The surface of the planet far away in the sky crumbled like an eggshell, stirring up countless smoke and dust.

Electricity flashed on the surface of the planet, and the entire planet was reduced to countless pieces.

Seeing this scene, Iron Man clenched his fists.


How does this work?

He threw a planet at me?

Both Doctor Strange and Spider-Man clenched their fists, did we die under such an attack?

Soon, countless meteorites smashed to the ground as if they had passed through space, and mushroom clouds soared into the sky, shrouding the world in countless dust!

The ecology of the planet, the continental shelf has been changed!

In this apocalyptic scenario, Dr. Strange is amazed to see his future self standing in front of Thanos.

Doctor Strange made a mistake with his hands, and two magic arrays appeared in his hands, and then two thick magical lightning bolts shot towards Thanos.

Thanos directly punched and shattered this magic beam!

Then, he clenched his fist hard, and a small black vortex appeared on the side of his fist.

Everything around was distorted by the black swirl.

Keisha was shocked again: "This is a black hole? He actually created a miniature black hole." "

This is a terrifying celestial body that not even light can escape.

It is the most feared natural disaster in the entire universe.

If the black hole really takes shape, even she can't resist it.

But in the face of such a terrifying attack, a huge magic array appeared in Doctor Strange's hand again.

That miniature black hole turned into a butterfly in an instant, flying around.

Thanos himself was stunned!

Dr. Strange, who was watching the video, was stupefied again, is this me?

Am I so awesome in the future?

The audience was also shocked!

Wonder Woman shook her head and said, "Magical spell!"

Superman also shook his head: "I don't want to fight with spells in the future." "

Keisha exclaimed, "What is this? It actually directly modifies the structure of the black hole, and what kind of force does it take?"

"This is the Ancient Body of Hoggs, a spell. "

Kaisha raised her eyebrows: "Spells, Master Ancient One, this is really amazing, I don't know, after watching the video, would you like to communicate with me about the technical aspects!"

Whether it's called magic or technology, in her opinion, it's a way to harness energy!

It's just spells, she doesn't know anything about them, and Keisha is still very interested in what she doesn't understand.

"Yes, but our magic is actually using the energy in the dimensional space. "

"I'm not sure if your world has dimensions. "

A look of yearning appeared on the Scarlet Witch's face, "Can I learn this spell?"

The Ancient One looked at the Scarlet Witch and wanted to see her future, but it turned out to be chaos!

If this is really the Scarlet Witch, maybe I can really teach her a lesson.

Or it can defuse the crisis of this world.

In the eyes of knowledgeable insiders, the title of Scarlet Witch represents disaster!

The picture continues!

Iron Man and Doctor Strange were beaten by Thanos until they had no power to fight back.

And the desperate counterattack between him and Doctor Strange only cut a small hole in Thanos's face.

Thanos said lightly: "You did your best to make me shed a drop of blood?"

Iron Man in front of the video really has a desperate mood in his heart.

But suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, as if he had found a blind spot.

He said, "He used the Infinity Stones to be so strong, and if he didn't have the Infinity Stones, he wouldn't be so strong." "

Su Bai's narration was as good as hearing his question: "Thanos is so strong by using the Infinity Stones." "

"But being able to fully exploit the abilities of the Infinity Stones is what makes him so powerful. "

A red-skinned woman is depicted.

Collectors on one side. Star-Lord is introducing them to the Infinity Stones.

In the Collector's Profile, a projection also appears, showing the Celestials destroying a planet with the power of the Infinity Stones.

The red woman impulsively took the Infinity Stone in her hand.

The collector was stunned: "What are you going to do?"

The red woman said viciously to the collector, "I don't want to be your slave again." "

But the next moment, her body cracked, and countless energy jumps, turning her into flying ashes, and the gem in her hand fell to the ground.

Su Bai's narration sounded again: "There are many people who have received Infinity Stones in the history of the earth. "

"The Ancient One, God-King Odin, Hydra, Loki, Nick Fury...... But the only one who can really bring the power of the Infinity Stones to this place is Thanos alone. "

Iron Man seemed to remember some blind spot and said, "By the way, Fury, the Cosmic Cube is the Space Gem! "

The screen switches again.

The Scarlet Witch is crying and attacking the Mind Gem on Vision's head.

Finally, Vision's forehead shattered, and so did the Mind Gem on his forehead.

That's when Thanos came over.

The blow knocked the Scarlet Witch flying, and a green aura appeared on his hand.

Time began to turn back, Vision's forehead returned to its original state, and he actually came back to life.

Thanos walked over and lifted Vision up, crushing his forehead and placing the Mind Stone on his glove.

Iron Man opened his mouth wide and couldn't say a word.

How the hell is this fighting?

Destroy the Infinity Stones, and he can restore them!.

At this time, Batman said, "He manipulated time to turn back and resurrected Vision to take the Mind Gem from his head." "

"I guess it's very likely that he harnessed the power of the Time Stone. "

"If you can find the Time Gem and destroy it first, then you should be able to stop his plan. "

Iron Man was able to guess that Vision was a vision, and Batman naturally guessed as well.

The greatest detective of mankind, the most powerful master of strategy, immediately gave his advice.

Iron Man raised his hand, pounded his palm with his fist, and said with great joy: "You're right. "

At this time, Gu Yi spoke again: "The Time Gem is in my hands. "

"But I can't let you ruin it. "

Iron Man was anxious and angry: "Isn't half of the life in the universe comparable to an Infinity Stone?"

Gu Yi shook his head and said, "Outside of the real world, there are countless dimensional spaces in this universe. "

"There are countless powerful demon gods in the dimensionless space, and there are many demon gods who have always wanted to invade the earth. "

"We mages have been fending off these demon gods invading reality, and the Time Gem is the most powerful weapon in our hands. "

"If the Time Stone is destroyed, the Earth will be destroyed by the demon gods of these dimensional spaces. "

"And they're going to use this reality as a base and erode into other realities. "

"This consequence is not necessarily less severe than Thanos' destruction of half of the life in the universe. "

I'm going to you!

How to choose this?

How do you choose this?

Gu Yi said repeatedly: "You have to believe that the Supreme Mage has the ability to protect the Time Stone. "

Then she looked at Strange and said, "He will become the greatest Supreme Mage in the future, stronger than me, he will definitely be able to protect the Time Stone." "

Iron Man was anxious, and shouted directly: "Then why can Thanos still win six Infinity Stones and successfully destroy half of the life in the universe?"

The Ancient One was silent, because she couldn't answer it either.

With the Time Gem, she can see the future, but the future is always chaotic.

It's like how shocked she was when she learned from the Hulk that Doctor Strange had offered to give the Time Stone to Thanos.

And then the narration starts again.

"The force is incomparably powerful, and it is powerful in all directions. "

"He has countless powerful generals, countless warships, conquered countless civilizations, and destroyed countless worlds. "

"But he's not invincible. "

By this time, Su Bai had finally begun to make a summary strategy.

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