down]...

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