Ran Bing clicked on her strategy, and her business card popped up on it.

"Name: Ran Bin. "

"Nickname: Bingbing"

"Introduction: Revenant Squad Adjutant, Sniper, Assaulter, Gravity Body Pilot, ......"

The image of Ran Bing has already appeared in the picture.

She and Mark were walking in the passage with a gun.

Suddenly, there was a gunshot from ahead, and a girl rushed out from the front, covered with bullet holes.

Then a man rushed out, his whole body crawling with strange bugs and emitting a red mist, and he shot wildly at the girl's corpse.

Everyone was stunned.

What the hell are these bugs, it's disgusting to watch!

And this man, looking at his clothes, it is obvious that he and Ran Bing are comrades-in-arms, why would they attack their teammates?

Captain Mi Guo asked, "Ran Bing, what happened?

Ran Bing was also stunned, she didn't expect that the battle would happen today and would be cut into her strategy video.

She replied with some sadness, "It's Donnie, he hallucinated and killed Penny by the Spine Gu's crimson control. "

Iron Man asked, "Is the Spine Gu this strange bug? Are you fighting them? Crimson is that red toxin?"

Ran Bing sighed, "Yes, but if I just fight them, it will be easy. "

What does this mean?


Donnie's body was already crawling with spine Gu.

But he seemed to have recovered some senses, and he said to Ran Bing and the others: "Kill me, or it will be too late." "

At this time, the audience saw a hand appear in the dark part of the picture.

Big hands!

It looked exactly like a human hand, but they knew it wasn't a human hand.

Because humans don't walk with their hands, and human hands definitely don't look like that, because two hands still fall backwards.

And then Donnie began to shout frantically: "Shells are shells, I see, they are all shells!"

"Whatever you do is in vain. "

At that moment, a strange head emerged from the darkness, biting Donnie's shoulder and holding him in the air.

A monster appears in front of them!

Then Ran Bing and the others shot wildly at that monster, but the gun didn't seem to be effective against this monster!

And the audience, by the light of the muzzle, saw the monster clearly.

It was so huge that it crawled on the ground and was nearly two people tall.

There is also a snake-like head that can stretch its neck like a turtle, and a total of six legs, each leg resembles a human hand, and the two legs on the back are still backwards.

The whole body has a thick bony shell, and the sides of the body are covered with tentacles, and there are a little fluorescent tentacles on the tentacles.

It's so ugly, but it has human-like features.

It's weird and disgusting to look at!

Even Morgana couldn't help but shake her head and said, "Holy, what the hell is this?"

The demon under her command was already strange-looking, but compared to this monster, it seemed to become clear-eyed.

Thor said, "I already feel like goosebumps all over my body, and if I encounter something like this, I will definitely kill them with a hammer." "

Batman's focus is different, saying, "This monster, the gun doesn't seem to be useful to them?"

Ran Bing's expression became a little heavy, and he said, "This is a pan-biotic Extreme Devouring Beast, Snake Dog. "

"It's very hard to kill, and even if you do, you can resurrect it. "

As soon as this sentence came out, the audience was shocked again.

They are also well-informed, and have seen a lot of all kinds of strange things and characters in parallel universes.

But this is the first time they have seen this kind of monster.

Even if you look ugly, you can't kill it?

Kill or not?

Is there such a thing?

Raleigh was a little unconvinced, and frowned: "You really can't kill it?" Have you ever tried more powerful firepower?"

In the process of driving the Dangerous Wanderer to fight those monsters that came out of the sea, he learned a truth, firepower is everything, firepower is fierce enough, any monster can be broken!

He suspected that the snake dog could not die, because the firepower was not enough.

Ran Bing shook his head and said, "It's not that you can't kill, it's that you can be resurrected if you die." "

Konstantin lit another cigarette, even if he had lung cancer, but the cigarette in his hand still did not stop: "Even the demons of hell can't make such disgusting things, but as long as it is a living thing, there must be a way to kill it!"

Ran Bin said: "Or, but we haven't found it yet!"

"Relatively speaking, snakes and dogs are still relatively easy to deal with in the Extreme Eater, and they are not too ugly types. "

Everyone couldn't help but gasp, and the Scarlet Witch stammered, "Is there anything uglier?"

in the picture.

Ran Bing and Mark's team of wilderness hunters have already started a big battle with this snake dog.

But the bullet can only make it hurt, make it hesitate a little, but it can't cause fatal damage to it at all.

The flash of the bullet allowed the audience to see the piles of humanoid sculptures next to them.

Mark yelled, "All hands out, hurry up and open the gate." "

In front of the screen.

Future Captain Kirk said, "Pretty good strategy, it's just that those statues feel like they're alive, no, at least alive......"

Not only him, but all the audience felt a little numb when they saw these statues.

They all have the feeling that "these things can't be made of living people!"

Ran Bing said, "Those are flesh and earth, the corpses of humans who have been devoured by the Flower of Mana and the Extreme Devourer. "

Some people are already starting to have a numb scalp!

Wolverine said, "So you've been fighting monsters like this? What kind of world are you going to be there?"

It's hard enough for mutants to survive, but it's much better than this world.

Ran Bing said: "The earth has fallen there, we have not found a living person on the ground for many years, we live in a lighthouse, the lighthouse flies in the air, and never falls!"

"Because the ground is full of Floweres of Manna and Eaters of Poles. "

"We, the Hunters, will gather resources from the ground to supply the lighthouse!"

Almost everyone was numb at this point.

It looks as if the world is about to come to an end.

They can't even create the resources they need on their own, and they have to rely on the materials on the ground to survive, but there is no one on the ground, so they will definitely not last long.

in the picture.

Mark's men finally opened the gate, and they fled with their supplies.

Mark and Ran Bin, who were the captains and lieutenants, broke off in the back, and after a big fight, they finally escaped and locked the Eater in the passage.

But the Eater was still pounding frantically against the gate.

At this time, the audience realized that the place where Ran Bing and them fought before was actually the inside of a spaceship!

That must be the wreckage of a spaceship, right?

Are they actually a civilization that has entered the interstellar age?

Such a civilization would be given a chance by a group of monsters.

One can imagine how terrifying these monsters are!

Then something even more terrifying happened, the Eater of Poles crashed through the gate, and countless Eaters rushed out of it.

(Sorry for the delay, it's late in the afternoon!)

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