Iron Man lived in a cabin by the lake and said,”Morgan Stark, do you want to have lunch?”

A little girl wearing an Iron Man mask came out of the cabin next to her.

Iron Man took off the little girl’s mask. Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Ant-Man’s daughter was cute enough before, but Iron Man’s daughter is not much inferior to her. Human cubs are so cute!

Iron Man teased his daughter a few words, hugged her and called her to eat. At this time, he saw Captain America, Black Widow and Ant-Man. They drove to find Iron Man. Seeing this, Ant-Man himself was stunned.

I went to the quantum realm. Dr. Pym and the others were dead outside. How did I get out? The screen switches again.

Ant-Man said to Iron Man:”During the Thanos incident, I was in the quantum realm. To enter it, I needed to shrink to a very small size…….”

“The most important thing is that five years have passed outside, but I didn’t stay there long, just five hours…….”

“I can’t explain it clearly. After all, I’m not a scientist. I just have a master’s degree in electrical engineering…….”

“Anyway, my feeling is that the time mechanism in the quantum realm is different, and it is extremely confusing, but we cannot control it. If we can control it, we can go back to the past and find the infinite stones…….”

After listening to Ant-Man’s description, Iron Man said,”You mean, quantum fluctuations broke the Planck scale, and then triggered the Derrickson effect. Is that what you mean?” in front of the screen.

Hearing these words, Iron Man frowned, and he remembered what the Raiders said about Ant-Man being the key to defeating Thanos. Could it be that Ant-Man is right, but if what he said is correct, then we can travel through time?

He instinctively felt that it was impossible!

However, he suddenly thought of the Time Management Bureau that Loki said. If the Time Management Bureau exists, it means that time can be controlled and traveling through time is possible!

Ant-Man is right!

We can indeed manipulate time!

The other big guys on the science side were all brightened up. Kesha said:”There may be some terms in your world that are different from ours. Can you explain it a little bit?”

Iron Man said:”Originally, I thought it might be impossible. But from now on, this is the only possibility to defeat Thanos, and the existence of the Time Administration also proves its feasibility!”

Then he began to explain.

Even if there are deviations in each parallel universe, the big guys on the technology side understand it.

After hearing this, Dr. Manhattan felt enlightened and said:”Tony Stark, you are the real genius.”……I’m really just an ordinary person.”

After he finished speaking, everyone was surprised to find that the world he was in had changed, and he was no longer on Mars. He appeared on a battlefield, which was exactly the battlefield.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. He did it, and they only heard Iron Man said it once, but he actually did it? He traveled through time and returned to a war that he participated in, and it was also the only war.

What kind of power is this?

–You call this an ordinary person?

Dr. Manhattan still said:”Compared with super geniuses like you, I am really an ordinary person.”

“I just received a strong capacity unexpectedly.

Master Gu Yi said,”What are you going to do?” Do you want to interfere with the past? In this case……”

As soon as the Ancient One Master spoke, everyone remembered that the Supreme Master controlled the Time Stone, and their time magic could already control time.

Long before Ant-Man said these words, and possibly even before the Time Administration was established, they used magic to accomplish this miraculous thing!

Dr. Manhattan said: I understand what you mean, Master! But I am physically different from you. I can interfere with my past self, but it will not disturb the timeline……

At this point, most of the audience felt that their brains were starting to hurt.

Then Dr. Manhattan, who appeared on the previous battlefield, disappeared. He deleted the timeline of his participation in this war.

People still know about Dr. Manhattan’s existence, but Dr. Manhattan doesn’t interfere too much with the outside world.

Then everything changed. The overall direction of this world is almost the same as that of the Marvel Universe and DC Universe. Doctor Manhattan smiled. He smiled for the first time:”I saw the future. Sure enough, if I didn’t exist, my life would be the same.” If we intervene, the world will not develop like that”

“Human beings still have a little bit of sanity.”

The audience was dumbfounded.

Misaka Mikoto said in shock:”You can manipulate the timeline in this way and play with the whole world in a moment of applause.”

“Are you still an ordinary person?

Dr. Manhattan nodded:”Yes, I am just an ordinary person with great power.””

“Those with that kind of power are the real gods….”

After that, he appeared on Mars again, and there was another Doctor Manhattan on Mars.

That Dr. Manhattan has just been affected by Su Bai’s chaotic mind and is shaping the statue randomly! Dr. Manhattan wants to observe what kind of force affects him in this way.

But he failed. Even though he is now independent of the timeline, he is still affected by the chaotic mind.

Dr. Manhattan, who had just crossed the timeline, created another weird statue under the influence of his chaotic mind.

The statue seemed to be a human figure, but it had four hands, its head was just one tentacle, and there were multiple tentacles on its body!

Moreover, the image is not fixed and is changing rapidly, just like chaos. The audience just felt like their brains were going to explode.

690What the hell is this?

What Dr. Manhattan did is completely incomprehensible! I don’t want to think about it anymore. I don’t want to think about it anymore.…………

Dr. Manhattan, who regained consciousness, looked at the two statues and sighed:”This is the real miracle!”

“I still can’t understand what that confusion is and where it comes from”

“A higher dimensional place than the universe?”

“Only this possibility will prevent me from observing it at all”

“This kind of power is the real god!”

Listen, are you saying this?

The audience no longer thinks about the state of Dr. Manhattan. Just thinking about it makes their heads start to hurt!

Kesha sighed:”The Doctor is really an unimaginable existence. Time travel I still need some time to analyze”

“But Stark’s theoretical model of time is right. So, Iron Man is awesome!”

The screen continues.

Iron Man thought Ant-Man was talking nonsense, but after Captain America and the others left, he still started to do research on his own.

And the model he built was successful for the first time.

Iron Man in front of the same screen, built The same model…..With this model, time travel becomes possible.

It seems possible to regain the Infinity Stones and save the lives of half the people in the universe.

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