After a dead silence, Optimus Prime said in a trembling voice, "Last time I was fighting Megatron......"

"Megatron suddenly retreated with all the men, and there is no information so far. "

"I couldn't understand it at the time, but now it seems like it's ......"

Everyone immediately understood what he meant, or the mastermind behind the website, who helped him get rid of the Decepticons.

He can even easily control the Decepticons through the endless parallel universes?

Harley Quinn couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat on her forehead, and she said cautiously: "Last time, a book appeared in my house for no reason......

"It's the one that the guide asked me to find, but at that time I finished looking for it in our world, and there was no book at all. "

"Is it ......?"

The man behind the scenes still sent you a book?

What is it?

Is He a good teacher?

Gu Yi was shocked: "Book...... Could it be an evil magic book like the Dark Divine Book?"

"This unknown existence is terrifying, don't borrow their power at will......"

Harley said, "It's a book of truth, a record of the truth of the world, not an evil magic book!"

Gu Yi's heart was cold, it's over, this is a manifestation of being controlled by evil forces!

Iron Man couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of spit and said, "Well, judging from the current situation, even if he starts to interfere in our world, although we don't know the intentions behind him, at least there is no ill will towards us. "

Batman said lightly: "Who knows." "

He's been investigating everything behind this website, but he's not getting anything out of it, and now the mastermind behind the website can't help but appear.

For him, it has the feeling of boots hitting the ground.

The existence behind this background, whether there is malice or not, the important thing is that he can make an angel king like Kaisha fall into chaos with his own voice alone.

His existence is a threat to the world.

But Batman didn't despair.

As Keisha said, as long as He came, He left a mark of His own.

When this mastermind leaves traces of his existence, he is no longer an incomprehensible and untouchable being.

Or, there is the possibility of being defeated or killed.

At this time, Raleigh finally had a conversation with the audience: "The previous battle was too fierce, and I didn't have the energy to watch the video. "

"What did he give us?"

No matter what the purpose of this mastermind is, at least this time he saved himself and his brother, then his strategy can naturally be seen.

Superman said, "He said that the purpose of the monsters was to rid the world of humans and transform the world so that their owners could come and colonize it. "

"You're going to blow up this space passage, and even your generals will die because of it, but it doesn't mean much. "

"It's just blowing up the passages, they can open the first time they can open the second time. "

"Also, if your people are connected to the monster, the monster's will may erode the connected person, so you need to be careful. "

"The first strategy is to make you fully prepared, actively prepare for war, actively develop science and technology, and prepare for a long-term war of resistance. "

"In the face of monsters, you can only achieve true peace if you see the truth under your hands and completely defeat the person who created the monster!"

"Monsters only have their weapons, and killing more monsters will only consume some of the creator's ammo!"

"Therefore, the second strategy is to kill the world where the monster is located, and the passage must be two-way. "

"Monsters are very powerful, but the people who create them are not. "

"Just like humans, the weapons created by humans must be many times more powerful than humans themselves. "

"If you can do your best to attack the spatial passage, you can really cause a little casualties to the creators behind the monsters, or they should consider whether it is worth attacking this world!"

"After all, they can open a space passage into another world, so Earth must not be the only option. "

"This strategy is much more dangerous than the previous one, but it can also be more effective!"

"There's one more strategy ......"

This strategy Superman hardly wants to say.

And Batman helped him out: "The people who command the monsters came to Earth to colonize." "

"Because the earth now can barely adapt to their survival. "

"So when it really comes to the point where things can't be done, you think about what you can do to change the circumstances of the world. "

"Make the world unfit for you and for them. "

"It's a lose-lose deterrent. "

These words stunned the two Raleigh brothers.

The two of them are just the big soldiers who go to the battlefield, how can they do this.

Whether it is a top-level strategy or the complete destruction of the earth's ecological environment...... They can't do it!

Or the only thing you can do is get into the passage.

But at this stage, with the combat power of human beings, this is no different from sending them to death......

That's when the problem with the website popped up.

"All monsters have the same genes, they are cloned, so where did their original genes come from?"

"1: They Creator Themselves"

"2: The creator himself created it. "

"3: The genes of alien life. "

There are only three answers to this multiple-choice question.

However, this question directly asked the two big-headed soldiers, who are not good at answering such questions.

Morgana's eyes lit up and she said, "If I guess, it's their creator." "

It's hard to create a biological gene from scratch, and Morgana, as a big guy in terms of genes, knows this.

If it's with the genes of alien life, then why are all monsters genetically the same?

The genes of alien life should also be diverse!

So Morgana thinks that the genes of these creation monsters come from their creators.

Raleigh listened and said directly: "I'll pick 1." "

The website reads: "Answer correctly, reward Raleigh, pioneer for the genetic map." (Note: The Harbinger is the creator of the monster). "

This thing is too important for the Pacific Rim world.

No one knows exactly what the Pioneers use to control these monsters, but if you can crack the genes of these Pioneers, you may be able to find a way to control them.

At the very least, it's easier to destroy them!

As always, the website rewards and gives almost what the parties need most.

Morgana said angrily: "Obviously I answered the question first, why did the reward give him?"

Loki was very calm, he was Xi to this meeting, he said: "Because you didn't answer, you didn't choose, stupid!"

He's found out that this site doesn't just have malicious intentions towards himself, it seems to have malicious intentions towards everyone, and he likes to play with them.

He was angry, but he couldn't help it, which made him even angrier.

Every now and then, I want to arch the fire!

Subsequently, an evil god and a demon queen came to an online spray!

Everyone else paid attention to them, and Dark Phoenix's advanced on-demand was unwilling to watch it, so this time the video viewing was here.

Everyone began to discuss the existence of the mastermind behind the scenes, and after the exchange, the website finally disappeared.

Su Bai also withdrew his gaze.

It was true that he had used a parallel universe teleportation device to teleport his abilities to that world.

Use the chaotic mind to throw the sickle head into chaos.

Manipulated the dangerous wanderer with his mechanical mind and killed the scythe head.

Hearing Keisha's words, he realized that when his chaotic mind was applied to them, it would make them hear something similar to the whispering of an evil god.

Later, when he heard their discussion, imagining himself as some kind of evil boss, coming to their world, it would destroy their world, Su Bai couldn't help but smile bitterly.

I just want to. I can't come to your world right now.

Parallel Universe Teleporters can only teleport items, not animate objects.

Could it be that I am slicing myself and teleporting over?

Then he set his sights on his own gains.

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