Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 256 Immortality

Hearing Su Ling's provocation, Adam showed no expression on his face, but continued to look at Su Ling's body with a brow, and said.

He was very sure that in the previous battles, the opponent did not have these slippery mucus on his body.

In other words, the mucus on the other party's body has just been secreted from the body.

But this is simply impossible!

The power of genes is determined the moment it is turned on. What kind of genetic power it is will reveal all the characteristics of this genetic power from the beginning.

The only difference is that it can control two states: "half-animal transformation" and "complete animal transformation".

The other party's inhuman appearance is obviously a state of "complete animalization". According to common sense, all manifest genetic characteristics should be displayed from the beginning.

But what was true just now was that the layer of mucus on the other party only appeared after the fact.

There is only one explanation for this. The other party has the power of two or more genes and can control it at will!

Speaking of which...

Adam carefully looked at the appearance of Su Ling's "genetic change".

He didn't pay attention before, but now because he was surprised by Su Ling's control over the power of multiple genes, he discovered that he couldn't tell which animal's genes Su Ling's "complete animal transformation" came from!

The scales are a bit like fish, and a bit like snakes in the class Reptiles.

But these two types of animals have no claws.

In addition, the opponent's legs have grown an extra section, which looks a bit like an arthropod like a mantis, but the sharp bone spurs protruding from the joints have never been seen before.

There is also the tapered tail covered with spikes behind it and the mucus secreted from its body just now...

What animal's genes are these? !

Adam's brows couldn't help but frown even more tightly.

Su Ling's ability at this stage of genetic evolution somewhat subverted his cognition.

However, there are countless species of animals in the world, and Adam is not a scientist who studies species. Although he did not recognize the genetic power that Su Leng turned on, he did not say anything.

Not to mention what Adam was thinking.

After listening to Adam's question, Su Leng still smiled slightly and did not answer.

Knowing the importance of information, he naturally would not reveal even a single word of his own information.

Although he has read Adam's life experience information, he must be cautious. He can only see the other person's life experience information, but not the other person's thoughts and thinking patterns. Who knows what risks will be incurred if it is revealed. ?

Being cautious, he would not say any nonsense during the battle.

The two provocations just now had deep meanings, and the purpose was to keep Adam here.

His strength and agility attributes have now exceeded the hundred-digit mark of 100 one after another, and he has undergone transformation. Although the "gathering" ability of the strength attribute transformation requires time to accumulate, the "softening" ability of the agility attribute transformation allows him to Control your body and unload force in a better shape.

Coupled with the layer upon layer of defensive force fields that could offset nearly half of Adam's power, he then stimulated the characteristics of the fish's genetic mucus.

These combined, although still unable to defeat Adam, it was enough for him to barely compete with Adam.

The most important thing is that there is [Evolution Jade] in his belly that continuously enhances his attribute values.

Therefore, as long as he can hold Adam off from fighting and let the [Evolution Jade] in his belly continuously enhance his various attributes, he will gradually gain the upper hand!

Although Adam has the power of "precognition", with this method of boiling the frog in warm water, when the opponent's "precognition" power senses danger, it may not be that easy to escape from the battlefield!

This is Su Ling's plan.

He planned to use this method of boiling a frog in warm water to kill Adam!

Especially now that the other party's five body parts have converged, his sanity has been affected, and his mind is a little unclear. This is a very rare opportunity!

"Forget it, I originally disdained the use of genetic power, but you are really disgusting. Plus you control a variety of genetic powers, so you can't blame me."

After seeing that Su Leng had no intention of answering his words, Adam relaxed his frown and said.

And as his words fell, his body changed visibly to the naked eye.

Only his eyes were visible. The whites of his eyes quickly turned amber, and the pupils shrank into a black dot. At the same time, strands of fluff quickly grew out of the pores on his body, covering his whole body, with golden hair among them. Mainly, but there are many black spots.

And his hands, feet, calves and the section from his elbows quickly became slender and slender, and the nails on his five fingers even grew sharp claws!

In just the blink of an eye, Adam turned into a standing humanoid cheetah!

The gene chain inspired by Adam is the gene chain of the cheetah.


After activating the gene chain and completely transforming into a humanoid cheetah, Adam didn't waste any time, and his figure disappeared instantly!

When he appeared again, he was already in front of Su Ling.


Without any words, the hand with the sharp claws moved from top to bottom, tearing out a huge white airflow, and grabbed Su Ling with a sharp claw at an angle!

Since your body is slimy, I will tear the mucous membrane directly with extreme sharpness!

This is what Adam thinks!

"Ping ping ping ping ping!"

The rapid sound of the defensive force field breaking sounded almost at the same time!

Adam's claw has reached the ultimate level of current physical attributes in terms of speed and strength!

With Su Leng's current physical attributes of more than 100 points and intellectual and spiritual attributes, he has a defensive force field around him, otherwise he can't even see Adam's movements clearly!

And even if he saw the movements clearly, he would be like Xu Qingshan, and his body would not have time to react!

However, with the defensive force field, Su Leng sensed it instantly when Adam got close and touched the edge of the force field.

So, when Adam's sharp claw tore his defensive force field, he also controlled his body to become soft and swing back, and retreated to avoid Adam's claw as much as possible.

But after all, there was still a gap between the two sides.


Accompanied by the sound of a sharp weapon entering the flesh.

Su Leng, who retreated a distance in a hurry, suddenly had several deep wounds on his chest that could be seen to the bone!

When Adam saw this, a trace of bloodthirsty grim smile suddenly appeared on his face.

But the next moment, he frowned.

Because, Su Leng, who had several deep wounds on his chest that could be seen to the bone, did not bleed from those wounds! Not a drop!


Adam's face darkened again.

Su Leng smiled softly, looked at him, and said, "Now our fight has really begun."

During the two rounds of fighting with Adam, Su Leng's physical attribute finally broke through the 100-point mark and underwent a second transformation!

And the ability gained from the second transformation of physical strength is "super self-healing"!

Adding the ability of the second transformation of strength and agility, the combination of the three makes Su Leng seem to have the same "immortal body" as Adam!

I'm asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket at the beginning of the month. March's leave note is online. Quanqinjun is once again mighty and domineering, ready to rise!

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