Truth be told, the power of the Eater wasn't strong enough to scare most of the audience here.

Even for beings like the Ancient One, Keisha, this may be something that can be destroyed with a single hand.

But they brought too much despair to the spirit cage world.

These people have worked so hard, so desperately, but they are of no use to the Extreme Devourer.

This deep sense of powerlessness and despair enveloped the hearts of every viewer.

in the picture.

Calyxmon crawled as it pushed the ball of human corpses forward.

A crater appeared in front of it, and the calyx beast pushed the human corpse into the cavity like a shell pushing dung.

At that moment, whether it was in the video or in front of the video, everyone was trembling!

How many human bodies were buried there?

This brute!

Even the battle-hardened hunters had their feet limp, almost on their knees.

But they were still elite warriors after all, and they came to their senses and began to retreat rapidly.

One of the warriors broke his leg as he fled, and he saw that he was about to be devoured by the Calyx.

And then a flash of light slashed, it was Mark's chainsaw sword, which forced the Calyx Beast to retreat!

Mark had already flown over with his gravity body, and the bazooka was raised on his shoulder, and several rockets hit the calyx beast, causing it to scream!

Then the chainsaw sword is back in the hand!

A set of combos is extremely handsome.

Mark's appearance boosted the morale of the hunters, and under his command, the Calyx Beasts were defeated one after another.

After a perfect match, he directly beat the calyx beast to the point of no life.

The hunters breathed a sigh of relief and were about to evacuate, only to find streaks of blue light on the plants.

Those small devourers actually began to recover rapidly.

The hunters who had just tried to evacuate were again under siege.

At this time, suddenly a blue light flashed, and Mark's old comrades-in-arms pushed Mark away.

Mark escaped, but his comrades were shattered in the lower half of their bodies.

The power of that cyan brilliance actually directly pierced the entire building through a huge hole.

The Calyx Beast from earlier reappeared, it wasn't dead, it was flying.

It swims through the air like a fish and even emits a whale-like song.

Then one flips upside down, upside down in the air, hands on the waist, and the tail spreads out like a flower.

Another stream of blue light spread, and those who died, the small Pole Eater actually resurrected at full speed in an instant.

It's too fast, it's too fast!

The Scarlet Witch was desperate: "The recovery is so fast, how can this be fought?"

The captain of the rice country has a clear grasp of the battle situation, he said: "They must fight now, and they can't escape." "

If you leave your back to the enemy at this time, it is suicide.

The hunters knew this and began to attack wildly.

But then, the calyx swooped down on a building, its tail opening like a flower again, and once again emitting a whale-like song.

This time, the sound caused everyone's headaches, and many people's weapons fell to the ground.

Then it tumbled in the air, and fell to the ground lightly, like a feather.

Such a beautiful voice, such elegant movements, such murderous behavior, such an ugly face, this extreme contrast makes the SAN value plummet.

But the calyx, which had just been as quiet as a fallen leaf, suddenly opened its tail again.

Another strange electric sound echoed in the air.

The impact of this sound on the hunters was even greater, and many of them were even more untenable.

Only then did the audience realize that the person making that strange electronic sound was actually the small Pole Eater.

It writhed its body strangely in front of the Calyx.

It's like a hell of demons dancing wildly.

What's even more terrifying is that the spikes that were sprayed on the ground before also began to dance with this weird electric sound, and began to absorb the vital essence of human beings.

At this moment, no one can stand firm!

Everyone either fell to the ground, or half-knelt and held on!

Only the super sniper Feixue in the distance can barely hold on, she stabilizes her body and shoots a shot!

This shot not only pierced the small Eater of Extremes, but also pierced through the tail of the Calyx Beast.

The strange sound is finally gone!

The hunter named Snow Peak walked with a gun like the little Eater of Poles.

The Eater spewed spikes that pierced through his gravity body.

But he jumped out of the gravity body ahead of time.

He plucked out a spike and jumped directly onto the little Eater, stabbing the spike in his hand, and stabbed the Eater to death.

But by this time the Calyx had opened its mouth, and a clear light converged in its mouth.

Before, it was this light that pierced through all the buildings of the entire laboratory!

Xue Feng's face was pale, and he directly pulled out the grenade, but before he could throw the grenade into the mouth of the calyx beast.

As soon as the Calyx Beast's palms closed, it slapped Xue Feng to death in its palms, and the sound of bones breaking was extremely crisp!

The grenade then exploded, but only slightly shook the Calyxmon's palm.

Calyxmon did not take any damage.

Seeing this scene, Wanda was about to cry: "How can this be, how can it be like this?"

It's a desperate picture.

Almost all of them in despair were speechless.

Ran Bing saw that her eyes were cracking, she blamed herself, why wasn't she with everyone at that time?

It's all Charles, it's all to blame on him!

Snow Peak's death has driven the hunters crazy, and they are going to strike a blow to the death.

And Mark stopped them: "Hurry up and retreat with everyone, I'll stop him." "

Mark drove the gravity body towards the Calyx, and single-handedly fought the Calyx.

Or even hit it hard.

At this critical moment, his gravity body ran out of energy.

What's even more bizarre is that he saw that there was a team of people tired above this abandoned laboratory.

Real human beings.

Although there is a noticeable difference in clothing from the humans at the lighthouse.

They still carry cold weapons in their hands, such as knives and bows.

Then the narrator sounds: "The presence of humans on the ground saved Mark's life. "

"Mark was seriously injured, and Dust 4068 found him. "

Screen switching.

Dustman 4068 finds the injured Mark.

Mark is still thanking him: "4068, if there is a chance to ...... in the future"

Before he could finish speaking, the sound of a blade entering the flesh sounded, and 4068 slashed Mark's neck with a single sword.

Ran Bing in front of the video collapsed, and she roared angrily: "He's ...... Captain Mark had helped him before, and he was!"

"I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill him. "

Thor was even more furious, and he hated this kind of traitor the most: "This kind of traitor deserves to be killed, and his body should be broken into thousands of pieces." "

The picture of this world is more and more desperate.

Even Mark died.

Everyone hopes that the strategy given by the website this time can be powerful.

They never wanted that scene to really play out in the world of the spirit cage.

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