Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 57: Master's Fighting Skills

"Just you?"

When he heard that Su Leng was coming to challenge him, Liang Shaozong sneered.

However, he did not take action, but sat back in his seat, picked up the tea he had brewed before, looked at the dozens of Tianlinmen disciples in the martial arts training ground, and said lightly: "He is the murderer who killed Jia Jun, you all go together and catch him!"

After that, he took a sip of tea and added: "Remember to leave him alive."

Although the other party came in the name of challenging the school, Chen Hao in front of him was not a martial artist, but just a small-time scoundrel in the dried meat ticket business. With such a person, Liang Shaozong naturally did not need to talk about the rules of the martial arts world.

Moreover, the other party was not worthy of letting him take action.

As for the matter of bullying the weak with the majority, the other party had killed his son, and the martial arts world could not say anything about his doing so.

Of course, the reason why Liang Shaozong did not take action was actually because he was worried that Chen Hao would play dirty tricks.

This kind of thing has happened before.

There was once a master in Guannan Province who was provoked and challenged by an unknown little scoundrel in public. Because there were too many people at the time and he happened to have no disciples around him, he accepted it for the sake of face.

As a result, after both sides were ready, the provocative little scoundrel suddenly took out a pistol from his trouser pocket and shot the master through the head with one shot, and died on the spot.

After this incident, few martial arts masters accepted challenges from strangers, and no matter where they went, they often brought several disciples with them.

Chen Hao in front of him was just a small scoundrel who had no background and no force. He was wanted by Marshal Liu for so long, and he changed his appearance and arranged for his relatives to run away.

Liang Shaozong didn't believe that the other party would come to die for no reason.

The four disciples he sent had no news, and there was no news, which obviously meant that they had been killed.

Chen Hao was able to harm his four disciples who still had some martial arts skills. Obviously, he was a man with some means.

Such a person could have run away, but he chose to deliver himself to the door. There must be some conspiracy or support.

Therefore, Liang Shaozong let the disciples of Tianlinmen go first, wanting to see what tricks the other party would play.

In this way, even if there was any conspiracy or support, the disciples could take it first, and he could observe in advance and respond flexibly.

It must be said that Liang Shaozong was indeed very cautious.

And those Tianlinmen disciples naturally didn't know what their master was thinking.

When Liang Shaozong asked them to go together and catch Su Leng, dozens of disciples in the martial arts training ground roared and rushed towards Su Leng.


With a roar, the seven or eight disciples closest to Su Leng rushed up first.

Su Leng was not surprised by this result.

Liang Shaozong, a ruthless man who could sacrifice his own son, naturally had no martial arts ethics - of course, he didn't have any.

Looking at the dozens of Tianlinmen disciples rushing in, Su Leng was not panicked.

First of all, his physical strength is two or three times that of these Tianlinmen disciples. Ye Yan

Then, he has "master-level fighting skills"!

What is master-level fighting skills?

If Su Leng were to answer, it would be control!

He can clearly know every weakness of the human body, what kind of force and weapons will cause what kind of injuries; he can judge all the available space and objects at the scene at a glance; he can also accurately control every bit of his body and know where the limit of his body is.

Then, relying on this knowledge and judgment, he can deduce whether the situation at the scene can be fully dealt with, and if it cannot be dealt with, where is the best escape time limit, etc.

In the absence of unknown variables, control yourself, the enemy and everything at the scene.

This is the master-level fighting skills!

It can be said that Su Leng, who has the master-level fighting skills, is not afraid of these Tianlinmen disciples rushing in even if his physical strength is still that of an ordinary person.

Even if his physical strength is not enough to completely deal with the rush of dozens of people, he can retreat safely at the best time and place.

Now, with a physical strength three times stronger than that of an ordinary person, he had only one result when facing the charge of dozens of people, killing them indiscriminately!

Su Leng turned the short blade in his right hand from reverse grip to forward grip, and at the same time, he did not retreat but advanced, rushing towards one of the seven or eight people who rushed to the siege first, and then he raised and lowered the short blades in both hands, and swiped them, cutting the tendons of the man's hands and feet before the man could react, causing him to scream and fall to the ground helplessly.

Then, Su Leng took steps or stepped back and stepped sideways, and accurately avoided the continuous pounces of the other people with the smallest safe distance and the least physical energy.

At the same time, he repeatedly slashed, chopped, or cut with the short blades in his hands, and with each movement, a blood arrow shot out, and a scream came, and the tendons of the hands and feet of a Tianlinmen disciple were broken, and he was no longer able to stand up.

In just a few blinks of an eye, Su Leng knocked the seven or eight people who rushed to the siege first to the ground!

Afterwards, Su Leng used his steps to precisely control the people around him to keep the number within the range of six to eight people, so that the other Tianlinmen disciples would stay behind these six to eight people and could not rush over. Then he used the short blade in his hand to cleanly cut the tendons of these people's hands and feet and knocked them down. It was not that he was a saint and did not want to kill people.

But cutting the tendons of these people's hands and feet, making them unable to stand up again, was the most labor-saving and effective way to fight.

If you want to kill someone, the short blade needs to attack the fatal weakness, and people usually subconsciously protect these fatal weaknesses during a fight, which increases the difficulty of attack and increases the consumption of physical energy. At the same time, you also need to deal with the "last breath" phenomenon of adrenaline secretion when the human body is about to die.

At this time, people can exert strength and speed far beyond the normal, which will increase unknown variables.

Therefore, only cutting the tendons of these people's hands and feet and making them lose strength is the best solution to deal with this kind of group siege, and there are strong people watching nearby.

Su Leng did not forget that there was a Liang Shaozong next to him, and he had to keep his physical strength within a safe range.

However, even so, after he continuously turned over the tendons of more than 20 people, he still shocked all the disciples of Tianlinmen.

The disciples of Tianlinmen who had originally rushed to the siege without hesitation, just to win the favor of Liang Shaozong so that they could get the true teachings, saw that more than 20 people fell down in just a short while, and the momentum of rushing to the siege was temporarily slowed down.

Su Leng raised his eyebrows when he saw this. This was not okay. He had to deal with Liang Shaozong later, so he couldn't leave so many active Tianlinmen disciples as obstacles.

So, the Tianlinmen disciples slowed down their momentum, but instead attracted Su Leng's active charge!

He took a running start and quickly rushed into the crowd. The short blades in his hands kept changing and waving continuously, never stopping.

His steps were also turning continuously, accurately controlling every distance. At the same time, he used the bodies of the Tianlinmen disciples as cover to resist the attack, and then quickly cut the tendons of the Tianlinmen disciples one by one and knocked them down.

At a glance, his whole figure was like a ghost, shuttling among the Tianlinmen disciples, waving the short blade in his hand, harvesting the tendons of the hands and feet of the Tianlinmen disciples one by one, but those Tianlinmen disciples couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

Liang Shaozong, who was originally sitting at the back of the martial arts training ground, wanted to see what tricks Su Leng would play. He sneered at first, but after Su Leng knocked down the first wave of disciples, he raised his eyebrows.

Then, after Su Leng knocked down more than 20 disciples in a row, his expression finally became serious and frowned.

And when Su Leng rushed into the crowd and killed them, his face began to become solemn little by little.

Finally, he stared at Su Leng and observed his condition.

When he saw that Su Leng had knocked down the disciples of Linmen for most of the time, and his breathing was not disordered, he finally couldn't sit still!


With a loud shout to stop, Liang Shaozong suddenly stood up and walked down the martial arts training ground, staring at Su Leng, questioning: "Who are you?!"

Such a clean and powerful fighting talent that made him tremble...

And such a long and long physical strength...

The person in front of him could never be that little scoundrel Chen Hao who was selling dried meat tickets!

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