Super Dimension Technology Era

Chapter 334 Abnormal Celestial Object

The biochemical experiments on Mars are in full swing, and Huang Fan and others are desperately launching attacks one after another at the gate of immortality.

at the same time.

In order to strengthen the security of the solar system, the Supreme Will has formulated a series of plans.

At the Lagrange points L1, L2, L3, and L4 of the Blue Star and the Sun, the four asteroids dragged here are stationary on the Blue Star and the Sun.

At this time, a group of Kunpeng-class space transport ships and Tianzhou-class spacecraft were busy on the four asteroids.

Among them, the Blue Sun Lagrange Point L2 satellite city is located in the 1.5 million-kilometer orbit of Blue Star. It always faces the asteroid belt and is the hub of the Blue Moon System and the middle circle of the solar system.

The new humans divided the solar system into administrative regions, with Blue Star, Venus, Mercury and the Sun belonging to the inner circle; Mars, the asteroid belt, Jupiter and Saturn belonging to the middle circle; Uranus, Neptune and the Kuiper belt belonging to the outer circle.

Therefore, building a satellite city at the blue-solar Lagrange point L2, which is always relatively stationary, can reduce the window period.

The name of this satellite city is Lanri II Satellite City. The asteroid placed here is a composite of 7 asteroids, with a natural diameter of 8,700 to 9,000 meters.

The city chairman of Satellite City, Hayashi Jiro, is a naturalized person whose original name is Kobayashi Jiro.

On the composite asteroid, nanorobots are spreading everywhere. Some useful elements have been extracted, and elements of little use are used to build the basic structure of the satellite city.

Three nanorobot comprehensive processing plants are at full capacity producing standard cabins, some standard cabin prefabricated modules and the core skeleton of the satellite city.

As soon as these things were produced, they were used to build satellite cities.

"Chairman Lin, the core components of the gravitational wave detection radar and the neutrino detection radar have arrived." Assistant Guan Fuqiang handed over a arrival list.

Linjiro took it, turned it over, and signed to receive it.

"Fu Qiang, please implement the gravitational wave and neutrino detection stations as soon as possible."

"Okay, does Chairman Lin have any other instructions?"

"By the way, a batch of detection satellites will be launched from the moon to various places starting from January 28th. Please inform the transportation bureau to control the surrounding waterways to avoid unnecessary accidents."

"I got it."

Installing large-scale gravitational wave and neutrino detectors, as well as neutrino communication stations, are all to ensure that new humans completely control the solar system.

In particular, neutrino communication and neutrino detection, which are not easily interfered, have become standard equipment for new humans everywhere.

After all, high-energy rays, solar wind and the like are normal in the universe, and electromagnetic wave communications are too easily interfered with.

It is natural to comprehensively promote neutrino communication. Anyway, neutrino communication technology is now mature and is called 7G communication technology.

Simply ignoring the obstruction of most celestial bodies and being less susceptible to interference from magnetic fields, solar winds, and high-energy rays is enough to make neutrino communication the mainstream method of cosmic communication for the new human race.

As for quantum communication, without solving the problem of the inability to carry information due to the quantum over-distance effect, quantum communication is still a fantasy.

Lunar Circum-Equatorial Mass Projector, Guanghangong City on the far side of the moon - the third projection station.

After entering the projection window period, 12 satellites weighing 500 tons were continuously projected directly into the orbit of Saturn.

Since the satellites do not need to carry people and are designed to withstand loads, these satellites are instantly accelerated to 800 kilometers per second.

During this period, the three projection stations on the back of the moon have successively projected a large number of satellites to the middle and outer circles of the solar system.

There are neutrino detection satellites, gravitational wave detection satellites and Phoenix fourth-generation satellites.

These satellites will gradually build a comprehensive solar system monitoring system to ensure that new humans can control the situation everywhere in the solar system in a timely manner.

The enemies of the future will definitely come from outside the solar system.

6.2 billion kilometers away from the Blue Star, a gravitational wave neutrino combination satellite is flying towards the edge of the outer solar system.

This satellite, numbered "Exploration 0016", set off from the Lunar Ring Equatorial Mass Projector 91 days ago, continuously broke through the inner circle and the middle circle, and just passed the orbit of Pluto two days ago.

Its mission is to dock in the Kuiper Belt, an orbit 9 billion kilometers from the sun.

At this time, the satellite is actively emitting a stream of neutrinos while flying, scanning an area with a radius of 1 billion kilometers along the way, and filling this data into a detailed star map of the outer solar system.

The biological computers and electronic computers carried on the satellite are analyzing data at the speed of tens of billions of floating point operations per second.

In addition, some gravitational wave signals are received.

The sensitivity and accuracy of the new humanity's passive gravitational wave detectors are several orders of magnitude greater than those of the AD era. As the most common gravitational wave signal in the universe, it is washing out the detectors all the time.

Suddenly, a series of abnormal gravitational wave signals were received by the detector. After receiving these signals, the satellite's artificial intelligence system conducted a comprehensive analysis.

As the satellite continued to fly forward, it received increasingly dense abnormal gravitational signals, as if it had entered the gravitational control range of another large celestial body.

According to the emergency plan, the artificial intelligence reported the matter to Blue Star and actively launched neutrino streams and gravitational waves forward, hoping to obtain relevant feedback.

Six hours later.

Lunar Space Communications Center.

[Received feedback from the "Exploration 0016" satellite, priority 7.4...]

What? Priority 7.4? The correspondent in charge of this satellite stared, and then parsed out the data packet fed back.

Abnormal gravitational wave signal? Suspected of a large celestial body? He immediately reported the matter to Yu Ren, the person in charge of the communication center.

Yu Ren hurried over, accompanied by three astrophysicists and astronomers.

"Lao Xia, look at the data." Yu Ren quickly gave up his position to the three experts.

Xia Yulai, a researcher at the Purple Mountain Institute of Astronomy, glanced at the data and felt very strange.

"Teacher, this gravitational wave signal seems to be a dwarf planet with a diameter of 2,200 kilometers." The young man on the side said.

Xia Yulai nodded: "From the comprehensive data, it is a celestial body with a diameter of about 2,200 kilometers."

The young man raised another question: "Huh? Why is it located on the 37 billion-kilometer orbit?"

Such a large dwarf planet has not been observed yet. Young people know the astronomical conditions within 100 billion kilometers around the solar system very well.

Especially after the new era, new humans have become more and more accurate in observing the universe and have more and more observation methods.

He quickly called up the astronomical database and entered the relevant parameters.

[No corresponding celestial body exists...]

"What's going on?" He looked it up again in disbelief, but the result was that no celestial body existed.

Xia Yulai waved his hand: "No need to inquire, it is an unknown celestial body."

"But there's something wrong! We can observe celestial bodies with a diameter of more than 1 kilometer in the vicinity of 90 billion kilometers. It is impossible for such a huge dwarf planet..." the young man said with a puzzled look.

"Who told you it was a dwarf planet?"

"Uh..." The young man was speechless.

Too young, Xia Yulai knew that he, a student, had theories but insufficient experience.

He patted the young man on the shoulder: "I may already know what this celestial body is, but we need to wait for further confirmation of the data before we go to the celestial simulation laboratory."

Then Xia Yulai turned around and said to Yu Ren: "Director Yu, please send the follow-up data to my laboratory."

"no problem."

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