Sokovia is seen in the video.

Ultron fitted the whole of Sokovia with thrusters, to send Sokovia into the sky, and then let it fall.

Create a doomsday rush.

Naturally, countless people died tragically in the war.

Then the screen changes again.

Black Widow rides a motorcycle in pursuit of Hydra Crossbones.

In desperation, he crossed his bones and threw a powerful bomb.

Scarlet Witch uses her powers to control the bomb and wants to send it into the sky.

But she didn't have enough control, and the bomb exploded in the air, killing many people in the nearby building.

Seeing this scene, the Scarlet Witch turned pale and her hands and feet were cold.

In her opinion, these people were killed by themselves.

Her eyes were a little helpless, and then Iron Man said to him, "It's not your fault, it's the fault of the man who threw the bomb." "

Scarlet Witch turned her head, ignoring him at all.

She remembered how her parents had been killed by a bomb.

So should this situation be Iron Man's fault, or the fault of the person who threw the bomb?

Scarlet Witch is confused, she doesn't know!

Quicksilver put his arm around her shoulders and said, "Don't worry, I'm here!" I will always be with you, and I will never have such a thing happen if I accompany you." "

"I was able to throw the bomb into the sea before it exploded. "

The footage continues with an old black woman confronting Iron Man in front of an elevator.

"My child, during the summer vacation, he decided to volunteer to help others, and he went to Sokovia!"

"He's a good boy, he shouldn't have died like this!"

At this moment, whether it is Iron Man in the video or the audience Iron Man, he can't say a word!

The narrator continues: "While in Sokovia, the Avengers' battle with Ultron took a heavy toll on them. "

"While chasing the remnants of the Hydra, the Scarlet Witch's mistake also caused many people to die tragically. "

"This caused great dissatisfaction among the people and the big beautiful national government. "

So the government decided to establish the Superhero Act to bring superheroes under the jurisdiction of the government. "

Captain Mi is adamantly against this. "

"Because he doesn't believe in the big beautiful politics, he doesn't believe in the bureaucracy of the big beautiful country. "

However, because of the large number of casualties caused by Iron Man in Sokovia, he felt that bringing in a third party would make their actions legal, grounded, and constrained, and minimize the danger. "

And this sentence immediately caused a heated discussion among everyone.

Captain Mi looked at Iron Man and said, "Tony, what do you think?"

Iron Man looked at Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver on the side, remembering what happened to the two, he was silent for a while, and said, "Isn't this good? This can minimize casualties ......"

Captain Mi Guo shook his head directly and said, "So you want to leave the decision to someone else, so that if something happens, you can clear up the relationship?"

Iron Man was a little angry: "I didn't think so. I'm just trying to keep the casualties as low as possible. "

Captain America still shook his head and said, "Let the government FU make a decision, it will definitely reduce casualties?

"I've heard Fury say that when fighting an alien invasion, they threw a nuclear bomb directly at New York. "

"And what if the power to wield the Superhero Act is in the hands of someone like Hydra?"

"What if there is a crisis between a politician and an elementary school, and the politician chooses to let you save the politician?"

"What if there is a crisis in a rich area and a slum, and the government chooses to let you go to the rich area, regardless of the slums?"

Nick Fury lay down and didn't want to say a word in his depression.

Hydra or something, I've cleaned it up!

Iron Man said, "Then find a reliable person to supervise it." "

And that's when Dr. Banner said, "If it's in the hands of the government, there's no reliable people, and I don't trust them." "

The Hulk didn't trust the military and the government of the Great Beautiful Country at all.

With a third person joining, everyone is about to quarrel.

At this time, the narrator sounded again: "To fight against a great enemy like Thanos, the inside bar is absolutely impossible." "

"The difference between the Captain and Iron Man's philosophy is. "

"Iron Man is the mind of a scientist, he is more rational, and he believes that joining third-party surveillance can reduce casualties. "

This is also because when he faced the reproach of the victims' families, he could not bear the condemnation in his heart and chose to hand over the decision. "

"And the captain of the rice country does not believe in the big beautiful national politics, does not believe in the bureaucratic system, he believes in the individual, believes in himself. "

"He is willing to make his own decisions, to bear the consequences, to accept the condemnation himself, and he stands for the justice in his heart. "

"If you want to say wrong, no one is wrong. "

If you want to talk about Su Bai himself, he must be more inclined to captain Mi Guo.

He also thinks that superheroes need to be regulated, but he doesn't believe in the politics of the beautiful country at all.

Don't talk about him, in fact, Iron Man doesn't believe in the big beautiful national politics FU.

Otherwise, he would not have hidden his armor technology, and he was always unwilling to sell it to Zhengfu.

Because he knows that if he hands it over to the government, it will be turned into a weapon of war.

The narrator continues: "But Iron Man probably forgot that when the politicians of the Great Beautiful Country made a choice, their choice was biased in favor of the politicians of the Great Beautiful Country rather than the ordinary people. "

"Politicians can't be trusted. "

But these clashes of ideas can be reconciled, and the biggest conflict lies with Bucky Barnes. "

Su Bai's big job is coming.

A blurry surveillance footage is displayed on the screen.

A man riding a motorcycle crashed into a car, he just slapped the car with his hand and broke down, and he used his motorcycle to win the car, and there was no one else!

The cyclist then killed two of the car's members.

Seeing this picture, Nick Fury chuckled in his heart, finished bird!

And Iron Man was even more red-eyed and trembling, because he had seen this intersection and seen it countless times.

The narrator continues: "It was Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, who killed the Howards. "

Hearing this, Iron Man exploded instantly, and he didn't care about anything at all.

"Bucky, where is he?" he said with all his might and in a calm mood.

Captain Mi Guo was stupid, he couldn't speak.

He had no idea that it was Bucky who had killed the Howards.

Iron Man's blood-red eyes looked at Captain Mi Guo: "You know, don't you? You know where he is, don't you? Tell me where he is?"

Captain Mi Guo hurriedly explained: "Tony, don't be impulsive. Bucky has been transformed, and his mind has been controlled......"

"I don't care!" Iron Man roared, "Tell me where he is!"

Looking at the silence of the captain of the United States, he gritted his teeth and said, "I will find him, is he in S.H.I.E.L.D."

The nanobot on his chest had begun to spread rapidly, turning into armor to cover itself.

He doesn't care about watching the video anymore, he wants to find Bucky, kill Bucky, and avenge his parents.

The narrator sounds: "Bucky fell off a cliff during the battle with Hydra. "

"He was transformed into a super soldier by Hydra, controlled his mind, and killed countless people over the years......"

In the picture, Bucky has undergone countless inhumane transformations!

But just seeing this, Iron Man is indifferent!

He had only one thought in his head, kill Bucky, kill Bucky in the most brutal way!

And just then, he saw the frightened Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver on the side.

His head thumped again!.

He finally remembered that his weapon had killed their parents, so they had come to him for revenge.

Bucky was turned into a weapon and killed my parents, and I want to seek revenge on Bucky, isn't that the same as them?

I just said that it wasn't the fault of the Scarlet Witch that those people died, it was the fault of the people who threw the bombs!

I just said that I was going to kill Bucky!?

I shouldn't blame Bucky, I should find the murderer behind it......

Yes, intellectually......

But emotionally he couldn't accept it at all!

The conflict between emotion and reason almost drained the strength of his whole body and made him miserable!

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