In the eyes of the audience, this strategy is really interesting.

After all, almost everyone's strategy before was about something important about the survival of mankind.

Either the end is coming, monsters are invading, or aliens are invading, and the world is about to be destroyed.

There are very few stories about this kind of life triviality.

No wonder the Raiders say that Spider-Man is a superhero who is close to the people.

The side continued: "Of course, Spider-Man's troubles come from his friends and classmates in addition to Aunt May. "

Screen switching.

Ned and Spider-Man were walking on the road, and Ned said, "So you got bitten by a spider and became like this?"

Spider-Man nodded.

Ned said again, "I want it to bite me too." "

Spider-Man said, "It's dead, I shot it dead." "

At this time, the two saw a cordon surrounded by the police in front of them, which was blown to shreds, which was the place where Spider-Man defeated the robbers last night!

Ned was frightened and said, "This is where you defeated the robbers yesterday? It's so dangerous, you might die?"

Apparently he was beginning to wonder if he was going to be bitten by a spider again.

Spider-Man pursed his lips and didn't speak, at this time, he was also a little afraid!

Then Ned said, "Will you lay eggs?"

Spider-Man was directly confused by this twist: "What are you talking about? Of course not. "

Then the screen began to switch rapidly, and Ned asked one soul question after another.

"Can you spit venom?"

"No, you can't. "

"Can you summon the Spider Army?"

"No, Ned. "

"How far can your webs be launched?"

"I don't know, shut up. "

Spider-Man in front of the screen has begun to cover his face, can this fat man be a little more reliable?

The audience smiled.

After all, they had just seen the desperate world that Luo Ji was in.

Looking at these warm daily routines, they all feel a lot more relaxed.

The screen switches again.

Spider-Man is in gym class.

The teacher is playing a video of Captain Mi Guo, and the captain is on it, suggesting that the students exercise well.

Then the teacher turned off the video and said, "Even though he is a war criminal, I still have to play this video, which is the school rule." "


Captain Mi almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

When did I become a war criminal?

Then Spider-Man starts doing sit-ups, and Ned holds his foot down, his mouth still not stopping.

"Do Avengers have to pay taxes?"

"I don't know. "

"What does the Hulk smell like? He must smell good. "

"Shut up, Ned!"

"Is Captain Mi cool? Or, is he a snarky old man?"

"Ryder, can you shut up?"

Spider-Man is speechless.

Captain Mi and the Hulk have already begun to cover their faces.

How can this kid's mind be so detached.

At this time, several girls next to me were chatting.

One girl said, "I want to be ashamed of Thor, marry Iron Man, and then kill the Hulk." "

This time, even Thor and Iron Man joined the ranks of covering their faces.

What the hell are these little kids thinking?

Especially Thor, this word is going to reach Asgard, where is my face resting?

Loki laughed directly: "See, Thor, your muscles will only absorb this kind of brainless little girl......"

The Hulk is even more speechless, you want to be ashamed of Thor, you want to marry Iron Man, then why are you killing me?

How did I recruit you to provoke you?

Another girl asked, "What about Spider-Man?"

One boy said, "Spider-Man is just a nobody. "

At this time, the girl named Liz who was sitting in the middle said: "I saw it, he beat away 4 robbers on video, he is a hero!"

The blonde girl who spoke first said, "Oh my God, you like Spider-Man." "

"It's disgusting, no one has ever seen what he looks like, maybe he's 30 years old.

At this time, Ned's mind was hot, and he rushed up and said, "Parker knows Spider-Man. "

At this time, another boy walked up and said, "Yes, Parker knows Spider-Man, and I am still dating Black Widow?"


This time, even Black Widow couldn't help coughing.

Why don't these little kids have a door?

Sooner or later, you will have to be beaten.

Professor X stared at all this blankly, and said, "Is this the power of idolization? Obviously, to ordinary people, you are similar to mutants, but they don't reject you, and they still like you......"

At this time, he finally felt that mutants were idolized, or really a good strategy.

Or, we can really do it!

Dr. Banner said depressedly, "Do you like that? These little kids still want to kill me......



At this time, the narrator sounded again: "On weekdays, Parker has this strange trouble because of his identity as Spider-Man. "

"But these are not big deals, the first great enemy he will face, the vulture, is what bothers him the most. "

Because the vulture is the father of the girl named Liz whom he likes. "

The screen switches again.

The city of New York is in shambles, littered with the corpses of the Kitarians and the wreckage of their downed aircraft.

A group of workers are picking up the mess.

And at this time, a white-haired woman came over and said, "According to Executive Order 396B, all post-war clean-up work is under our jurisdiction. "

"Thank you for your service, leave it to us here. "

The foreman who took the lead, named Toombs, said: "I signed an agreement with the municipal FU to clean up these rubbles, so ......"

The white-haired woman who took the lead said, "But now that we're taking over the cleanup, please hand over all the alien objects you've collected, or I'll sue you." "

Tumus's face changed, and he chased after the woman, cautiously, even pleadingly, and said, "Ma'am, that's right. I bought these trucks specifically for this cleanup, and I hired so many people. "

"All my belongings are on this contract, and if I lose this job, I will lose all the house......"

"I still have a family to raise ......"

The woman said coldly, "I'm sorry, sir, there's nothing I can do. "

The narrator sounds: "Toombs lost his job, owed a large amount of money, and decided to take risks in order to support his family, in order to pay the loans. "

He began to collect and secretly collect alien wreckage, and then converted the alien wreckage into weapons and sold them to those who needed them. "

The previous joy vanished in an instant.

Captain Mi couldn't help but shake his head and said, "Damn, if you don't agree, you shouldn't let people sign this contract." "

"Now that you've broken the contract, shouldn't you say anything?"

In his opinion, Toombs only embarked on this path when he was cornered.

Those who are in the municipal FU should be held accountable for this.

Iron Man said indignantly: "It only takes such a simple thing to force a man who works hard for his family into a criminal. "

"Damn, these politicians don't do anything. "

And the next moment he was slapped in the face.

in the picture.

One man said to Toomus, "The next time you have to do something like this, you should be a little self-aware." "

Tumbs punched him angrily.

The people around him immediately drew their guns and pointed them at him.

"Put down the gun. The white-haired woman said to Tumus, "If you have any grievances, you can complain to my superiors. "

Tumus had to say, "Who is your superior?"

The screen switches again.

The news is broadcasting: "A disaster loss control center composed of Stark Group and the government FU department, responsible for dealing with all alien remnants and event ......"

Iron Man in front of the screen instantly turned pale.

Did I do it?

I made this man a criminal.

Damn, how did it come to this?

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