Super Dimension Technology Era

Chapter 345 The long-lost weight

Mars, Phobos satellite city.

The First Squadron of the Mars Fleet, which had been roaming the asteroid belt for more than a month, finally returned to Mars.

At this time, the Phobos satellite city is no longer the big potato shape it was before.

The diameter is directly expanded to 92.7 kilometers, just like a mechanical planet. The metallic texture of industry and the cold mechanical feel of cyberpunk make people praise science.

At the fleet's dedicated spaceport, Luo Feng, dressed in a space combat uniform, floated down the traffic pipe and headed into the satellite city with the help of nanorobots.

The Phobos satellite city includes an inner city, an outer city, and an auxiliary city. The four spaceports are one of the auxiliary cities.

Fang Shengliang, who was stationed in the Phobos satellite city, quickly floated over when he saw Luo Feng and others in the reception hall of the port.

"Commander Luo, welcome back to Hong Kong." Fang Shengliang saluted and smiled.

Luo Feng shook his head and patted his shoulder: "You guys really want me to come back!"

"Ha ha!"

The group of people floated over to the station of the Mars Fleet, and Fang Shengliang reported on some recent internal affairs and the situation in the universe.

"Reaper civilization, bugs..." Luo Feng felt a little heavy.

Fang Shengliang also said in a low voice: "As we enter the era of the big universe, things like this may become more and more frequent."

Huh? Luo Feng felt something was wrong with his body. As an elite warrior, he had minute control over his body, and he would be aware of every little change inside and outside his body.

He felt the gravity on his body gradually increasing.

Looking at Luo Feng with a weird look on his face, Fang Shengliang smiled and said, "Do you feel like your body has become heavier?"

Luo Feng reacted immediately and blurted out: "Artificial gravity?"

"Exactly." Fang Shengdian nodded, and then explained: "The Scientific Committee sent people to install it half a month ago, and it was only officially put into use three days ago."

They were in the outer city at this time, and the gravity was only 1 to 10%. If they didn't pay special attention, it wouldn't be too obvious.

After floating for a while, they came to the junction of the outer city and the inner city. The passage gate to the inner city was displaying [Pseudo-gravity area 10% to 50%, please pay attention to the gravity effect. ]

"Let's go! Let you feel the strong embrace of Mother Blue Star." Fang Shengliang stretched his hand towards the gate.

Luo Feng passed the gate without hesitation, followed closely by Xiao Bing, Zhou Yuan and others.

After entering the gate, there is not a direct passage, but an elevator.

Ding dong!

The elevator door opened automatically, and a display screen appeared on the exit gate [Pseudo-gravity area 50% to 100%, please pay attention to the gravity effect. ]

At this time, Luo Feng and others finally felt the obvious change in gravity.

"The 50% to 100% pseudo-gravity zone is a layer set up in the black hole gravity furnace. The thickness is 10 kilometers. The thickness of the bottom kilometer is exactly the same as that of the Blue Star." Fang Shengliang explained.

"I can't wait to feel Blue Star's mother's strong embrace." After Luo Feng finished speaking, he walked downstairs.

This is the inner city, which is divided into 10 floors according to the gravity level. Underneath the inner city is the core area of ​​the black hole gravity furnace.

The station headquarters of the Mars Fleet was on the 8th floor of the inner city. Luo Feng did not go back to the headquarters first, but went straight to the 1st floor of the inner city.

Stepping into the first floor area, Luo Feng was shocked for the first time.

The scenery that greeted their eyes was not the cold metallic texture that they found boring, but the lush rural countryside.

The core radius of the black hole gravity furnace is 3.5 kilometers, and the 1G gravity limit is around 3.9 kilometers.

The first-level army in the inner city is built on a radius of 3.9 kilometers, with a surface area of ​​200 square kilometers.

Robots and engineers are designing the interior layout. Sanatoriums, dormitories, parks and simulated ecological circles are all on the first floor.

The dormitories and sanatoriums have been completed, and only a large number of animals and plants are needed to enter. Most of the natural environment that Luo Feng sees now is actually holographic projection.

Only a slice of tomato, watermelon and cucumber are real plants.

Fang Shengliang took a deep breath, turned his head and said to Luo Feng: "The life science group's nursery cabin is already breeding plants and insects, and the cloning cabin is also cloning some animals. Soon the place will be full of life."

Luo Feng, who was lying on the ground, looked at the ceiling. Above was a "sun" with blue sky and white clouds moving around.

The "sun" is a special light bulb that imitates sunlight. The light intensity and light wave frequency band emitted by the light bulb are almost the same as those of the real sun.

The blue sky and white clouds are naturally virtual images created by holographic simulation. The ceiling is about 800 meters from the ground, and is equipped with functions such as air flow, temperature, humidity, rainfall and snowfall.

A breeze blew Luo Feng's face. He closed his eyes and felt this wonderful environment. It was completely different from the cramped and oppressive spaceship. He seemed to be returning to the Blue Star.

Humanity's innate attachment to Blue Star made Luo Feng and others immersed in this moment, cheering with all their hearts.

Many warriors even had the urge to burst into tears. They had been wandering in the universe for more than a year. Although there were biological computers and cell robots regulating their bodies, many warriors' minds were full of depression and exhaustion.

Gravity and the natural environment are still an indispensable part of human civilization. Living in outer space for a long time is very prone to depression and mental illness.

Luo Feng and others seemed to have been baptized by nature, and their mental outlook felt completely renewed.

Fang Shengliang smiled and said nothing. He felt the same way before.

More than two hours later.

Luo Fengcai reluctantly took the elevator and returned to the headquarters on the 8th floor, looking through the important documents that had been backlogged for more than a month.

Huh? Restart the energy siphon device research and development plan?

"Shengliang, isn't the research on energy siphon devices banned? Why has it been restarted again?"

Fang Shengliang on the side explained: "The Scientific Committee seems to have developed a solution to vacuum decay, so it has restarted the research on the energy siphon device."

"Really?" Luo Feng also asked casually, and then he turned his attention to the situation of black hole bombs and other weapons.

Browsing through internal documents, Luo Feng clarified the current level of warfare among the new humans.

It should be stronger than ordinary low-level civilizations, possessing black hole bombs, neutrino star bombs, high-energy laser cannons, large electromagnetic guns, and degenerate materials.

However, communication technology and faster-than-light flight technology are still a huge limitation. It is not easy for new humans to break away from the ranks of bugs and join the ranks of reapers.

It’s just that the recent waves of crises have made the new human society a little upset.

Luo Feng put down the document with a headache and felt the 0.6G gravity inside the 8th floor.

Suddenly Fang Shengliang stood up: "Commander Luo, let's go eat!"

Luo Feng was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

The two of them walked together and came to the second floor where gravity was 0.90~0.95. At this time, many engineers, soldiers, and researchers working on Phobos were eating in the restaurant here.

The gravity here is almost the same as that of Blue Star, and you can also eat like Blue Star.

Luo Feng and others directly ordered a spicy hot pot, a table of mutton rolls, steak, vegetables and enoki mushrooms, and a bottle of dark beer.

This long-lost way of eating, everyone happily ate.

Thank you dear friends, thank you book friends "Tigerhill" and "Yu Ming Taoist" for your rewards (ω`)

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