Tohsaka Rin was angry. As long as normal people saw this scene, no one would be angry.

Kerrigan was even more filled with hatred because she was once regarded as experimental material.

She said:”This guy deserves to die.”

She couldn’t help but tighten the handle of the gun. If she met such a person in her own world, she would definitely shoot her head off.

She is not a superhero who does not kill anyone. She is the future Queen of Blades, a ghost of the Federation, and now an elite agent of the”Sons of Korhal”. in the screen.

The man was still talking:”Don’t worry, these materials were purchased from outside Fuyuki City and will not cause any trouble at all…….”

The hooded female magician said:”For this level of magic crystals, sacrificing human life is what third-rate magicians do.”

Then she gently touched her hand in the center of the altar, and a large number of magic crystals appeared immediately.

Na, the man was shocked:”Why can you extract the magic crystal out of thin air? There is nothing here!”

The hooded female magician said:”There is nothing. To you modern magicians, it is indeed nothing. Can’t even see it”

“After all, there is still a stage, oh, no, a dimensional gap between your magic power generation technology and mine.”

The audience all saw it. It was obvious that the female magician did not like this behavior.

The man was shocked and said:”What about the spell chanting? In order to shorten the chanting time in the workshop, I worked hard to design the refined chant…..It takes three days to complete.”

The hooded female magician said:”I don’t need to chant at all.”

“To me, magic is just a command”

“So you’d better stop using this workshop. Using life to generate magic power is the next best thing.”

This kind of face-riding output made the man intolerable. He sneered and said:”Indeed, for me, I really don’t understand this kind of servant.

Then he raised his hand, showing the Command Spell on his hand, and said:”In the name of the Command Spell, I give an order not to use your Noble Phantasm on me.””

Then he stepped forward and punched the hooded witch to the ground, and then started fighting with fists and kicks!

Tohsaka Rin in front of the screen murmured:”It turns out that she is a good person, so why did she plant a soul-eating weapon in the school? Barrier, she is obviously resisting this kind of thing!”

The scene switched.

It was still the same refinery workshop, but everything was destroyed, and there were corpses of staff everywhere. The man looked at the hooded magician and said,”What on earth is going on?”

The hooded magician said:”I’m sorry, I have already destroyed everything here on my own initiative.”

“If you refine your position, I can take you to a more suitable place.

The man said:”A more suitable place?””

The hooded magician said:”The place where the Great Holy Grail sleeps is a natural fortress that is difficult for servants to approach. However, I can do it.”

“From now on, if you can listen to my orders well, I will take you there…..”

The man sneered and stretched out his hand and said

“That’s not okay, Medea, in the name of the command spell, commit suicide, Caster.”

Upon hearing the name, Wonder Woman opened her mouth wide:”Is she Medea? Daughter of King Aeetes of Colchis?”

“this sad woman……”

In her opinion, Medea’s life is a tragic life.

She was controlled by the goddess Aphrodite and fell in love with Jason desperately. younger brother!

For this reason, he betrayed his country, helped Jason obtain the Golden Fleece, and even cruelly killed his own brother. However, he was abandoned by Jason when he was old.

Unable to accept this result, Medea killed Jason’s new love, Jason, and his two children…….

She was used by the goddess, used by Jason, and was used by others all her life. The love she pursued was in vain in the end.

After such a person dies, he becomes a heroic spirit, and is enslaved and used by these ignorant people. Life and death are not under her control, which makes her feel a trace of anger in her heart.

Doctor Strange is right, the Holy Grail is really not a good thing!

Not only Wonder Woman knows Medea’s name, but everyone else also knows it.

Everyone couldn’t help but sigh when they saw that she was going to be summoned in a confused way and then die in a confused way.

Who would have thought that after this person who was named a witch reappeared in the world, she would actually do a just thing and die for a just thing?

But what no one thought was……Medea is not dead!

Even if her master wanted to kill her with a command spell, she would not die. in the screen.

Medea’s Master panicked, and he used the last life spell:”Suicide, Medea.”

Medea laughed crazily:”What a stupid Master, what is my Noble Phantasm?” , have you forgotten?”

At this time, her master came back to his senses:”The talisman that breaks the commandments of all things? But I have already banned you from using the noble phantom.”

Medea said:”Yes, it’s okay for you. There is no way to use it, so I used it on myself, and I cut off the contract with you.”

The master said in disbelief:”It’s impossible, this is suicide for you, without the master to provide you with magic power, You can’t even save your own body, you will die soon…”

Medea said:”You are right, but so what?”

Then the master turned into a raging fire. coke.

Thor slapped the table, took a bottle of beer, drank it in one gulp and said,”Well done, this is the courage of a legendary figure. How could he be manipulated by such a small person?””

“I really didn’t expect that this legendary witch is much more amazing than the legendary one…….”

“That’s right, she has never been one to swallow her anger. As long as this Master had a good understanding of mythology, he wouldn’t despise her so much!”

But the God of Thunder had just finished speaking.

Medea in the picture was kneeling on the ground, looking very uncomfortable. Then the door opened and the spearman Cu Chulainn walked in.

Then the picture switched again.

Medea was covered in blood. Lying injured in the woods, the rain was falling crazily.

She laughed wildly:”The end is still like this! Being expelled at will, being used by others, and being despised as a traitor……”

She stretched out her hand and grabbed the sky:”I obviously just want to return to my hometown…….”

Seeing this scene, Tohsaka Rin couldn’t help but feel a sore nose:”I think unlike the legend, she is a nice person, or there is a possibility for us to cooperate!”

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