Luo Ji's strange reaction surprised everyone.

However, the newcomers are so positive that they don't want to say no.

So Luo Ji clicked on his strategy, and his business card popped up on it.

"Name: Luo Ji"

"Codename: Wall-Facing Man, Sword Bearer"

"Introduction: Former University Professor, Founder of Cosmic Sociology, Wall-Facing Scholar of the Human World, Sword-Bearer of Human Civilization and Three-Body Civilization......"

A photograph of Luo Ji is shown in the picture.

He had a haggard face, a shovel by his side, a grave dug in the ground, and he held up the watch in his hand as if he were speaking to the sky.

This picture is completely different from the decadent him now.

It looks so tragic.

Then the narrator sounds: "In Luo Ji's world, Proxima Centauri has three suns, and the three suns move in a three-body motion......

"And in the middle of the three suns there is a planet, which gives birth to the three-body civilization. "

"Because the three-body movement is unpredictable, they don't know how many suns will appear in the sky at any time. "

"Sometimes there's just one, sometimes it's two, sometimes it's all three, so they're in a really bad environment. "

"And one day, they received a signal from another planet. "

"Finally they discovered the Earth, so they decided to invade the Earth. "

A simple background introduction made the audience completely stupid.

Even Thor understood what was happening, and he said: "Wait, the three suns of Proxima Centauri ......"

"If I remember correctly, Liu Peiqiang's wandering earth was going over there......"

"Then they're not ......"

Liu Peiqiang's face suddenly became extremely ugly, if so, then we ...... Not to another hell?

The appearance of the sky from time to time, one, two, three suns, how can this live?

We have no descendants again, and we can shoot down two!

At this time, Superman said: "Don't worry yet, in the parallel universe, the situation over there may be different!"

Everyone has the urge to cover their faces, why is this such a!

If they were in the same universe, the Trisolarans would have gone to Earth and found that the Earth was gone!

And when humans arrived at the three-body galaxy, they found that these three special suns could not live......

This picture ......

Everyone couldn't help but shake their heads, they didn't know what to say for a while, they could only say that it was a parallel universe!

At this time, Mr. J in the world of the man in black changed the topic and said: "In my world, I have encountered many alien civilizations, but I have never encountered this kind of galaxy. "

Keisha also said: "The three-body movement is indeed an unsolvable problem, and I have encountered a galaxy with three suns. "

"It's just that in that harsh environment, there is no life at all. "

"Life that can be born from such a planet must be quite tenacious. "

As an expert on interstellar navigation, Captain Kirk also said, "Indeed, I have never encountered a situation in which life could still be born in such a star system. "

Optimus Prime nodded: "I haven't encountered it either." "

Everyone couldn't help but sigh for a while, the life that can be born in such a world can really be regarded as the chosen one.

Screen switching.

The two-dimensional unfolding of protons is revealed, and countless tools are carved into the circuit.

This time, the audience was stunned.

Morgana said curiously, "What kind of material is this? I don't understand, it looks ...... It's a little too thin. "

She couldn't read it, Keisha couldn't read it either, neither of them could read it, and the others couldn't read it

Luo Ji himself was also shocked.

Now that information about protons has been revealed, he knows that protons are formed by unfolding them in two dimensions and then carving various circuits, but he didn't expect the process to be so spectacular.

A single proton can cover the entire sky after being unfolded in two dimensions.

At this time, the narration sounded: "The Trisolarans also did not invent faster-than-light spaceships, and were confined to the speed of light. "

"So before invading Earth, they fired a proton at Earth, a proton that was flying at the speed of light. "

"A proton that has been unfolded in two dimensions and carved into various circuits to form a super-powerful computer. "

This sentence made the audience explode again.


What is he saying?

2D unfolding?

The Trisolarans actually have this kind of technology that can expand a proton in two dimensions?

How far can science and technology go?

It's a miracle!

Everyone's brains roared, and once again their whole bodies went numb.

It's a technology that's beyond their imagination.

A technology they can't reach!

At this time, Raleigh, a scumbag, asked, "Is there anything strange about this?"

Iron Man blushed, and it took a long time before he said, "You know the three-dimensional and two-dimensional space, right?"

"Roughly speaking, the two-dimensional world is a flat piece of paper, without any thickness, only two dimensions: length and width. "

"And the three-dimensional world is the world we live in, with three dimensions: length, width and height. "

"A three-dimensional world, even just a grain of sand, can be split into infinite two-dimensional planes, because two-dimensional worlds have no thickness. "

"That's why they were able to unfold a proton like this, something that covered almost the entire sky. "

"God, such a technique is not enough to describe it as a miracle!"

"It's hard to imagine that they didn't invent a faster-than-light engine with such technology. "

Kaisha, the boss on the same science and technology side, also looked ugly: "This kind of two-dimensional expansion technology has unimaginable scientific and technological content, which is a scientific field that we have not touched and cannot touch until now." "

"A civilization that does not have the ability to travel faster than the speed of light has mastered such a technology. "

"I feel the deep malice of this world!"

"One can imagine how terrifying the technological power of this universe is. "

Gu Yi couldn't help but sigh: "I don't know much about technology, but I'm really shocked." "

"Two-dimensional unfolding is something that even magic can't do. "

She has the magic to seal people in paintings, but it's definitely not the same thing as two-dimensional unfolding.

This unimaginable technology, the more powerful people like them felt, the more they felt it, and they felt fear and shock at the level of science and technology in this universe.

With such technical power, you have not developed a faster-than-light engine, can you believe it?

The narrator continues: "The Three-Body Civilization has sent protons to humans, and this proton can be connected with the Three-Body Man through quantum entanglement, which has two intentions. "

"The first is to get information about humanity. "

"The second is to blockade the basic science of humanity. "

Batman's eyes couldn't help but widen: "Good and vicious means." "

At this time, he was not a scumbag, but it was the simple Thor who asked: "Is there anything so vicious about this? He is just a small proton, how can he block the basic science of mankind? Can he still kill all the scientists? Such a small one, he can't hit people, and he can pass through the gap ......between the molecules of the human body."

Loki couldn't help but say, "Do you only have muscles in your head? You're from Asgard, you should have this common sense!"

"The progress of basic science comes from the understanding of the microcosm, and according to the scientific level of this world, they can completely interfere with any observation of the microcosm by human beings. "

"Simply put, a particle collider that interferes with humanity. "

Although he is a magician, Asgardian technology is also good, and these basic things can't be difficult for him!

Thor opened his mouth wide: "Insidious, really too insidious." "

Basic science determines the upper limit of a civilization's scientific and technological level, and in this way, the people of this world will not be able to develop science and technology!

That's not to be slaughtered!

The narrator continues: "When Proton was gathering intelligence on Earth, he gathered a group of human elites and became the lackeys of the Trisolar, known as ETO. "

Although there were several factions among them, and their minds were different, it was useless to mention more. "

"They were eventually discovered by the humans and most of them were annihilated. "

"The entire ETO organization is in a state of disconnection. "

And at this time, they received the three-body man mission from Proton to assassinate Luo Ji. "

Hearing this, everyone turned their heads to look at Luo Ji.

What's so special about him, why does the Three-Body Problem have to kill him?

And Luo Ji himself was so shocked that the cigarettes on his mouth fell to the ground.

The Trisolarans want to kill me?

It doesn't make sense, I'm just an insignificant human sociologist.

There is also a brief introduction that says what started the sociology of the universe, that is, is it good for me to cheat on funds?

Is there any connection between the two......

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