No matter how you look at it, our earth is just a small planet in a remote corner of the galaxy, why is it so popular?

However, Morgana, who is not human, has no such doubts, and her focus is elsewhere: "In our universe, there are no treasures that have been born since the beginning of the universe's salivation?"

"Our technology is developed step by step. "

"But in the world of the Ancient One Mage and this ...... Big trucks, but the universe where Optimus Prime is located has this kind of magical thing. "

"Where did these things come from?"

Black Widow wondered, "Does it matter?"

After all, she's just a slightly more powerful human, and these things seem too far away from her.

Keisha said: "The relationship is quite large, and it may make a subversive change in our understanding of the universe. "

More precisely, the perception of the void.

But no one can answer this question.

Screen switching.

I actually came to a human classroom.

A human boy is presenting his grandfather's relics: "I intend to tell the story of my great-great-great-grandfather, who was once a great adventurer. "

"He was the first man in human history to brave the North Pole without difficulty. "

In 1894, he led the loss of a brave sailor into the Arctic shelf. "

"It is said that he found these strange symbols there, as well as a giant who was frozen......"

"And these are the things he used to use, these are the glasses he used......"

Everyone saw the glasses that the boy held in front of them, and saw the cracks in the glasses.

Iron Man is very perceptive: "Nini magnifies these rifts and retrieves them ......"

The artificial intelligence Nini immediately enlarged the picture, searched for it, and quickly said: "This is a coordinate map, it should be in the North Pole, but the image is not clear, and it is impossible to judge the specific coordinates ......"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, could it be that this child's grandfather really found something in the North Pole, and not nonsense.

The narrator sounded again: "A long time ago, Optimus Prime sent many Autobots to various parts of the universe in search of the source of the fire. "

"One of them, an Autobot named Bumblebee, came to Earth and he encountered a sneak attack by the Decepticons......"

Screen switching.

Bumblebee is shown fighting two Decepticons.

They saw Bumblebee nimbly switch between Autobots and car forms in combat.

The men were stupid.

Spider-Man said, "Mr. Stark, can you build a car like this?"

Iron Man said angrily: "To have such a change, it means that this car has many more joints, which is very fragile and easy to damage...... There is no practical value. "

"Of course, Mr. Optimus Prime, I'm not talking about you, you are Autobots and cars should be different. "

"So you can really turn into a big truck, right?"

No way, even he, an adult, is interested in this giant robot that can turn into a car.

It's almost engraved in a man's DNA.

Optimus Prime didn't feel anything wrong, only that these humans seemed to like him very much, and he said, "The ability to transform is an ability that we have evolved over a long period of time. "

"In the beginning, it was really just a mimicry, but later we used the transformation to gain more power. "

In between words, Bumblebee has been stabbed in the neck by a Decepticon.

Its vocal cords were damaged, and it was unable to speak, only to replace its own voice with broadcasts.

Optimus Prime looked at this scene blankly, with mixed feelings: "Brother, ......"

Finding the source of the spark is already a very difficult process, and there will be damage and it will also lead to expectations.

I hope that after finding Bumblebee, I can cure him later.

The narrator continues: "In this way, Bumblebee lurked on Earth until one day he found out that there was a boy who was auctioning off his grandfather's relics on eBay. "

"There was the whereabouts of Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons, and the Tinder Source, so he sent a message to the universe to summon his companions. "

Optimus Prime said in surprise and delight, "This glasses record the coordinates of Megatron?"

"He's on Earth?"

At this moment, he was almost convinced that everything he said was true.

With this information alone, without any strategy, this video is already worth his continued viewing.

Screen switching.

Meteor-like things were dropped from the starry sky to the earth.

And then it turned into a giant robot!

They scanned all kinds of cars on the planet and then turned into cars and drove around the planet!

The audience even saw Optimus Prime, who scanned a passing truck, and then, the whole body split and combined, and finally became exactly like the truck!

At this time, the audience finally understood why Optimus Prime said that the transformation ability was a mimicry at the earliest.

This is on the road, and no one will think it's an alien!

Also, it's really handsome!

The narrator continues: "But they're late. "

Screen switching.

There is a base for the Mi Army.

As soon as he saw this, Iron Man recognized it, and he said, "This is a Rak ......"

Then a helicopter flew in the sky.

The appearance of this helicopter made the people at this base feel a panic.

Because no matter how they investigated, the helicopter should have been at another base.

The helicopter landed at the base and was immediately surrounded by the base's trucks.

At this point, the pilot of the helicopter disappeared, and then the helicopter's body began to disintegrate and reassemble piece by piece.

He also turns into a giant robot.

Can it be turned into a car, but also into an airplane?

At this moment, a thought popped up in the hearts of all men, this is simply handsome.

If he hadn't been attacking the base of the Mi Army, they might have to clap their hands.

Optimus Prime said, "This is vertigo, have the Decepticons already found the clue first?"

But when I think about it, I already know that this is one step ahead of them.

After watching the video, I immediately went to Earth.

The reason why he wanted to read it was because he was afraid that there would be some important information behind.

Humanity's weapons are simply vulnerable to vertigo.

It defeated the Mi Army, and then hacked into the Mi Army's network system.

The narration sounds again: "The Decepticons have arrived on Earth one step before the Autobots and have found Megatron's whereabouts. "

"It's a pity that whether it's the Decepticons or the Autobots, they're all one step late. "

(I'm really in a bad state, I took a nap, and I'm late, sorry!)

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